Yachay: in quechua language, the superior consciousness we arrive at through love and work.
yage – according to the UDV: ‘ . . . a vehicle of mental concentration, it is harmless to both physical and mental health.’ According to Israel Milagros Sacha: ‘Yage reveals the origin of all things and their reason of being, and it is the umbilical cord that joins the human beings with their mythical past. It is what frees the soul from its human constraints allowing it to travel freely to know worlds thousands of times more fantastic and ecstatic than from daily world living.’ 2) that which makes the primordial accessible to humanity. 3) ‘a definition I like is that it makes you aware of infinite distance, as well as a never-suspected closeness at the same time.’ –Sunny Sunami 4) “At the beginning earth was obscurity. Men already existed, but they lacked intelligence. They took yagé and parted in a half. For the women it gave menstruation, for the men the piece grew up and up to the sky. Little by little the shadows took on shape and form and the silhouettes got details. In the sky, they saw yagé entering an immense flower. It got fecundated and transformed into the sun. And from there came the people of the sun with their distinct music played on flutes and drums. Each melody transformed into a distinct colour. When they arrived to the earth they gave it colour, and when the world was illuminated, played the symphony of colour and the music awakened the comprehension of people, creating intelligence and language. This is why yage is used: with it the world is seen as it is, and intelligence expands making everything clear and harmonious with the spirit of the cure”. – mythic narrative belonging to the Quechua speaker Kamsa and Inga people of southern Colombia – Beny Shanon
yage culture – is essentially a frequency, the perspective and state of a higher vibrational state of consciousness.
yagecero – “There are two ways to become a Yajecero (Shaman of Yaje). The first is through the blood because when one has indigenous blood it is easier because one acquires powers that come from the ancients. The other way is for those people that have the desire and the good heart to learn. There are also people with bad heart who learn so they can be sorcerers but these people aren’t really of the same blood and they can never learn the same as an Indigenous who has ancient blood. One teaches all with good faith knowing that it can be a lot of work and that the people can turn in the end if they become ambitious and want to take advantage of others. There are those that like to read books of Black Magic and even make pacts with demons but this is not natural knowledge. We don’t learn from books.”- Don Manuel, a shaman of the Valley of Sibundoy (Putamayo, Colombia)
yemanja – boss lady of the cemetary – Luistah Tafta
yex –
yoga – 1) the process of ending the definitions of the field of consciousness – Patanjali. 2) “Yoga is the investigation of the human consciousness, it is the observation of the nature within us. That’s why it’s a science.” – Sivea Rea 3) Yoga is a superhuman principle working for a superhuman purpose, through a superhuman medium. We cease to be ordinary persons before this masterly science. When we enter the field of this knowledge of the ultimate science of the mystery of life, we do not enter it as a man or a woman; we do not enter it as a human being at all. We enter it as a principle. We know that there is a great difference between a person and a principle. We are always fond of persons and not principles because we cannot see principles; we see only persons and things. But persons and things do not exist, to tell the truth. It is principles that exist. It is a law that exists. It is an order of things which ultimately is the constituting factor of even things. – Swami Krishnananda
yoga of equilibrium– Note the tendency of psychedelic people to become too loose in their energy, as they enter so profoundly into the yin of yielding to expansion of consciousness. Need to balance that with a tightening, a focus, a channeling of energy. This could be thru holding exercises, the structure of an artistic medium, the coalescing power of community. A yoga of equilibrium. Can relate this as well to the vine of history, to the upwelling (flowering) of vitality and the conserving (seeding and fruiting) forces that follow it- mb
yoga of intelligence – a very sensory process, in which you begin to experience the usual thinking mind as as sort of body that is a bit tense and underdeveloped from dealing with the contractions, judgements, fears, and so on of egoic-life. As in any yoga, to focus on the mental body and breath into it helps to articulate, open and reshape it to cohere with another order of energy, or in this case intelligence. Actually, distinct differences between information, energy, and intelligence are all blurred into the experience that various the garbled texts of life can now be translated, opening up arenas of communication that invariably lead to socially interaction with ‘the other side’, and with it the revelation of an agenda of work that needs to get done. Hence, you get a new ‘job’. – mb 2) the acts, methods, and training to become open to, accommodate, and assimilate, increasingly high levels of paradox. – mb
Yakshini – is a species of supernatural entity, in some ways similar to a fairy. A Yaksha is male, a Yakshini female. In the Uddamareshvara Tantra, 36 of these beings are described, together with their mantras and ritual prescriptions. By soliciting their aid various powers are said to accrue to the devotee. Yakshas and Yakshinis are attendants or servitors of Lord Kubera, who has all the earth’s treasure within his domain. A similar list is given in the Tantraraja Tantra. There it is said that they are givers of whatever is desired, each having 2 arms, fair bodies, wearing fine clothing of different hue, young and wanton, adorned with garlands of flowers, smeared with ointment. Alternative mantras from this tantra are formed as follows: Hrim Shrim Nityadrave Mada …. (name of Yakshini) Shrim Hri – internet
yakoana – dust from the resin of the virola elongata tree used by Yanomami Shamans in ceremony to enable them to perceive the breath of the planet, the song of the earth.
yoik – ‘Nilas Porsanger, a small, sprightly 83-year-old wearing a flat cap and large square-rimmed glasses, kneels in front of a campfire. Sound comes out of him in a keening burr, as he rocks forward slightly; he appears to fan the flames with his breath. His ‘song’ comprises a short syllabic phrase, repeated but never quite the same. Other voices slowly join in, more it seems in cheery discord than perfect harmony, each tracing the melody to their own subtle rhythm, together producing a hypnotic modulating effect. This is the yoik – the song of the Sami, the aboriginal people of arctic Scandinavia – and the oldest extant music tradition in Europe, dating back more than 2,000 years. . . A yoik is not a song but a resonant melodic phrase, sung unaccompanied and repeated through various iterations with no fixed beginning or end. Traditionally utilized to induce a trance state in Sami shamans, it is a music essentially animist in nature. Yoiks are not sung about something but considered a rhythmic signifier of the actual thing itself, be it a place, an event, a family member, associate or an animal, especially reindeer. According to Sami practice, a yoik is not composed but received through adjagas (hypnogogic states). After a yoik is first invoked, it shimmers into eternity, hanging in the air like a memory, waiting to be recalled.’ – Sunday January 21, 2007; Observer Music Monthly
Yumi – in ‘Achuar’ Indian: meaning celestial water, that climatic element which in the form of regular precipitation and high atmospheric humidity, combines with sunlight to promote the continual vegetative growth in the forest. . . . ah, fertility .