Knew Words ~ V


valley of fear – the projected thought forms of one’s culture – the Hathors

vasudhaiva kutumbakam – ‘the whole world is my family’ (Hinduism)

vectorfield –  a model for the habitual tendency of a situation

vedic knowledge ~ Because every embodied individual is composed of a body, a mind and a spirit, the ancient Rishis of India who developed the Science of Life organized their wisdom into three bodies of knowledge: Ayurveda, which deals mainly with the physical body; Yoga, which deals mainly with spirit; and Tantra, which is mainly concerned with the mind. The philosophy of all three is identical; their manifestations differ because of their differing emphases. Ayurveda is most concerned with the physical basis of life, concentrating on its harmony of mind and spirit. Yoga controls body and mind to enable them to harmonize with spirit, and Tantra seeks to use the mind to balance the demands of body and spirit. – Robert Svoboda

vegetal beings –  ‘The jungle is a living universe where all the plants have a spirit, a soul, a ‘mother’ (madre) which sustain them. The local people learn to treat with these natural energies, to channel their force in order to protect themselves from possible damage, and to use it in fishing, hunting, agriculture or health. Ancestrally, local populations established a respect and reciprocal link with the jungle universe. Humans, as living beings, are able to communicate with these living vegetal beings.’

vegetal salon –  the UDV ceremonial space.

vegetant –  1) vegetable-like; causing growth; tonic 2)  The mareacion produced . . accompanies both the physical cleansing and the ‘vegetant’ strengthening of the patient.  . .  this is also an effective treatment of another affliction endured by mortal man:  ignorance. . .  thus you can ‘be friendly’ with the genios, and enter . . . – ‘into a separate realm of sensorial perceptions.  More precisely you ‘can see all sorts of things that are difficult to learn:  the spirits of the plant, the patient’s condition, the thief, animals, your relatives, what they think, all of these you can see.  You can thus not meet with ‘toe’ genios without drinking their own favorite beverage, the ‘toe’ plant-body.  Secret information that is known to genios alone may be obtained, and many fantastic things may be heard and seen ‘as in a cinema’.  Chavalier, J. – The Stolen Gift

ventilating the emotional body ~ Sometimes leaving the place of pride and asking for help, or supporting a friend even if virtually. Talking, exposing what you feel, ventilating the emotional body. Maybe writing, drawing, which are ways to shape what is going on internally, to clarify our perceptions. And to pray, to ask for healing, for the kindness of life, to trust that even the darkest of the skies always ends up giving way to the sun.”   ~ Prem Baba

verbal vigilance –   ‘. . is important to one’s health, and that we are actually more in control of our own lives than our Western culture, fixated on the written word, has led us to believe. Our speech can create realities when we are consciously and coherently focused in the shamanic stance, and can equally create realities through the repetition of fairly unconscious habitual speech patterns.’  – Dan Moonflower Alford

veridical   Truth-telling; truthful; veracious;  coinciding with reality; ‘perceptual error…has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception’ – Dict.

vertical time – 1) Reality boundaries dissolved, and I moved into a world of light and energy, the neonized shamanic homeland.  As I got into a sense of the humanness of it, the community of it, I rerealized, as I always do on ayahuasca, that this is the human ancient future.  This is the root and eventual flowering of the emerging culture.  And as I moved with it, the reality became more solid, and soon I was in the future, but the future was now. . . . vertical time.  – mb 2) We tend to think of creation myths happening in the distant past, but in the spirit world there is no time, or there is what can be called vertical time, and all is available – creating a forum of communication. – mb

vibrant rhythm –  ‘The entire cosmos comes to be conceived after the human pattern. As the essence of all phenomena is, in the last resort, a vibrant rhythm, the intimate nature of phenomena is directly perceptible by polyrhythmic human consciousness.  For this reason, imitating is knowing.  The echo is the paradigmatic form of imitation.  Language, geometric symbols, and number-ideas are a cruder form of imitation.  – Marius Schneider

vibration –  ‘‘ . . . is nothing other than the physical experience of the metaphysical and numinous meanings attached to symbols.  Rites of passage, cycles of meaning, meditative practices and ceremonial dramas provide the context or arena for the symbolic metaphor to be experienced in ever deepening ways, as energy circulations and vibrations that are felt physically in the body.  Thus a progression from metaphor in the mind to vibration in the body . .  .The midpoint of the progression from metaphor to vibration and then to form usually involves entry into an A.S.C. . . (to effect) behavioral restructuring and personal transformation.  Form then refers to the cognitive/perceptual changes in the individual that are reflected behaviorally.’ – I. Prattis 2) Vibration takes precedence over doing, as vibration inherently ‘does’ as an effect

vibrational blueprint –  ‘a matrix of design and intent which pulses into physical expression by decelerating to frequencies compatible with matter.  Every minute particle of the body is sustained by a corresponding point of energy in its nonphysical blueprint.’  –Alexander 

vibrational ecology –  Modify the following, substituting ‘vibrational’ for ‘chemical’:  ‘Ingestion of a plant, from the biological perspective, is determined by the nutrition it makes available to the animal consuming it, and the metabolic cost of dealing with whatever defense chemicals are present.  Though these plant-animal relationships can be highly specialized, in humans they are extremely generalized.  Hence, as intelligent(?) omnivores, humans learn from sense perceptions, bodily acceptance or rejection of plants, and cultural norms. . . . humans are biologically predispositioned to be attracted to sweetness (as it is associated with chemicals necessary for energy metabolism and growth, such as sugars and amino acids) and for saltiness, which is also required metabolically.  In contrast bitter and sour tastes are generally perceived as unpleasant (as they are often associated with toxins).  These tastes are further correlated with general well-being.’  – Johns, 1990, ‘With Bitter Herbs’.

vibrational hygiene–  living a life attuned to raising and harmonizing the energies that weave the web of one’s life – mb. 

victim – There are no victims, only those who forget they are creators, and who choose fear, forget love, and separate themselves – Pleiadians

violence – ‘Violence is a method by which the ruthless few can subdue the passive many. Nonviolence is a means by which the active many can overcome the ruthless few.’ – J. Schell

viriditas – The ‘Greening power’ spoken of by medieval herbalist and mystic Hildgard von Bingen.

Virtual power – The media campaign was decisive in the avalanche that lead to the coup, programmed from abroad against this ferocious dictatorship that did not have a single political prisoner. Then the Presidency was occupied by a businessman for whom nobody voted, and whose first democratic measure was to dissolve the Parliament. The stock market went up the following day, but a popular uprising returned Chavez to his legitimate post. As Venezuelan writer Luis Britto Garcia put it, the media-engineered coup was able to generate only a virtual power, and it didn‚t last.  Venezuelan television–a bastion of information freedom–did not get wind of the upsetting news. – Eduardo Galeano

virtues –  the graceful fragrance of a flowering human

vis medicatrix naturae – the healing power of nature (Hippocrates).

Vishnu – The main gods in the Rig-veda were Indra (the god of heaven and rain), Agni (the fire god) and Surya (the sun god). Surya is invoked in the sacred Gayatri mantra. However, Surya is also called Surya-Narayana in the Rig-veda. So the hymns to Surya and his different forms can also be related to Narayana or Vishnu, especially those to Savitur. Vishnu is also known as the Pervader, meaning that all the Vedic gods are absorbed in Him, and thus must also emanate from Him. They would be absorbed in Him during the time of cosmic annihilation, but would also emanate from Him during the time of the creation. – Stephen Knapp

visionaries – are often (and often not) recognized as an essential cultural resource.  By their identification and communication with deep sources of spirit and creativity, they have roles to renew the culture, renew the community.  To the degree they are tapped by a society, they are like fertilizers, giving creative renewal and inspired direction to a culture. – mb  2) ” There is an almost sensual longing for communion with others who have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe.” –Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

visionary narratives –  the ‘pull’ of evolution into the future. . ..  we must harness from our interior the courage and wisdom necessary to pass the many trials of the initiation trajectory.  this a ‘visionary narrative’ – Alex Polari .

Visionary Plants –  ‘Visionary plants have been paramount in many cultures for millennia, often mediating the world of immediate experience and the infinite spiritual realms that are believed to permeate all existence. In many cases visionary plants are endowed with intelligence and are considered to be sources of deep and mysterious knowledge, instruments of the divine, fountains of beauty and inspiration, as well as a means to maintain cultural integrity. This is particularly so among many Amerindian cultures, such as the Huichol of Mexico, who have as their primary sacrament the humble peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii), or as in the case of numerous indigenous groups of the upper Amazon, among which ayahuasca, a visionary vine (Banisteriopsis caapi), and various admixture plants (ex. Psychotria viridis and Diplopterys cabrerana) are pivotal in their conception of the world. It is often by means of the ritual use of visionary plants that shamans undergo their training and acquire their skills. Visionary plants also generate myths and power songs that allow communication with that which is normally unseen and are instruments used to navigate the visionary realm. Among some Amerindian cultures, visionary plants are the source of inspiration of the rich iconographic motifs found in body painting and the decoration of material objects. Songs and visions, as well as visions and dreams, are realms intimately linked, being the manifestation of synthetic experiences simultaneously perceived at many levels. Beauty, manifested in the work of art, often reveals that the individual is in touch with the world or worlds of the spirits.’  Dr. E. Luna – St. Lawrence U. art exhibit/Brush Gallery.  jan. 25-mar. 13.   ‘ . . . exhibit the ambivalence of the sacred–they are conceived as being both beneficent and dangerous. This reflects a crucial aspect of the sacred–that it is a region of power. As was stated above this power is ambivalent–i.e., it can act for mankind’s benefit or detriment–and is perceived therefore as the location either of creativity or of chaos.,5716,115609+4,00.html 2)  Hallucinogenic botanicals are viewed as the embodiments of intelligent beings who only become visible in special states of consciousness and who function as spirit guides and sources of healing power and knowledge. – Martin Lee

vitalism –  1)  . .  is the metaphysical doctrine that the functions and processes of life are due to a vital principle distinct from physicochemical forces and that the laws of physics and chemistry alone cannot explain life functions and processes. This vital principle goes by many names: chi or qi (China) prana (India and therapeutic touch), ki (Japan); Wilhelm Reich’s orgone, Mesmer’s animal magnetism, Bergson’s élan vital (vital force), etc. Vitalism is opposed to mechanistic materialism.  – . .skeptics dictionary.  2) ecological flow – David Hoffman  3)   ‘I believe there is an animating, orchestrating, unifying, governing intelligence in all living things. I believe that all expressions are manifestations that present themselves perfectly under whatever specific sets of circumstances manifested them. I believe in things being correlated, that connections exist between what may appear to be separate independent systems.  Vitalism, for me, means respecting the intelligence behind every situation, knowing that everything that happens has a definite purpose.’ – Michael Scimeca

vitality pump – ‘Acts of death of the old and birth of the new are fundamental to ‘pump’ vitality along its route, which is often marked by sacrificial deities, annual festivals to mark the passing of the seasons, and the transitions of all living things in their endless migration to and fro between this and the other world (the myth of the eternal return).’ – mb

vitality matured –  ‘vitality that is not the intensity of youth, but a pervasive aliveness, quiet joy and calm. . . . . a movement from being led by thinking or emotions to becoming established in deeper feeling, or really a connection of the mind with the heart and then ultimately fully with the body as well. This dimension of feeling is more than just sensation and much more than the emotions we know and can rationalize in one way or another. It is a dynamic of attention or listening, a place where being human is not being something concrete, but rather a process of existence standing at the threshold of the core of reality, a place where thinking and feeling and the whole physical organism are experiencing in unison. Out of this primordial feeling comes the birth of new sensibilities, which are themselves new consciousness of our fundamental relationship to all of life. – Richard Moss

voluptuous panic –  An attempt (in ‘play’) to destroy momentarily the stability of perception and inflict a kind of voluptuous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind.   Similar to ‘ilinx’ or ‘vertigo’.

voice ~ The words vocation and voice come from the same root ‘vocare; which means to follow what we are uniquely called to do.

void point~ When everything disappears, meaning the perceptual markers of your former reality, understand that you have entered into a void point. A void point is a critical transition between an old reality and a new one. That which was, has ended. Instead of regretting the loss, you accept the void. This is, for many persons, a challenging undertaking, because in the void point there is nothing that can be done. You must simply be a witness to it, and to yourself, for in this no-man’s land there are no perceptual markers. Be careful what new markers you put into place, for these ideas and beliefs will be the stars in the new sky of your mind, and you shall navigate your way into these new times by the stars (thoughts and beliefs) that you have placed in the heavens of your own consciousness. So be wise when you go about creating new stars, our fellow navigators of the Mystery. ~ Hathors

vommunication  – the act of vommunicating through deep guttural droning sounds that articulate the mournful power of disgust, digestive forces, satiation, belching, and retching that characterizes life played out in the human gastrointestinal arena. – mb

vowel –  a speech sound made with tone unmixed and undimmed by obstruction, such sounds, namely, the vowels and diphthongs, being so called by Dr. James Rush (1833)  ‘from their forming the purest and most plastic material of intonation.”

vritta~  “Yoga, which is the experience of communion, the experience of unity, the transcendence of the ego, or even the transcendence of duality, is only possible when chitta, which is the sensory mind, is not affected by vritti, the undulations that come to us through the senses. These vritti are like the waves of the sea. Sometimes they are a little agitated, sometimes very agitated. Knowledge and practice lead the yogi to remain unaffected by these undulations.” ~ prem baba