Knew Words ~ W


wahi –  For the Siona, well-being involves more than the physical health of the individual;  it also implies the well-being of society.  When speaking of well-being they use the term ‘wahi’, representing the growing force of life, that which ripens. – langdon

war – 1)   . . . seeks to kill the disabling pattern.  The pattern is judged the enemy (e.g. bubonic plague), not necessarily the being that bears it (e.g. the rodent).  Hence it is not the Nazi that is bad, but Nazism. – john mcmurty . 2) ‘War is the public agenda for the hidden desires of a private elite’  — Bodazey.  3)  you end wars in the world when you end them in your mind – Pleiadians  4) ‘People are sick and tired of being pitted against each other when there’s already so much suffering and the Earth itself is under assault. They’re ready to reconnect and honor the life we share. That is the great adventure of our time.’ — Joanna Macy  4) It (The Bush Administration) evokes a war frame, and with it, the idea that the nation is under military attack — an attack that can only be defended militarily, by use of armies, planes, bombs, and so on. The war frame includes special war powers for the president, who becomes commander in chief. It evokes unquestioned patriotism, and the idea that lack of support for the war effort is treasonous. It forces Congress to give unlimited powers to the President, lest detractors be called unpatriotic. And the war frame includes an end to the war — winning the war, mission accomplished!  The war frame is all-consuming. It takes focus away from other problems, from everyday troubles, from jobs, education, health care, a failing economy. It justifies the spending of huge sums, and sending raw recruits into battle with inadequate equipment. It justifies the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians. It justifies torture, military tribunals, and no due process. It justifies scaring people, with yellow, orange, and red alerts. . .  – G. Lakoff   5) My acquaintance with lung cancer following Hodgkin’s disease will probably not live very long; wars eventually take us down.  We can say that he will die of cancer or we can see that he will die of war; the war against cancer, or the war within his body, or the lingering consequences of the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries, or the war against the earth.  Healing such a condition requires a change of mind down, as it were, to the cellular level. – Deena Metzger 6) Martin Prechtel reminds us, ‘for want of grief – we go to war.’ 7) war is a bad habit – Amma 6) “War is the spectacular and bloody projection of our everyday living. We precipitate war out of our daily lives; and without a transformation in ourselves, there are bound to be national and racial antagonisms, the childish quarreling over ideologies, the multiplication of soldiers, the saluting of flags, and all the many brutalities that go to create organized murder.” – J. Krishnamurti
7)  ”War-on-germs thinking brings results akin to those of the War on Terror, War on Crime, War on Weeds, and the endless wars we fight politically and interpersonally. First, it generates endless war; second, it diverts attention from the ground conditions that breed illness, terrorism, crime, weeds, and the rest. ~ c. eisenstein

warrior – In Angeles Arrien’s cross-cultural typology, winter is the season of the ‘warrior’. Warrior qualities for many cultures include mature wisdom, responsible leadership, pure motivation, powerful presence–not aggression or violence.  Angeles suggests we do ‘warrior work’ in winter, whereas in spring we turn to visioning, in summer, healing, and in fall, teaching. –  C. Holt

walking in balance – . . . . means paying attention to internal as well as external ecology.

weather ~ nature’s way of cleansing her body.  .~ arcturians

web lines –  a ‘web’, often visible under the influence of ayahuasca, is the source of the intricate designs used by Conibo and Shipibo to decorate their clothing and other objects.   ‘I watched as Juan used chanting and delicate hand movements to manipulate and repair the fragmented web lines around those being healed’

webbing ~ a celebration of relationships, of love and commitment to that love that expands past the nuclear family singularity of a ‘wedding’

weed – Weed‘ is a state of mind, a plant looking for a use.  What we often think of as prickly, poisonous weeds are there from human land use practices (slash & burn, overgrazing) and are part of the biological habitat healing process. – Soaring Bear 2) a kind of racial epithet applied to the plant world – Stephen Buhner

weorold –  old english for ‘world’

Western culture –  like an  . . . algae bloom.

white hole – “There’s a black hole and a white hole. This is the white hole. That is energy errupts into the three dimensional cross-section of reality that we call the existential world. Like a star is born, as they say. So think that you are continually being recreated, reborn recurrantly. That’s again a concept of Islam, recurrant rebirth.” – Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

wild animals –  non-working pets. ‘In the post-industrial world, where virtual reality is increasingly replacing normative reality, the traditional real world is becoming transformed into a realm of fantasy, and experience in nature qua nature is being replaced by actual (e.g., dirt bikes and ‘personal water craft’) and vicarious thrills. Animals become valued with no understanding of their life-cycles and ecological situations and are understood to be utterly divorced from food. Cellophane wrapped meat is not understood, from either the emotional or the religious standpoint, to come from living animals, just as factory-manufactured, cellophane wrapped bread or pasta is not understood to come from living plants. The various traditional ritual relationships with animals and plants completely disappear to be replaced by concepts of ‘cuteness’; wild animals are perceived no differently than non-working pets. Hence, campaigns are mounted against hunting in general, regardless of potential disastrous consequences for non-competitive herbivores in terrains where natural predators have been exterminated, and hunters become the epitomé of evil.’ – Jordon Paper

will current – The refusal to experience painful feelings results from the misconception that they will annihilate you or that they will prove that you are no good.  This misconception must be challenged and replaced. If it is not, you will not allow yourself to experience painful feelings. The refusal to do so also causes you to create a tight will current to ward off what you believe to be annihilation. – Pathwork 193

winds of change – winds are driven by imbalances between pressure centers.  They are therefore expressions of balancing forces.  Pressure gradients are likewise built up in social situations when one cultural ideology dominates to the exclusion of others.  Hence . . .  revolution is in the air . . .

winnowed wisdom – perennial philosophy;  a convergent report found distilled in the world’s great enduring religions – Huston Smith

wisdom – adaptability to (divine) Ignorance – Adi Da 2) “For they who are in the good of love and charity, as to the internal man, are in heaven, and as to that are in an angelic society which is in similar good. Hence they enjoy an elevation of mind towards interior things, and, consequently, they are in wisdom; for wisdom can come from no other source than from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord; and in heaven there is wisdom, because there they are in good. Wisdom consists in seeing truth from the light of truth; and the light of truth is the light which is in heaven. But in process of time that ancient wisdom decreased; for as mankind removed themselves from the good of love to the Lord, and of love towards the neighbor, which love is called charity, they removed themselves in the same proportion from wisdom because, in the same proportion, they removed themselves from heaven. Hence it was that man, from being internal, became external, and this successively; and when he became external, he became also worldly and corporeal.” – The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine, by Emanuel Swedenborg, 3) the truly wise know that the wisdom is infinite. . . 4) What is wisdom? It is a lot more than knowledge. Knowledge acquires information, but wisdom  requires understanding. Knowledge informs us, but wisdom transforms us.  Knowledge empowers, wisdom enlightens. Knowledge is something we have,  but wisdom is something we have to become. I suggest that wisdom is a deep understanding and practical skill with the central—especially  the existential and spiritual—issues of life.

witch – whether we need a scapegoat on whom to blame barrenness, a negative role model with which to warn our children, or a high priestess of cultural renewal, the image of the witch will always be there to scare or inspire, reinforcing the regrettable idea that there is something anomalous, something otherworldly, something not quite human, about a powerful woman. – Rob Hardy

witnessing ~ Many people carry the belief that this encounter with God will take place one day, perhaps some time after you leave the body. But the experience of unity can only take place here and now. You need to have a nervous system in order to experience it. You can come and go thousands of times, until at some given moment you are able to let go of compulsive thinking and thus awaken the primary sense organ of the human being, which is observation, witnessing. This is a sense of the body, but due to lack of use it is in a dormant state. It is, however, a necessary tool for the experience of the truth. You practice detached observation, where you observe whatever takes place without judging it, classifying it, without thinking about it, just as the sky observes the clouds. The clouds are sometimes white and fluffy, and sometimes they’re dark, but they always move on. The sky is always observing the clouds passing by, it doesn’t matter where they’re coming from or to where they’re going. You are the sky. . . . . The observer is the key to mental equanimity. This is the sky that observes the clouds, irrespective of where they came from and of where they are going. Identification with the clouds (with that which is transitory) generates all life’s dramas. The ego, in its illusion of separation and in living the constant insecurity of not knowing who it is, tries to attach to transitory things to add value to its insufficient idea of ‘me’. It believes that it will be happy if it dominates that which is material, but material things are always transitory, like the clouds that pass by. Observe everything that is transitory with detachment, without being swayed by either sadness or by joy – always be the same. This mental stability allows the inner being to emerge.. . . The observer is the aspect of the divine self that is readily accessible to you – it is the bridge to the infinite. The observer identifies the lower self and the masks, and it identifies itself with the divine self. . . .“My play is to awaken your observer. We work on this in a practical way until you are able to remain fully present and be whole in your actions. As long as you are not yet completely in tune with the divine presence, you will be thrown around from side to side; you will constantly feel perturbed, running to either flee from sadness or chase after joy.” ~ Sri Prem Baba

work 1) 3 levels of Work: A job is something you do because you need money to survive. A career is something you do for prestige and/or financial gain. A Soul Purpose is something you cannot not do. You must do it because it expresses who you are on the inside. Obviously, a Soul Purpose is the highest version of work that you can share. You have something inside of you awaiting your recognition and release that will set your Soul free and help many others to do It with you. –   2)  Work is love made manifest. . Unfulfilled with work??The issue maybe with how one engages, or resists engaging, the world thru the energy usage called work or service. .  ~  Hathors

womandalas – the balance of form, pattern, and expression; and to invoke a return to a holistic perception of humanity’s relationship to the earth, as life was appreciated in the ages of goddess worship  –

wonders never cease –

words – mischievous arrows

world ~ aka ‘the field of existence’

worldview – the eco-niche of the mind – Huston Smith 2) In order to understand our moment in history and where we can go in the future, we have to know what brought us here. In order to be strategically intelligent, we need to be able to comprehend the sources of our world. Our world is shaped by our worldview. How we approach reality is defined by the kinds of assumptions we have about that reality, and that, in turn, shapes reality and feeds it back to us. The subject and the object are deeply implicated in each other. In this sense, it’s very important for us to understand the sources of our worldview and therefore the whole history of our philosophies, our sciences, our religions that have led us to this point and shaped the worldview that we now find ourselves in. – Richard Tarnas 3) “worldview”? It’s such a familiar word to us that we don’t even pause to ask whether its true meaning might be eluding us. We say it’s the way we look at things — our politics, our religious beliefs, our perspectives on life and reality. And so it is. But is a far more subtle and complex thing as well. Worldview is something we drink in with our mother’s milk when we are an infant, knitting it into our thought patterns like her milk is knitted into our bones. We breathe it in with the comforting scents of home. Worldview coalesces into a lens of “the normal” that encompasses everything from the appearance of our neighborhood and the dress and skin color of the people around us, to the way we acquire and cook food, and the way we understand everything that we see, touch, and hear around us. Even the spoken language we learn from our earliest days contains a patterning of reality and a maze of assumptions about the world it describes. Worldview might be imagined as a giant lens-bubble that encases us entirely but invisibly, translating events and experiences into forms that fit our patterned expectations. ~ Tapestry Institute 4) What kind of worldview are you energizing.??  When you energize a safe and secure worldview, your feelings will inevitably lead you toward that experience.  You must however develop a deep respect for your feelings by acknowledging  them as a barometer of your thoughts.   The more open you are to changing your thinking and vacating your box of beliefs, the more you will perceive and realize this environment of earthly experience.  – The Pleiadians

work – (can be) love in action. 2) ‘This world is a mountain, in which your works are echoed back to you’ ~ Rumi

worry – 1)  negative goal setting  2) ‘worry is not preparation,’ and ‘I have experienced many terrible things in my life, most of which never came to pass.’ – Mark Twain

wounds – We typically carry two basic types of wounds. Other-directed people, who define themselves through their relationship roles with others, usually feel their most intense wounds as rejection and betrayal by family, friends and lovers, and as that icy sense of abandonment by “God.” Self-directed people normally feel the wound as something missing within themselves, usually as the undiscovered purpose, the underutilized gift, and the rest of that nagging sense that there’s something I ought to be doing, and I either don’t see what it is yet, or if I do see it and I know perfectly well what I’m meant to do, I can’t seem to overcome this lethargy of will that impedes my resolve, and robs me of all impetus and drive, so that I can’t seem to get started. – Dan Furst

wow  – an expression used to express wonder, amazement, or great pleasure.  Also:  ‘mom’ spelled upside down.

writing ~ “I keep following this sort of hidden river of my life, you know, whatever the topic or impulse which comes, I follow it along trustingly. And I don’t have any sense of its coming to a kind of crescendo, or of its petering out either. It is just going steadily along.” – William Stafford 

written tradition – ‘The written tradition is one that some date back to Martin Luther’s reformative move of ‘locating the means of salvation in reading the Bible, not in priestly ritual or knowledge outside of the text’ (Trimbur, 1990, p. 73).  Ultimately, this move led to the understanding of written texts as authoritative and autonomous and products merely, divorced entirely from any reference to their construction.’