Knew Words ~ L


laboratory wonders –

labeling ~ “The mark to me of a constructive argument is one that looks at a specific problem and says, “What shall we do about this?” And, a nonconstructive one is one that tries to label people.”  ~ Gloria Steinheim

lacuna – a blank space as in manuscript, gap (lacunae pl.)

Lady of Guadeloupe – It is amazing that Guadalupe appeared when the culture and the people were being annihilated and, like the Incarnation, offers hope in the midst of one of the darkest moments in history. In the midst of this confusion and death, Our Lady with a mestiza face encounters the native Juan Diego in 1531 at Tepeyac, the sacred site of the ancient mother goddess Tonanzin. The Lady requests a home for all the inhabitants of this land. She introduces herself as the mother of the Christian God and linked to the native deities—totally unthinkable to any of the religious thinkers of that period and even of today! What the missionaries were trying to destroy, she affirms. What the natives could not comprehend, she explains. What neither could grasp, she reveals. She purifies the native religions of the need for human sacrifice, but equally calls the Church itself to conversion by offering love and compassion instead of cruel punishment and eternal damnation—which was the common Christian preaching of that time. She invited both the native people and the Church to a profound conversion to something new, and as such gave birth to both the new Church and the new humanity of the continent.  –Out of the Guadalupe-Juan Diego-Bishop Zumárraga encounter, the new Church is born—not a mere continuation of the old Church of Europe or merely a Christian veneer over old native religious practices, but a new Church born of the biological, cultural, linguistic, religious and spiritual encounter of the so-called Old World and New World. Through her, opposing differences are reconciled, integrated and synthesized into a new and fascinating unity. Furthermore, she transforms the attitudes of contempt and scorn different peoples tend to have for each other into new ones of respect and admiration. –

Lamarckian inheritance – The inheritance of acquired characteristics. Until the late nineteenth century, it was generally believed that characteristics acquired by organisms in response to the conditions of life or as a result of their own habits could be inherited by their descendents, and both Lamarck and Darwin shared this  general opinion. The possibility of this type of inheritance is denied on theoretical grounds by the current orthodoxy of genetics – Rupert Sheldrake

land –  ‘For Aldo Leopold, land was not merely soil, but a ‘fountain of energy flowing thru a circuit of soils, plants, and animals.’ – in C. Albanese, pp. 152

langar – common kitchen, an experession of community service. “After having spent a lifetime of traveling abroad and setting up missions, an aged Guru Nanak returned home to Punjab. He settled down at Kartharpur with his wife and sons. Pilgrims came from far and near to hear the hymns and preaching of the Master. Here his followers would gather in the mornings and afternoons for religious services. He believed in a castless society without any distinctions based on birthright, religion or sex. He institutionalized the common kitchen called langar in Sikhism. Here all can sit together and share a common meal, whether they were kings or beggars.” –

language –  1)  every ‘Natural System’ which has utterances (incl. sound, gesture, chemical, etc.) combined with meaning.  We notice that as well as this sharing, humans also have differences — different language processes that animals don’t seem to have (morphology & syntax), so we call them two processes of human-specific language,the human kind of language, or just *human language* — but we no longer designate it by merely the bare word *language* in the old exclusivist, species-ist way.  – dan alford - (see Idioms)  2)  Man, regarded as an animal, belongs to one of the singing species; but his notes are always associated with ideas’ – Wilhelm von Hombolt. 3)  men are able to imitate all the sounds made by all the animals and birds.  They know their various calls, including sex calls, fear calls, eating calls, and the crys of the young and old. A whistle signal system is used when the Canelos Quechua travel in the forest, and they regard this systems as their own human jungle call.  – N. Whitten 4) “Learning a language, even a natural language, is more of an emotional decision than a practical one. It’s about belonging to a group,” – Arika Okrent 5) Language is a powerful tool for directing and manifesting energy into form.  Clarity in thought, word, and deed is of utmost importance for creating the version of the life you want.  We suggest you purposely choose your words with care and certainty, know what you want, and establish clear positive intentions as to your purpose.   ~ The Pleiadians  6) Language is the mechanism of matters spell, the means thru which the spell is maintained from one generation to the next. .  Those who slumber beneath linguistic illusions limit themselves to the deficiencies, blind spots, and biases of a particular method of symbolism which even at its best can convey no more consciousness than the consciousness of those who invested it. .  They might imagine that without verbal conceptual understanding there can be no understanding. .  Understanding can be symbolized and to some extent be conveyed thru words, but understanding itself requires language no more than a bird requires a cage. .  Understanding comes only thru experience .  ~ 3rd Millennium

language of light~  source’s language. .  variations and dialects, all life understands it .   composed of light (photonic energy), sound, sacred geometry, and cosmic information.   can help open align with desired frequencies.   ~ Plaedians

language of frequencies – ‘Fully participating in life, as well as learning to observe your interactions without judgment, is essential for developing enhanced awareness.  Learning to recognize and read frequencies, or levels of consciousness, offers you and your world a new form of liberty and freedom . . . Now, practically speaking, you must first learn to manage  your attention in the here and now in order to become much more aware of the language of frequencies.’ – the Pleiadians 

language of resonance –  music, poetry and song.

Las Vegas effect – the bombarding of numbed senses to get any kind of stimulation which can lead to an advanced ‘shockaholism’. Also the colonizing of the world’s sacred sites (Camelot, Egyptian Sphinx, Taj Mahal) by the minions of Mammon, building replicas in attempts to harnass the numinous powers of the originals to satiate the spiritual hunger of people intent on consumerizing their way to happiness. – mb

laughter – “What is laughter?  What is laughter?  It is God waking up!  O it is God waking up!  It is the sun poking its sweet head out from behind a cloud you have been carrying too long, veiling your eyes and heart.  It is Light breaking ground for a great Structure that is your Real body – called Truth.” – Hafiz

laws of natures –  the culture of nature

Laws of Technodynamics – 1. Conservation of problems: Problems do not go away, they are merely substituted, one for another.  The solution of one problem creates another problem, or:  The chief cause of problems is solution.  2. Technological challenges always increase.  As the human population increases and natural resources remain constant or degrade, then technological challenges will increase in size, number, and complexity. (the increasingly difficult challenges of consuming nonsubstitutable resources, providing food, and disposing of garbage for a rapidly expanding population leaves us and future generations with fewer options and more problems to resolve) ’ —Eric A Davidson, Economics as if Ecology Mattered

layers of coding – ‘shamanic entheogenic ecstasy dissolves the boundaries of the  material world and releases the ego from its box by unraveling and reconfiguring the deep layers of coding within language and culture.’   Creodes, or pathways of change.  Culture can – in a supportive function – create grooves, to give evolutionary tendencies easier passage, and context within which to flower.

leader – among the Nambikwara (SW Brazil), it literally means, ‘one who unites.’

learning  –  Peat writes that Bohm’s roommate ‘believed that Caltech students learned physics through the act of problem-solving itself. But for Bohm, understanding always involved probing deeper and deeper into underlying assumptions’ (p. 34). By this time, Bohm was accustomed to regarding all phenomena as flowing from a deeper level of existence and periodically withdrawing into that same unknown world. He showed familiarity with the Hermetic axiom: as above, so below. He also believed that by paying attention to his own feelings and intuitions, he should be able to arrive at a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe of which he was part. He saw the universe as infinite and ineffable; he developed a vision of an infinite number of hierarchies within hierarchies, which made up what he called the implicate order – Fred Pruyn

legerdemain – tricks performed with the hands, as by a magician

legitimacy –   . . . as the great Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci pointed out, when legitimacy has vanished and is not regained, it is only a matter of time before the structure collapses, no matter how seemingly solid it is.

legpits – the two joints at the top of the legs which define the lower extent of the groin;  counterparts to armpits.

liberty – Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. – George Bernard Shaw

libidinally –  ‘For the birth of every new paradigm is also a conception in a new conceptual matrix, which begins the process of gestation, growth, crisis, and revolution all over again. Each paradigm is a stage in an unfolding evolutionary sequence, and when that paradigm has fulfilled its purpose, when it has been developed and exploited to its fullest extent, then it loses its numinosity, it ceases to be libidinally charged, it becomes felt as oppressive, limiting, opaque, something to be overcome–while the new paradigm that is emerging is felt as a liberating birth into a new, luminously intelligible universe’.

life –  1)  ‘ life for me is more like temple tending.  Life is living ceremony.’ – Sheoekah.  2)  Rock rearranging itsefl with the help of solar energy and water;  life therefore is an expression of planetary metabolism.  3) autopoesis – meaning self-organization.  This definition states that an entity is alive if it creates and continually renews itself, including its defining boundary.  4) Albert Szent-Gyorgi (1960), a founding father of modern biochemistry, had a nice way of putting it: that life is an interposition between two energy levels of an electron: the ground state and the excited state, and furthermore, as it is the electron that goes round the circuit, life is really a little electric current going round and connecting up all nature with the sun and the earth. This fundamental unity of physics and biology has indeed inspired a lot of people who felt that here was the key to unlocking the mystery of the living state. But as Szent-Gyorgi remarked then, and it is still largely the case now, biochemistry and molecular biology do not address such questions. They tell us a great deal about what the molecules that make up living organisms are, but very little about how they are supposed to act. How the energy plucked originally from the sun is translated so very efficiently into various forms of work –  chemical, mechanical, electrical and osmotic – and in organizing matter into the splendid diversity of organisms in the biosphere. Szent-Gyorgi suggested that we can only begin to understand these characteristics of  living systems if we take into account the collective properties of the molecular aggregates in terms of solid state physics. There, we would find a clue to the mystery of life. – Mae-Wan Ho, Fritz-Abert Popp 5)  . .  a grand lesson in living. – the Pleadians  6)  ‘Last night Mr Minelli also pointed out that everybody dies – though they are often reluctant to recognise this fact. ‘We know that we die, but nobody believes it’s going to happen to them. We need to rescue this topic and talk about it at the family table. After all, we are all terminally ill,’ he added, with a smile. ‘Life is an illness spread by sexual contact. You die at the end 100%. –,11381,1366421,00.html. 6)  to me, life is nothing but a big conversation. – E. Sahtouris. 7)  So too life, or the biosphere, is not simply contained in, reducible to, or explicable simply in terms of, the physiosphere: the realm of pure matter. Life has emergent properties not found in the properties of its chemical constituents. Life, in other words, has properties and capacities that seem to defy description in terms of the movements of the mere molecules – according to K. Wilber  8) The human species steps apart from nature in order to develop the unique kind of consciousness that is uniquely your own.  This consciousness is not a finished product, but meant to change, evolve and develop.  Certain artificial distinctions were made along the way that must now be dispensed with.  .  you must return wiser creatures to the nature that spawned you – not only as loving caretakers but as partners with the other species of earth.  You must discover once again the spirituality of your biological hertiage.   The majority of accepted beleifs – religious, scientific, cultural – have tended to stress a sense of powerlessness, impotence, and impending doom – a picture in which man and his world is an accidental production with little meaning, isolated yet ruled by a capricious God.  Life is seen as a valley of tears – almost a low-grade infection from which the soul can be cured only by death.   Religious, scientific, medical, and cultural communicastions stress the existence of danger, minimize the purpose of the species or of any individual member of it, or see mankind as the one erratic, half-insane member of an otherwsie orderly realm of nature.  These are held by various systems of thought.  All of these however strain the individuals biological sense of integrity, reinforce ideas of danger, and shrink the area of psychological safety that is necessary to maintain the quality of life.   The body’s defense system becomes confused to various degrees . .  the body’s defenses will take care of themselves if they are allowed to, and if the psychological air is cleared of the true ‘carriers’ of disease. – Seth 8) this earth provides us with life, and, according to yoga teachings, life gives us the opportunity for enlightenment by giving us the means to work out our past karmas. – Sharon Gannon 9) “Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal.” – El Tolle 10)  The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.- Joseph Campbell  11) “In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life. Life is that you worship as God.” – Edgar Cayce  12) Life is the childhood of our immortality. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  13)  Singing celebrates the understanding that life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. ~ OSHO  14)  by life, we mean open-ended evolution, by death, we mean close-ended evolution. ~Hathors  15)   Life is just a grand lesson in living. ~ Pleiadians

life-body –  ‘First there is the physical body. Its substances and forces are identical with the mineral kingdom and the whole of inorganic nature. This physical body however is not, as the materialist imagines, simply an object in space, but it is also the lowest member of the human being. The next member is the etheric or life-body which man shares in common with the plants and animals, for every plant, animal or human being must call upon the chemical and physical substances so that they are galvanised into life, since of themselves they would remain inert. The third member is the astral body, the bearer of joy and sorrow, of impulses, desires and passions and the normal impressions of daily life. All these are the province of the astral body. Man shares this astral body only with the animal kingdom for the animal also is subject to joy and sorrow, impulses, desires and passions. To sum up, therefore: man shares the physical body in common with inorganic nature, the etheric with all that grows and propagates, with the entire plant kingdom, and the astral body with the animal kingdom. In addition there is a fourth member of his being which raises him above these kingdoms of nature and makes him the crown of Creation.  – Rudolph Steiner

lifewave – ‘ I’m talking about a cosmic plan. For we are on the brink of this new age, this new era. And so the incoming souls experience themselves as soldiers of light that will bring the necessary wisdom to usher in the new age. I want to share with you that there is fear and there is apprehension, because we don’t know that we will be up to taking on this tremendous responsibility. But we so honor the lifewave that must continue, that we are willing to take this risk.’ – Anne Armstrong

lifeworld – an intersubjective world in which people both create social reality and are constrained by the pre-existing social and cultural structures created by their predecessors.  there is shared and private aspects of the life world.  face to face relationships (we-relations) and distant and impersonal relations (they-relations) – far either for the scientists to study the latter. – A. Shutz – phenomenological sociologist

Life forms  – ‘are stations for the reception and transmission of forces, through which all are nourished. Each thing exists to nourish all others, and, in return, to be nourished itself. In this manner each kingdom of nature serves to receive and transmit life. This life is implicit in light and in the transmission of stellar or astral forces.’ – The Yoga of Herbs

light – “Into our minds also two lights flow in, one which is called spiritual, from the supreme and his love;  the other natural, from the sun of outer world and its heat.  These lights meet together in our minds, and from their meeting together, they become as centres of the whole universe, namely, of heaven and of the world;  hence from them , as from centres, its is allowable to wander forth with new vision into all the circumferences of the universe, and to examine each paradise, as it were, with two sets of eyes.  In this way the Love of Supreme has introduced thee to Himself.  He only lifted up the little shade, and filled thee with His own Love, in consequence of which thou sawest thyself in inmost principles.  – Swedenborg in ‘The Worship and Love of God” 

light resolution ~  Despite all the difficulties, 3-D physical life is wondrously advantageous to soul.   Every life experienced o a material-based planet affords soul an opportunity to refine, rebalance, and upgrade it light resolution. ~ Arcturians

lightening from heaven –  Themes of purification, expansion, and identity are inherent in all spiritual ways;  the experience itself is anything but analytical.  Its primary, overwelming component is the deep effect it has on the spirit of the person;  lightening from heaven – S. Buhner, 1997

lighthouse ~ the lighthouse doesn’t go out looking for ships to save, it just beams its light and does its job that way, and ships when they are ready come into harbor.  ~ Plaedians

lila – means play, and is most often associated with the play of the Divine, who creates freely, merely for the joy of it, out of spontaneous creativity, not by any need, lack or desire. – 2) the Divine is “a free artist” who creates real worlds and beings, and plays with and in souls in order to “lead them to ever higher levels of consciousness” – Aurobindo, in ‘The Life Divine’ 3) The basic recurring theme in Hindu mythology is the creation of the world by the self-sacrifice of God – ‘sacrifice’ in the original sense of ‘making sacred’ – whereby God becomes the world which, in the end, becomes again God. This creative activity of the Divine is called lila, the play of God, and the world is seen as the stage of the divine play. Like most of Hindu mythology, the myth of lila has a strong magical flavour. Brahman is the great magician who transforms himself into the world and then performs this feat with his ‘magic creative power’, which is the original meaning of maya in the Rig Veda. The word maya – one of the most important terms in Indian philosophy – has changed its meaning over the centuries. From the might, or power, of the divine actor and magician, it came to signify the psychological state of anybody under the spell of the magic play. As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya. (…) In the Hindu view of nature, then, all forms are relative, fluid and ever-changing maya, conjured up by the great magician of the divine play. The world of maya changes continuously, because the divine lila is a rhythmic, dynamic play. The dynamic force of the play is karma, important concept of Indian thought. Karma means ’action’. It is the active principle of the play, the total universe in action, where everything is dynamically connected with everything else. In the words of the Gita Karma is the force of creation, wherefrom all things have their life. —Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics (1975)

limbic syatem – where emtotions are seated. Has 40 times more opiate receptors than other areas of the brain.’ – Candice Pert

limbic system reversal  –  a physiological description of what happens when one feels drained of meaning

liminal awareness –  ‘ ‘However, in ethnographic literature we find reports about liminal awareness in tribal people prior to their exposure to conquistadorial societies.’ – Helmut Wautischer

liminal territory – that which borders the ‘liminal lounge’.

limitations – hardened thought forms

line ~ “A line is a dot that went for a walk.” –Paul Klee

liquid Gregor –  from ‘Gregorian’ referring to one who is a communicator – one who exerts him/herself in that direction, but remains low key, and ideally, humble.

Listening – In true listening, we reach behind the words, see through them, to find the person who is being revealed. — John Powell 2) In Africa there is a parable about why human beings have two ears but only one tongue. Why is this? So that we have to listen twice as much as we speak. 3) The first duty of love is to listen. –Paul Tillich

Living information – that which is broadcast via the Gaian internet.  The singing sources waters of being – mb

living transcendence – ‘Nietzsche could deny any form of transcendence, whether moral or divine, by saying that transcendence drove one to slander this world and this life. But perhaps there is a living transcendence of which beauty carries the promise, which can make this mortal and limited world preferable and more appealing than any other.’ – Camus

locate – to ‘locate‘ a concept or theory as a way of situating them, explaining them through context.

localizationist – another name for the biomedical model.  Counterpart to ‘systems approach’ – another name for holistic medical model.  Further:  in localizationistmedicine, there is a direct linear relation between cause and symptom, and an asymmetry between treatment and prevention (what cures a disease can be unrelated to what caused it).

Locavores – was first started in San Francisco with a goal of eating food from within 100 miles. The idea is rapidly spreading with various degrees of strictness on the idea of local. From 100 miles down to one mile or less.

Logic – Logic deals with exterior conditions, with cause-abd-effect relationships.  Intuitions are simultaneous – immediate – can deal with situations that the cuase and effect of logic is far to slow to perceive, to deal with.  Logic is a function of linearly perceived time. – Seth

Logorrhea – excessive talkativeness or wordiness.

Lokas – Worlds or planes of existence. Inhabited by intelligent beings – 2) In the Puranas there are seven lokas, Bhuloka (earth), Bhuvarloka (air/astral), Svarloka or Svargaloka (heaven/mental), Maharloka (projection of the causal mind in its formative stage), Janaloka (Plane of creativity, or of liberated mortals), Tapoloka (abode of tapas) and Satyaloka (abode of Truth), also called Brahmaloka or the world of Brahma. ‘The Lokas interpenetrate. Each plane has its own matter of an appropriate degree of destiny, which interpenetrates the matter of the plane next below it. . . When you pass from one plane to another you do not move in space. You simply change your consciousness. You change your focus of consciousness. You can have different sorts of vision through the telescope or microscope by using lenses of different degrees of potency or power. You have got different vehicles within yourself which correspond to different planes and which can function in different planes.’ – Sri Swami Sivananda

lotus throne – Buddha is commonly seated on a lotus throne, a symbol of the minds transcendent nature

Love – 1) love is the great comforter. Don’t wait to meet someone in order to be in love. Generate love inside your being, and this vital, passionate radiance will join the Great Pool of Love and magically return-flow what you desire. – vita lobelle  2) Each one of your faults is a direct or indirect hindrance to love. You can never learn love through forcing yourself, but love will grow and evolve as an organic consequence of your self-purification.  – Pathwork 17  3) But what is love?  If you turn on your radio, you have about a fifty-percent chance of hitting  a ‘love song.’ These are wonderful studies in pathos and pathology.  They have such great lines as ‘I can’t live without you; I’m  thinking about you all the time; I break out in sweats; I can’t sleep.’  These are the symptoms of heroin withdrawal! Our culture has totally conflated  love and addiction. – Roger Walsh  4) an experience of one universal mind unifying with itself – Jane Katra 5)  it is the essential of love not to love self, but to love others, and to be conjoined with others by love.  It is the essential of love, moreover, to be loved by others, for thus conjunction is effected.  The essence of all love consists of conjunction;  this in fact is its life, which is called enjoyment, pleasantness, delight, sweetness, bliss, happiness, and felicity.  Love consists of this, that its own should be another’s, to feel the joy of another as joy in oneself, that is loving . . . From this it is clear that divine love must necessarily have being and have form in others whom it may love, and by whom it may be loved.  6) Elemental attraction and repulsion are similar to love and hate, like and dislike. For this reason, the ancient seers of India held that the Self alone exists, that unity is the basis of all existence—that the unity of life is the unity of consciousness.  7) Love is complete trust and surrender. My love allowed all of the saint’s forces to enter me. His forces broke down my coarser matter during the two years of burning. Only by letting go deeply can we take into ourselves the highest ingredients necessary for our evolvement. – Rudi 8) love is the absolute constant of the universe. – Allan L. Roland 9) Love is a word of light, written by a hand of light, upon a page of light ~Khalil Gibran 10) Our true nature is nonattachment. Love decreases when we indulge in attachment, love increases when we raise our awareness level to increasing recognition of our true nature of nonattachment. – Amma 11) true love is allowing each human being to be, without imposing labels or interpretations. – E. Tolle 11) “For through the stairway of existence We have come to God’s Door.We are People who need to love, because Love is the soul’s life, Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.” – Hafiz 12) power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.” – MLK 13) Love is not something that we can command ourselves to feel, or that we can intellectually decide to feel. Love is not even really a feeling, as that word is usually understood. It is a state of being, of surrender, of perfect faith, that transcends and can empower all feelings. Love is giving up any sense of separation, from any part of oneself, from other human beings, from the natural world and from the spiritual realms. Love is eternal and also being born every moment. At bottom, all true spiritual instructions are aimed at helping us step into this eternal moment of love. If we try to push ourselves to love, we may only heighten our sense of separation and division. But, as awakening matures, we naturally allow our wall of fearful separation to dissolve and fall away. Then, rather than making an effort to love, we perceive that love is our true nature.  Loving our neighbor is not something that we do in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Rather, as we more and more align with the kingdom of heaven that is already here, loving our neighbor is experienced as an easy and integral part of our citizenship in that kingdom. ~ Donovan Thesanga 14) “Love, like energy, cannot be destroyed. Wherever love has found its way into dimensional expression, it leaves emotional alterations in the texture of the universe, traces like multicolored etchings in the ethers. Wherever two people have loved, wherever a human community has shared in the expression of love, whether it was yesterday, or ten thousand years ago, that love is still present, it can still be experienced.” – third millennium.   15)   Love is the energy of expansion, the vital current of creation.   When it touches matter lightly, the matter responds with life forms such as you have on the earth today/   When it touches matter fully, stars are born.   A vibrational quickening characterizes the currents of love as a creative force.     As it amplifies on this planet, it accelerates beyond the possibility of human comprehension.   A new world will appear, rising phoenix -like in the midst of the old. . a world of new perception, a world of new understanding, a world where resources are limited only by the capacity to appreciate. .  wherever love is honored,  so is the Creator.   What I seek from my creation is the knowledge that the love I give to my creatures is as vital to them as it is to me. . because they then catch the spirit of my nature;  they fall in love with love, with its magic its joy, its eternal pursuits of beauty, wonder, and new creation. . this is what it means to be born again in God:   to awaken within one’s heat and soul the same motivation that motivates the sun, moon, and stars. . third millennium.  16) unconditional love is the foundation frequency of energy of creation ~ Bashar

love, light, and will – Every community can benefit from cultivating the positive qualities of the heart (bonding, caring, trust), the mind (clarity of understanding, vision, integrity), and the will (the ability to act with courage and effectiveness). The challenge is to integrate them in a balanced way. – Robert Gilman

luck  shamanism treats bad luck as a curable disease.  Luck is programmable. – michael andrews

lucubration – laborious work, study, thought, etc., esp. at night – or any literary effort, especially of a prestigious or solemn nature.