Knew Words ~ O


octave theory – ‘ He (Kirk, in ‘The Secret Commonwealth’) also makes some comments upon the nature of light, and a higher order or octave of light connected to seership.  This octave theory is a perennial concept, with parallels in a number of magical and philosophical texts from ancient Egypt, Plato and the Neoplatonic writers, and Kabbalistic and Renaissance Hermetic philosophers. We may also find it in a number of sources such as John Dee’s Hieroglyphic Monad and other writings, and in the Preface and Centuries of Nostradamus, neither of which has, at first glance, any overt connection with collective or racial or folklore traditions, though the connections are present upon a deeper level than that of literary derivation. Octave theories are undergoing a considerable revival at the present time in the new wave of holistic approaches to science. –

ODD  Many talk show hosts think I’m kidding when I mention oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). After I assure them that ODD is in fact an official mental illness — an increasingly popular diagnosis for children and teenagers — they often guess that ODD is simply a new term for juvenile delinquency. But that is not the case. Young people diagnosed with ODD, by definition, are doing nothing illegal (illegal behaviors are a symptom of another mental illness called conduct disorder). In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) created oppositional defiant disorder, defining it as “a pattern of negativistic, hostile and defiant behavior.” The official symptoms of ODD include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules” and “often argues with adults.” While ODD-diagnosed young people are obnoxious with adults they don’t respect, these kids can be a delight with adults they do respect; yet many of them are medicated with psychotropic drugs. –Bruce Levine

ojas – Ojas is a Sanskrit word which literally means “vigor”. According to the principles of Ayurveda, it is the essential energy of the body which can be equated with the “fluid of life”. Those who practice Ayurveda say that Ojas is the sap of one’s life energy which, when sufficient, is equated with immunity and, when deficient, results in weakness, fatigue and ultimately disease. Soma, a drink used for religious purposes, is supposed to be related in some way. – Wikipedia

Old Language ~ Long ago, men, animals, spirits and plants all communicated in the same way. Then something happened. After that, humans had to talk to each other in human speech. But we retained the Old Language for dreams, and for communicating with spirits, animals and plants. This Old Language view, affirming for humanity that direct communication with nature is a skill that may be forgotten but never disappears, was shared as well by the more isolated Natives of California, nearly half a contintent away: the Wintus claim that Wintu is actually their second language–their first is the old one shared by babies and coyotes and shamans who speak with spirits. –

omnivore’s paradox –  The paradox is that the biologically rooted character of omnivorousness implies autonomy, freedom, and adaptability.  The omnivore can thrive on a multitude of different foodstuffs and diets.  However, unlike specialized eaters, the omnivore can not get all the nutrients it needs from one food, so there is a need for some minimum variety.  Therefore it has to be ‘careful, mistrustful, conservative, in its eating:  any new, unknown food is a potential danger’.  This leads to the ‘omnivore’s anxiety’.  Thus the ambivalence between ‘neophilia’ and ‘neophobia’ is then postulated as a powerful force behind the many diverse systems of culinary rules developed in human cultures.

oneiric – of or pertaining to dreams. Yage can create a  . .  richer oneiric production:  dreams are more intense, more vivid and frequent.

ontogeny – the course of development of an individual organism.  The ontogenic source . . .  

ontology –  the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of being and existence.  A systematic account of existence

ontological chauvinism –  When the following does not happen:  ‘In this cosmic (animistic)  society, where all mortal beings are ontological ‘equals’, humans and animals are bound by pacts of reciprocity’ – Arhem, Kaj;  ’96

ontological estrangement –

ontological predation – the similarities between Amazonian cultures and the hunting populations of the North American Subarctic and elsewhere are remarkable (Descola 1996), indicating that ontological predation as a regime for the constitution of collective identity (to say nothing of sharpening individuation processes) is a widespread ideology.

open contact ~ Your planet has an infinite number of variations of its future and there are certain ones that are more common or more probable.   This timeline of earth has made agreements to . .  if going thru ascension protocol, to dissolve borders, after open contact, and dissolve structure of money, dissolve technology that pollutes and use free energy ~ this occurring over 100s of year. .  this occurring in the context of love-based energies increasing in the areas of politics and religion,  as love frequency is spread more, and this is our job, to find more ways, our own way to  anchor the love and to spread it to shine it. .  the more this happens the more this information can be held, stabilized, we are all responsible for the love we hold, that we emit. .. .  when there is high enough frequency in communities to have open contact with ET that begins next phases.   This not ‘fixed’ as we are vascillating back and forth all the time. .  if certain experiences on this planet don’t change there is the possibility of continuing to postpone the open contact. ~ Dante’s Pleiadians

open sharing – different from trying to impress.  The will to impress is a seduction.

opium – Thomas De Quincey, the popular author of the 1821 autobiography “Confessions of an English Opium-Eater,” describes it well: “The pleasure given by wine is always rapidly mounting…after which as rapidly it declines; that from opium, when once generated, is stationary for eight to ten hours: the first, to borrow a technical distinction from medicine, is a case of acute, the second of chronic, pleasure; the one is a flickering flame, the other a steady and equable glow. But the main distinction lies in this—that whereas wine disorders the mental faculties, opium, on the contrary (if taken in a proper manner), introduces amongst them the most exquisite order, legislation, and harmony.”

optic – ‘This paper explores some environmental and development discourses through the optic of neo-popular developmentalism.

oral tradition – Oral traditions are spoken and sung, themselves acts of great personal power, in which you strive to embody the teachings, and therefore BECOME the teachings. – mb

Organicism – the organismic view, holds that the universe itself is a whole–a fundamental nondivisible unity–or that the wholes familiar to us that make up the universe or organic life are themselves basic. Organicism is contrary to  mechanism but not contradictory to it, for one can consistently believe in wholes as basic, as well as physical beings. One aspect of organicism is to see a fundamental unity in all things; to see beneath all diversity an unchanging (Parmenides) unity, a unity in nature of which we are a part, and an interrelatedness of all things (Taoists); and to see existing a spiritual causality whereby what we are now is a consequence of our moral behavior in a previous life (Hindu doctrine of Karma). Another aspect is to see wholes as somehow different from their constituent elements, as a work of art may be viewed as a Gestalt, clearly more than its separate figures and pigments; as for Hegel, the state is an organic whole, of which individuals are only a particularization; and as for Bertalanffy, organisms are wholes obeying irreducible system laws. Specifically in biology, organicists believe that areas of knowledge and research exist (such as theories of evolution or embryology) where mechanism is not a fruitful view, and the analytic (breaking into parts) methods of the natural sciences are not applicable. It is argued that life is hierarchically organized such that processes found at higher levels are not understandable in terms of knowledge about lower levels; the laws of one level do not explain the organic processes higher up, and organisms are therefore wholes with their own laws. One argument general to the variety of organismic philosophers (and scientists like Bertalariffy regarding general systems theory and Koffka regarding Gestalt psychology) is that in some way the whole, however defined, is greater than the sum of its parts. . . . the organicist can assert that water is more than the sum of hydrogen and oxygen, since from the laws governing these elements and specifics about their combination, we cannot deduce the properties of water.  . .  However defined, the whole-part-sum argument is central to both the organicist (the whole is greater … ) and mechanists or atomists (the whole is equal … ) positions. That there are wholes greater than the sum of their parts and that wholes must be studied and understood as wholes is a belief underlying many contemporary scientific-philosophical schools and, specifically, the argument between methodological holists and methodological individualists in the social sciences. – RJ Rummel

organisming – note the tribalizing effect of altered states of consciousness, in that barriers are down and a natural organisming process asserts itself. – mb

organize –  1. (Biol.) To furnish with organs; to give an organic structure to; to endow with capacity for the functions of life; as, an organized being; organized matter. the starting point for synergy. . . 

organization – An organization is the ongoing evolution of a web of conversations through which it embodies its present and evolves its future. It is in this web of conversations that knowledge is continually being created and shared. – Juanita Brown/David Isacc

organizing principles –   

organolepti– Relating to perception by a sensory organ.   Involving the use of sense organs: organoleptic tests.   [French organoleptique: Greek organo-, organo- + Greek lptikos, receptive (from lptos, taken, seized) (from lambanein, to take).]   Making an impression upon an organ; plastic; — said of the effect or impression produced by any substance on the organs of touch, taste, or smell, and also on the organism as a whole.

origin stories – tales of never-ending events.  These arise as dreams of the earth, as paths of creation.  They are native to the world of spirit, are enstoried as myth, as the Dreamtime which architects, visions, and speaks the surface world into existence.

Original intimacy – Georges Bataille spoke about this in an interesting way: he hypothesized that all religion concerns a memory trace of a time in which the human was separate from nature–from the animal, let’s say. And if you believe in evolution, this is just literally true. There was a time when we were apes of some sort. It’s at the moment of consciousness that this separation occurs. Suddenly it’s no longer a question of the animal experience and what Bataille calls the ‘original intimacy.’ We are now taken out of the matrix and plunged into cognition. Religion in this view begins immediately after this moment, because *religio* means to relink, to link up again. What we’re trying to do with all these religious and philosophical forms is to try to link up with the original intimacy, which we lost when we began to experience cognition. – Peter Lamborn Wilson

original blessing – that we are life becoming conscious of itself, that we are sometimes mistaken, to the point of being possessed, but never flawed.  That we are inherently, hardwired for altruism.  You see this is very young children.  Concern for well-being of others is something we are born with.  And we become human by helping and working with others. . .

Orphic Mysteries – The oldest of the Greek Mysteries was apparently the Orphic tradition. The Orphic Mysteries may represent the first introduction of northern European shamanism into Mediterranean Greek culture. It is not at all clear whether Orpheus was an actual man, but many of the characteristics attributed to him are also associated with the shaman. He is said to have descended to the underworld to retrieve a soul. He is said to have come from Thrace, in the north. He is said to tame wild animals with his music, and he sings his cosmology into existence. Finally, he is torn to pieces by Bacchae, who, in an ecstatic frenzy, decapitates him and throw his head into a river. This story appears to represent shamanic death. It does not include Orpheus’ own shamanic rebirth, but the Orphic cosmology story does in several respects. The principle Orphic deity, Dionysos is killed, dismembered, boiled, and eaten by the Titans. But Dionysos is then reborn due to Athena having saved his heart and given it to Zeus. Dionysos is thus actually ‘thrice born,’ as the Orphic’s first god, Phanes, who emerged from the Orphic egg wound with the spiral serpent, was also named Dionysos – Jim Fournier

Osadhi – The Sanskrit word for the plant osadhi means literally a receptacle or mind, dhi, in which there is burning transformation, osa. In the Vedas this can mean not only plants but all entities in creation – Lad and Frawley 2) Osadhi means ‘she who is the bearer of balm and comfort’ and is also a poetic name for the morning star . –

othering – Regarding the issue of gender and the economic organization of society:  my reading of the ecofeminist approach is that by paying attention to how both women and nature have been mutually constructed as other in need of taming and using we see how oppression works at the system or structural level. Gendering itself is a process similar to othering in how it creates social identities which are dualistic and unequal. Social change must occur both at the individual and the structural level to be meaningful. – Melissa Hippard

overgrow – ‘Overgrow the Government. Inherent in that beautiful phrase are so many ideals and glories of a co-operative, peaceful society. Plant the seeds of freedom. Not overthrow, which speaks of violent conflict, but overgrow, using God’s greatest plant and the enlightenment that comes from ingesting marijuana, to further a peaceful, democratic, revolution based on tolerance and love and unity of all peoples. Plants, not violence. Reason, not murderous incarceration. Personal freedom, not Nazi-like paramilitary violence/’ – marc emery