Knew Words ~ R


Radiance Effect ~ [or Maharishi Effect]. It was discovered by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. They asked him about it, so he said he had ten particles. Each one has the emission of a certain amount of energy. If they work on the same frequency it will not be 1+1+1, it will be exponential. It’s the same with meditation in his case. He said, if there are 10 of us, it will not affect 10 people, it will be like a thousand people, because this group effect is in everything, in nature. So there is this famous one percent thing. If you have a saline solution and you add one percent of a crystal to it, the whole solution will turn into crystal. So there is that effect of one percent that is significant. If there are 200 of us in one place, in synchrony with someone who is charismatic, then it will not be 200 people. It will be much more. If this 200 is one percent of a group, the potential effect will be a 100 times more people – 20,000. So it’s proven, even scientifically, that organized groups – they are praying, meditating, whatever – there is always some change of consciousness in the surrounding area. I mean crime rates have dropped, you know, stuff like that. Accident rates dropped. It’s rudimentary research, but it’s there and it’s obvious. So I think if you gather at the same time more people together in the name of something, it affects the collective consciousness much more. There’s no doubt about it. It’s scientifically proven. Even in nature you have these examples of one percent with crystals, with everything. I could tell you a lot of examples like that in nature – biological, chemical. ~ Drago Plecko

R.A.M. – Reality Active Medicines. 2) . . . they seemed to affect the actual psychophysiology of perception in such a way that one would see everything that was there, as ordinarily, and in addition much more: vibrating fields of subtle energies, or associated thought-forms and patterns that related to one’s personal history, or our relationships with other beings, human and non-human in the world around us. – Ralph Metzner

rainbow conversion – ‘. . . the herbal event was just what i needed.  A return to the roots of my rainbow conversion May 5th.  I felt I had come home after all this intensity, in the bosom of sweat lodges, plant people, fairies, dancing, and community circles.’  – mb

rainbow corridor – The idea of the rainbow corridor has undoubtedly been floating through the akashic records for millennia, but it started germinating in the collective heartmind of the Costa Rican rainbow family during or after the 2002 international rainbow gathering in the cloud forest near Monte Verde.   A true ‘demonstration nation’ Costa Rica has offered the world an example of natural conservation by creating protected parks and animal corridors in over 10 percent of the country. Within the designation of these protected land is a growing effort to establish wildlife corridors to allow unrestricted migration of various animals, such as the ‘path of the tapir’, which aims to create a interconnected path along the southern pacific zone of Costa Rica. While the creation of protected areas is admirable, caution must be advised to preserve harmonious, rural Costa Rican (Tico) lifestyles as well.   The vision of the rainbow corridor is to utilize modern-indigenous, permaculture principles to create sustainable corridors of land that preserve wildlife AND promote regenerative culture. Rather than creating a pure wilderness experiences to introduce survival skills, the vision of the rainbow corridor is to demonstrate and practice true symbiotic human/earth ‘thrival’ skills. Through skillful propagation of hardy indigenous edible plants, the creation of food forests, the designation of purely wild lands, the utilization of low impact and free energy sources, and the design of a full spectrum of conscious living environments, the rainbow corridor will offer opportunities for local farmers and modern evolutionaries to relearn to come into unity as a people and maintain harmony with the bioregional animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.  Creating regenerative culture is inclusive rather than exclusive. Rather than displacing local culture, the Rainbow Corridor aims to embrace it. . . – Art of Union

Rainbow family – ROOTS: The Rainbow Family of Living Light (aka Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes, etc.) didn’t really begin at any specific time, and has never really existed as a formal organization. In many ways, it is a fundamental human expression, the tendency of people to gather together in a natural place and express themselves in ways that come naturally to them, to live and let live, to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. In the U.S. in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, a kind of critical mass of consciousness developed. Beyond the media hype of ‘fading movement’, those who were serious in the hippie and anti-war movements were learning what political life was really about, and, most importantly, were learning basic economics and to take care of their own. After some hard lessons at the many mega-events of the time, many were becoming skilled at coping with the care and feeding of tens of thousands of people at a time, and organized themselves into tribes dedicated to that purpose. A diverse and decentralized social fabric began to weave itself from threads of hippie culture, back-to-the-landers, American Indian spiritual teachings, pacifist-anarchist traditions, eastern mysticism, and the legacy of depression era hobo street wisdom. Although this fabric included visionaries, gurus, and people with strong organizing skills, it has not produced a leader/follower decision-making process or hierarchy. Instead, all decision making power is held in a main council, open to all, with all individuals holding equal power, and all decisions made only by unanimous consensus. Although it is frequently a difficult process, it has stood the test of time, and has served the whole quite well. This process makes it essentially impossible for authorities, power-trippers, or hostile elements to intimidate or manipulate individuals to the detriment of the group. –

random tyrannies –  ‘In random tyrannies, beings may be selected for oppression in arbitrary and random ways. – val plumwood.  

rasa – Indonesian. Rasa means both feeling and meaning, i.e., feeling in the traditional sense of taste, touch, and emotion, and meaning in the sense of to know the meaning of something. (Felt body intelligence).  Meaning here includes the sense of abstract knowledge, knowledge of ultimate meaning. Geertz discusses rasa in the following terms:  ‘Because fundamentally ‘feeling’ and ‘meaning’ are one, and therefore the ultimate religious experience taken subjectively is also the ultimate religious truth taken objectively, an empirical analysis of inward perception yields at the same time a metaphysical analysis of objective reality’ [1960:239-240]. This is a statement about parallels between the inner life of the individual and the larger social and cosmic domains of which it is a part. To know order through rasa is to feel and to know it both within the self and in terms of one’s place in, and unity with, the whole.  – Lyon, 1990;  ‘Concept of Order . . . ‘ pg. 251

Rasha –

rational mind – ‘The rational mind should be the receiver, interpreter, and transmitter of the higher self, which communicates telepathically and creates miraculously. The more ‘educated’ we have become, the more we have mistakenly taken our rational mind to be our higher mind, resulting in the diminishing of our higher faculties.’ –  Vita lobelle  2)  rationality has been viewed as superior because it is a most effective way of manipulating the environment to serve human ends. 3) On Marie-Antonettes death . . ‘But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded….”–Edmund Burke, October 1793

raven –  a bird that flies between the two worlds.

re-dimension – The abreactive qualities of the healing rites of the Daimista cure is also analyzed by Maria Cristina Pelaez (1990:16), who suggests that:  ‘ . . . the hymns, re-dimensioned thru the hallucinogenic experience, transform into a tangible reinforcement of the message which they themselves transmit.  In these moments they not only transmit messages of, ‘harmony, order, firmness’, but are also perceived by the participants as being themselves ‘harmony, order, firmness’.  –In: Groisman, A., and A.B. Sell;  1996  ‘Healing Power’:  Cultural-Neurophenomenological Therapy of Santo Daime.

real world –  ‘When are you going to get back to the real world?,’ my father would ask, while I increasingly gave myself over to literature and playing in the grass.  What he meant was the world of car payments and factory jobs and money for packaged foods, medical insurance and all the other means for what he wanted me to have: ‘a good life.’  – Jesse Wolf Hardin 2) the real world is the surface appearance, the dualistic guise, of the underlying ‘actual world’ – mb

reality –  1) to many people ~~ a constant process of interpretation. . . results from the selective perception that filters/distorts thru the particular story-based, image-based identity you are attached to. This then becomes one’s life drama ~ after E. Tolle  2)  In 1978 science fiction author Philip K. Dick defined reality as that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

reality adjusting – You can change any situation by changing your previous attitudes and expectations.   Refocusing your attention and consciously selecting your thoughts to reinformce the outcome you desire will alter the frequency you transmit, inevitably opening the door to another probable outcome.  Reality adjusting, or using your frequency by way of intent, is the weave of the future.   Overcoming your fears and moving thru challenging events will build tremendous confidence and stamina;  and in a sense the more challenging the drama, the greater the possible gain and payoff in self-empowerment.  Achievements and accomplishments accumulate and permeate layers of reality with a collective momentum and purpose, creating a multidimensional chessboard where the peices, players, and even the board itself all have a certain volition.  Embracing the understanding  that everything in existence is based on frequency is one of humanities collective goals for living in these times.  – The Pleiadians

reality gridlock –   ‘I thought this must be what it is like if you could perceive all the radio, television, and satellite waves that permeate our atmosphere simultaneously, a paradox of reality gridlock and infinite change.’ – mb

reality police – The artist’s task is to create doors in the wall of the Reality Police so that invisible magic can pour forth into the world again. = Caroline Casey

rebirth – . Reproduction without the consciousness of creativity is an animal act. Reproduction with conscious creativity is rebirth. – Rudi

recipes for redemption ~ ‘served up with elaborate fanfare by those who have seized the opportunity inherent in the spiritual thirst of others.- Oneness

reciprocity –  giving is receiving. . .

recursive – Def.:   of, relating to, or constituting a procedure that can repeat itself indefinitely.  ‘The abundant evidence that exists of an essentially recursiveinteraction between life and its environment is fatal to the old conventional wisdom of a completely separate evolution of the earth and life’.  – Lovelock, J.,  ‘Gaia, the Thesis, the Mechanisms, and the Implications’, p. 38. 

redeath – what eventually follows rebirth

reductionism –  is partly a defense mechanism by which scientists cope with systems too complex to understand in their entirety. Too often, however, reductionist science leads to an unspoken agreement among scientists to ignore the most interesting aspects of the phenomena they study. Should ‘top down’ approaches be rejected as non-scientific because of an outmoded definition of what constitutes science?  – Marcia Bjornerud  2)  the view that everything in the world is really something else – and that something else is coldly impersonal – ernest gellner

refractory – hard or impossible to manage;  stubbornly disobedient.  Resisting ordinary treatment.  Difficult to reduce, fuse, or work, as in a metal or ore.  ‘Yoshis(individual life essences) are consciously and deliberately constructed in an elliptical and multi-referential fashion so as to mirror the refractory nature of the beings who are their object’.

refulgent –  Dict.: Casting a bright light; radiant; brilliant; resplendent; shining; splendid; as, refulgent beams. ‘So conspicuous and refulgent a truth. –Boyle. radiating or as if radiating light; ‘the beaming sun’; ‘the effulgent daffodils’; ‘a radiant sunrise’; ‘a refulgent sunset’ [syn: beaming, beamy, effulgent, radiant]

regenerative systems –  ‘The growth myth has another serious flaw. Since 1950, the world’s economic output has increased 5 to 7 times. That growth has already increased the human burden on the planet’s regenerative systems – its soils, air, water, fisheries, and forestry systems – beyond what the planet can sustain. Continuing to press for economic growth beyond the planet’s sustainable limits does two things. It accelerates the rate of breakdown of the earth’s regenerative systems-as we see so dramatically demonstrated in the case of many ocean fisheries – and it intensifies the competition between rich and poor for the resource base that remains.’ – David Korten 2)  life support systems

regulatory capture~  where special interests co-op policy makers or political bodies, regulatory agencies in particular , to further their own ends. .  this related to ‘captured agencies phenomena’, where regulatory industries become captured by the industries they are supposed to regulate.  In extreme examples, they become more radically  protective of the industry than the industry itself.  In the U.S. govt., to degrees, the CDC, NIH, and FDA are examples.

reify – To convert an abstraction or mental construction into a supposed real thing;  to attribute substantiality to.  One then might reify  transcultural categories (such as shamanism) at the expense of history, culture, and social context.  ‘Lewis fears excessive terminology rigidity (to definitions of shamanism, mediumship) and the confusion and distortion which exhaustive reification promotes.’ ‘As Lastour argues (1994), the reification of nature and society as antithetical ontological domains results from as process of epistemological purification which disguise the fact that modern science has never been able to practice to meet the standards of the dualist paradigm.  Since at least the beginnings of modern physics, science has constantly produced hybrid artifacts and phenomena in which material effects and social conventions have been inextricably mixed.  Awareness of the artificiality of the dualist paradigm has, of course, been encouraged by the increasing artificiality of the scientific process itself.’  – Descola, P.  ‘97;  Society and Nature, Intro.

reincarnational friction – an astrological condition . . .

relationships ~~ successful, tend to be about sharing creativity in a way that connects to the Divine – Miten 2) “Here is a huge paradox: relationships are the university of life, but at the same time, relationships are where human beings lose most of their precious time.” – Sri Prem Baba

relational indigeneity –  the generative forces of the land, which many indigenous people credit with originating their own traditions.  In this way the land teaches lifeways in resonance with the healthy functioning of ambient ecosystems.

religion –  1)  ‘culture – by way of which we label religion – orders the universe, thereby eliminating (or at least walling off) chaos, meaninglessness, and human helplessness.’  – Klass, pg. 3.  2)  ‘The decline of religion may not make people bad, but it does deny them one way of organizing the good.’  Anderson – ‘Ecologies of the Heart’3)  ‘the bureaucracy of a spiritual lineage.  Travelers create maps from their travels in sacred domains (spirituality).  Then bureaucracies spring up over control and interpretation of that map (religions)’  – Stephan Buhner   4)  Religion is misunderstood mythology – Joseph Campbell  5) at times, a vehicle to incite violence and hatred.  6) Religions need a wide variety of social functions – to be integrated into all aspects of people’s lives – in order to survive –  Steve Bruce  7)  ‘All organized religions are relics of old revitalization movements, surviving in routinized forms in stabilized cultures, and religious phenomena per se originated in the revitalization process – i.e., in visions of a new way of life by individuals under extreme stress” –  Wallace 8) cultural artifacts built on top of universal human traits –David Brook (NYT) 9) “However, if taken with the right attitude and in the proper setting, psychoactive drugs may produce religious experiences. Let me, however, print a further warning label on the bottle: it is far less clear that they can produce religious lives. A religion made up solely of heightened religious experiences would not be a religion at all. After his great awakening, the Buddha continued to meditate and to devote himself to others; otherwise his vision would have receded into a pleasant memory. The major religious traditions address the mysteries (with or without entheogens), but they have other business to do: widen understanding, give meaning, provide solace, promote loving-kindness, and connect human beings to human beings” – Huston Smith 10) Religion is the investigation of what someone said 100s or 1000s of years ago, while spirituality is the invsdtigation of what is happening right here, right now. – Adyashanti 11) Religion is a legal term, with social connotations – Jack Silver

religion (horizonatal) – those created by the human mind, as opposed to being directly birthed from Source. e.g. “What is real and what is a projection? Are you worshipping what is real or an image? This has nothing to do with material images; it is about images within you that are related to your parents. If you are free from these internal images and are in communion with the Supreme, you see God in everything. You may even see beauty in a form of worship that was created by the human mind and is revered in horizontal religions. If you have gone beyond the lenses of projection, you can use any form of worship to get you to be in communion with the Supreme, since the Divine is in everything. This is how you free yourself from the need to oppose life.” – Prem Baba

rendering – For Grotowski, by the 1980s (after eliminating the spectators) only the search for the Performer remained(!)  The experiences of the performers were evoked by and channeled through rigorous psychophysical exercises, a method of work called ‘rendering‘ – a term linked to ‘designer sketches’ or ‘working drawings’, but also the process of distilling an object to its essence.  Called ‘objective drama’ performances.

renewal –  begins with upheaval

renunciation – In the spiritual sense, to give up ways of living that impede the emerge of ever more conscious awareness. At its root, its the renunciation of the need to think, thought itself is renounced. However thought is addictive, the mother of all addictions . . . 2) Renunciation is putting God in first place. This is one way of saying, ‘Free me from all that I think is mine,’ which in essence means, ‘Let me renounce the idea of “mine.” ‘ As long as you uphold the idea of ‘mine,’ you will be supporting the idea of ‘I,’ and you will remain in control. Therefore there is a determining ego saying: ‘May MY will be done, at the exact time I want it and in the way I want it done.’ This is a phenomenon that happens at some point during the life of a seeker: he is taken over by the spirit of renunciation. And when this happens, he can have an empire, he can have a family and children saying ‘it’s my father,’ ‘my mother’… But when he really renounces, he doesn’t worry about these circumstances, for a true renouncer is completely free. The seeker becomes completely taken over by the divine will: ‘Make me your instrument. This body is yours, may thy will be done.’ ” – Sri Prem Baba

repetition –  ‘Repetition is the only way to approach the supernatural in things, because we are playing with time, which is very linear. The only way of getting out of this reality, this everyday time, is through repetition, making it elastic, making it a very sacred space. – jorge reyes in i/e Magazine

respect – ‘Such respect is not a feeling or an attitude only. It’s a way of life. Such respect means that we never stop realizing and never neglect to carry out our obligation to ourselves and our environment.’ – Rolling Thunder  2) Human respect for plants is evidenced when a ‘toxic’ plant is treated as sacred rather than harmful.  Only when such a plant is approached with ritual and  respect can it become a powerful medicine.  Otherwise it can kill, or bring one into harmful addictions, as is apparent with the desacralized use of coca, opium, and tobacco.  Even the more benign teacher plants will not teach those who do not show respect. – mb  3) To respect means literally “to look again.” Sometimes it is necessary to take a deeper look. It is easier for me to respect a child when I remember that each child has great potential, which is nurtured and fostered by the respect of adults. Respect means not giving unsolicited advice. Patience is a form of respect; it’s giving time and space to those who are doing me the honor of communicating with me. If it is difficult to speak to someone with respect, it might help to practice focusing upon what you admire or appreciate about this person. – Marshall Rosenburg

respirit – deepen your connection to spirit – Connie Grauds      

resonance of pattern – ‘We have already indicated that in the interpretation of dhawnh, it is the resonance of pattern between offerings and situation from which analogies are drawn which is the basis of the creation of order and thus meaning.’

responsibility  ~  The more responsibility you are willing to claim for being the creator of your life, the greater the truths you will be able to accept and deal with.   Responsibility opens the doors to complete self-empowerment.  ~  Pleiaidans

return path ~Native cultures have always recognized that just as the four seasons complete one circle around the sun called a year, so, too, do the seasons of our life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age) make up the circle of our life. A circle expands, and when it contracts the Return Path begins. It is in the nature of time cycles that as the Return Path draws to a close, a compression of events from the entire cycle arises for review (like the evolutionary stages of a species that are incorporated in embryonic development, or a person’s whole life flashing before them just prior to death, etc.) And this is why, now, at the twilight of the current world Age, ancient wisdom and archetypes of wholeness from the past, and from indigenous cultures which have preserved such knowledge, are arising into our collective consciousness. The purpose of this phenomenon is always to reincorporate that which has been lost or forgotten from the “first time” in order to fuel the final thrust of history’s Return Path, through the recurrent crisis of the “last time” to the next evolutionary level. Remember, every ending precedes a new beginning. The Return Path is cyclical—a legacy of past wisdom preserved down the generations by the Hopi and other ancient peoples. Such a Path takes us toward wholeness and healing and a world that works for everyone. It is a Path of Heart—and the heart, of course, synthesizes. It unifies things into correct relationship as a coherent whole, and helps us see the similarities between ourselves and others. – Excerpted from the forward by Moira Timms to Light on the Return Path by John Kimmey

rheomode  Later, when living and working in Britain, Bohm suggested to his students that they experiment with a new language that consisted only of verbs, which he called the rheomode, in an effort to do justice to the transcendental nature of the world. In his proposal for a new language, the Rheomode, Bohm has also drawn attention to what he feels to be a defect of our common language in that it enfolds what could be called a mechanistic view of the world.  He recognized that our earliest perceptions of the world are of transformation and flow, but that something happens to us by the time we reach adulthood; in his opinion, the culprit was language. Bohm’s ideas on the rheomode are fascinating, but the response from many professional linguists was discouraging. However, in the last year of his life, he met with a group of Native Americans (Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Ojibwa, Micmaq, and Soto), and was struck by their strongly verb-based languages and their ‘process-based vision of the world.’ – Fred Pruyn  2) Rheomode – ‘a brilliant flop’ – dan alford

Rhizotomists –   ‘a fraternity of herbalists who wove their lore into a semi-religious cult and practiced magical rituals strongly reminiscent of those of the Druids.  The Rhizotomists continued as a coherent cult well into the Christian era, and a considerable amount of Saxon wortcunning and medieval herbal witchcraft is demonstrably derived from their practices.  The earth is worshipped as a mother;  she must be prayed to and placated when herbs are plucked;  the herbs themselves must be addressed before being gathered;  the stars and the moon must be observed to find the right astrological moment when the herbs will be most powerful.’  –Paul Hudson – 1974

rhythm  –  . . . an energy pump thru time – Iassos

rigpa – (in Tibetan) the unfabricated wisdom mind – when we stop talking to ourselves, it is always there. 2) the higher self – mb

rites of passage – ‘Rites of passage . . . are potent means for human communities to mark, celebrate, and support life-stage transitions recently experienced by its individual members. But a rite of passage doesn’t catalyze a stage transition that was not already set to unfold. What enables a passage to occur is daily progress, over years, with the developmental tasks of the individual’s stage — this along with the numinous and unpredictable intervention of that same Mystery that causes us to be born. A rite of passage marks a transition that has already occurred, thereby helping the individual (and, often, his family and/or community) adjust to the loss of his old status and to the demands and opportunities of his new one. This perspective contrasts with the view, increasingly popular over the past thirty years, that rites of passage actively shift people from one stage to the next — from childhood to adulthood, for example — as if the rite does the work of maturation for us. I have come to see such a perspective as too simplistic. A rite of passage “works” only for those individuals who have prepared themselves for developmental progress through years of success at the unavoidable, daily labor of becoming fully human. – Bill Plotkin

ritual –  1) a purposive, intentional structuring of a state of consciousness.  From an anthropological point of view it is perfectly appropriate to call psychotherapy a kind of ritual.  R. Metzner. 2)  Ritual takes us to the deepest part of ourselves:  Can be used to focus on and/or prepare for an event to celebrate an  event;  Can be used to gather in or channel energies of the higher self or Divine for personal use;  Cleansing and purification.  Ritual focuses intent — be clear on your motives.  May want rituals to coincide with junctions of the solar system, lunar changes, seasons points on the wheel of the year — universal or personal.  Herbs in ritual make the connection — ‘I am one with the Earth’- Shatoiya de la Tour 3) The continuous cycle of ritual creation, destruction, and re-creation can be found in many tropical forest societies and is indeed an important mechanism of cultural and biological survival.  The emphasis of the ritual is upon unifying the social group, upon continuity, upon the close bonds of identity that unite society with the past and make it the foundation of the future.  It seems that this sense of union provides deeply motivating values and strong incentives for ecological responsibility.  It must be pointed out here that the ritual re-creation of the universe is generally accompanied by the collective use of narcotics sic of plant origins.  During these sessions the participants establish contact with the mythic past.  . . . hence all rituals (in Amazonian Indian societies) can be looked upon as concerned with ecological balance.  – Reichel-Dolmatoff – Eco/cosmo.  4)  A ritual does not merely repeat the ritual that came before it (itself a repetition of an archetype), but is linked to it and continues it, whether at fixed periods or otherwise.  Mircea Eliade 1958 .   5)  ‘This paper emphasizes the cultural construction of the knowing, cognizing subject.  This congruent with moving away from seeing ritual as anything like a symbolic or social structured and moving towards seeing it as a set of techniques for inducing certain types of experiences, and their significance’  – G.Townsley.  Song Paths.  pg. 466. 6)  Meaningful ritual life:  a life lived at the level of poetry, of choreography.  7)  In the Vedic vision of things, humans were required to offer gifts to the deities to strengthen them so that they can continue their functions as energizers and organizers of the world.  Ritual offerings were understood to be part of an ongoing creative cycle by which the latent power of the world was maintained and regulated – David Kinsley   8)  That which actualizes myth, makes myth present.  9) a gravitational like binding force that acts to coalesce into order the chaotic forces of society.  – mb  10) choreography of the soul – lewis rambo  11) Rituals, through their liminal processes hold the generating sources of culture and structure – V.  Turner 11) Literalized metaphor – Caroline Casey 12) promotes strong feelings of participation among group members, links that facilitate social bonds. 12) open source rituals. 13) If we ritualize, then we need not literalize

ritual reprogramming -. Ritual reprogramming in an unconscious, non verbal state is enhanced when the unconscious mind becomes awake. Suspension of the screening processes of the dominant hemisphere facilitates reprogramming of emotions through chanting, suggestion and psychodrama created by the shaman (Winkleman, 2000). “Therapeutic effects can be achieved by rapid collapse into a parasympathetic dominant state that can lead to an erasure of previously conditioned responses, to changes in beliefs, to loss of memories and to increased suggestibility”

river of life ~  River of life is the dividing line between the subconscious realms (the background landscape of creation) where creatures know not of their origins in God, and the conscious realms, where all creatures know that they are the projections of a unified field of being, cocreators, individually focusing a shared field of awareness.   In the final moment of my awakening, a moment that for many will seem an eternity, all human beings who haven’t yet entered the river of life, will then do so, if even but for a brief flickering of their attention. .  All who have not already chosen will then choose a future upon one side of the river of life (the subconscious realms), or the other (the conscious realms).  Human history has been like a city, moving gradually over the centuries closer and closer to the River of Life. . a city founded in the arid mountains. . the generational migration of its people gradually following the tributaries that irrigate the mountainside ever downstream, deeper and deeper into the valley of the river and the fertile plains that flank its shores. .  new generations now find themselves settled along the very banks of the river.   Already pioneers have set out from among you to explore the other shore. .  Soon there will be massive crossings of human beings from one side of the river to the other, from the subconscious realms, where fear is the primary source of motivation, to the conscious realms, which only knows the motives of love. .  those few who choose to remain behind will not be uncared for. .  they will experience an age of further history  . . until they are ready to migrate beyond the shadows of illusions to the rivers conscious shore. . As the frequency rises, the vibrational current swells, and many will be swept from their conceptual distances, from their belief systems, into participatory relations with the current.  As the river rises. The pressures will increase until all past-related structures of understanding are swept up and dissolved in the living waters.   All will eventually enter the waters, either thru their own volition, or because the waters have come to them. . ~ Third Millennium

roastable – a bud or leaf of cannabis;  a chunk of hashish.  ‘He pulled out a roastable.

root science –

rubber crutch – ‘When people are made to think on their own, the wobbly beliefs that have been a rubber crutch for them in the past are tested. If the rubber crutch gives way and they end up on the ground on their rump, a lesson was learned. If they stop and think, test out a teaching for themselves and it stands in good stead, the wobbly belief becomes a Knowing System for their lives.’ – Jamie Sams

rubber numbers – statistical tomfoolery

Rumpelstiltskin Principle ~ The psychiatrist listens to the words of his patient, asks questions and ultimately defines the experiences of the other. According to Torrey, the naming in itself is already a therapeutic act. The patient’s anxiety decreases thanks to the fact that a respected and trusted specialist has shown that he understands what is the matter. Torrey calls the effect of this linguistic deed ‘the principle of Rumpelstiltskin’ and ‘the magic of the right word’. Naming problems is one of the most important principles in all forms of psychotherapy. The identification of the problem is a signal to the patient that he is not alone with his illness, but that there is someone who understands him. Moreover, the name of the psychological problem promises an opportunity of finding a cure because if it has been named, it has usually been brought under control. The complaint is mentioned by its full name and with therapeutic directives in the DSM, the reference book of psychiatrists ~

rush world – ‘rush world’, the chasing after material possessions and the lack of inner peace felt by so many in the westernized world. 2) rush world give us no time to feel our feelings, no time to feel grief over a loss, regret over an injury we contributed to, pain over a rejection.