kanda – “This is situated between the anus and the root of the reproductory organ. It is like the shape of an egg and is covered with membranes. This is just above the Muladhara Chakra. All the Nadis of the body spring from this Kanda. It is in the junction where Sushumna is connected with Muladhara Chakra. The four petals of the Muladhara Chakra are on the sides of this Kanda and the junction is called Granthi-Sthana, where the influence of Maya is very strong. In some Upanishads you will find that Kanda is 9 digits above the genitals. Kanda is a centre of the astral body from where Yoga Nadis, subtle channels, spring and carry the Sukshma Prana (vital energy) to the different parts of the body. Corresponding to this centre, you have ‘Cauda equina’ in the gross physical body. The spinal cord extending from the brain to the end of the vertebral column tapers off into a fine silken thread. Before its termination it gives off innumerable fibres, crowded into a bunch of nerves. This bunch of nerves is ‘Cauda equina’ in the gross body. The astral centre of ‘Cauda equina’ is Kanda.” – Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga 2) Yoga’s map of energy anatomy does chart the body’s center, the one-point counterpart to the Japanese tanden. This largely overlooked subtle energy structure is called the kanda.The kanda (meaning knot or bulbous root) is described in various writings as a white or golden sphere or egg-shape located a few inches below the navel. It is the origin of the fourteen major nadis (energy pathways) including the Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala-also named as the river goddesses Sarasvati, Ganga, and Jumna. –http://www.honoringyourbelly.com/inspiration/articles/center_in_yoga.html
karma – Karma is in no sense of the word fatalism on the one hand, nor what is popularly known as chance, on the other hand. It is essentially a doctrine of free will, for naturally the entity which initiates a movement or action — spiritual, mental, psychological, physical, or other — is responsible thereafter in the shape of consequences and effects that flow therefrom, and sooner or later recoil upon the actor or prime mover. Since everything is interlocked and interlinked and interblended with everything else, and no thing and no being can live unto itself alone, other entities are of necessity, in smaller or larger degree, affected by the causes or motions initiated by any individual entity; but such effects or consequences on entities, other than the prime mover, are only indirectly a morally compelling power, in the true sense of the word moral. – Theosophic Occult Glossary , pp. 82-3 2) The word karma could be loosely translated as fate, the effects of past actions. By being sensitive to our fate, we can recognize the danger of a potential situation and not enter into it. A man who is wise enough or evolved and sensitive enough to see the buildup of an event can avoid or minimize its negative aspects – Rudi 3) Karma means action, not just outer-directed action but thoughts and speech as well. Our lives are made up of actions. We never act alone; all of our actions affect others. At the end of the day, or at the end of our life, the only thing any of us really ‘has’ is our effect upon others. How we treat others determines how others treat us; how others treat us influences how we see ourselves; how we see ourselves determines who we are. – Sharon Gannon 4) People get into a heavy-duty sin and guilt trip, feeling that if things are going wrong, that means that they did something bad and they are being punished. That’s not the idea at all. The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart. To the degree that you didn’t understand in the past how to stop protecting your soft spot, how to stop armoring your heart, you’re given this gift of teachings in the form of your life, to give you everything you need to open further. – Pema Chodron (I think) 5) Karma is like a train. When it pulls up, it’s almost impossible not to get on. And, for that matter, not to stay on until the last stop. For better or worse. 6) Karma is wha results when we fight with the situations that life brings us ` Prem Baba
karma yoga ~ Each person brings certain gifts and talents to this world. You have to give what you came here to give. You brought the gifts – are you going to hide them away in the closet? Karma yoga, the path of service, means giving your gifts away with love and tenderness. – Prem Baba
Karpay – In Quechua, among the Quero people of the Peruvian Andes, is a direct transmission in which power and energy is transmitted from the Ancient lineages. For example, Ayni Karpay (reciprocity on all levels of consciousness), Munay Karpay (unconditional love through living in the heart + selflessness), and Hatun Karpay (4th level of consciousness) ~ http://qerofoundation.wordpress.com. 2) The transmission of the Mosoq Karpay is the ceremony representing the end of one’s relationship to time. It is a process of the heart. This process of Becoming is considered more important than the prophecies themselves. The Karpay (rites) plant the seed of knowledge, the seed of Pachacuti, in the luminous body of the recipient. It is up to each person to water and tend the seed so that it can grow and blossom. The rites are a transmission of potential; one must then make oneself available to destiny. The Karpays connect the person to an ancient lineage of knowledge and power that cannot be accessed by the individual. It can only be summoned by a tribe. Ultimately, this power can provide the impetus for one to leap into the body of an Inca, a Luminous One. That person is connected directly to the stars, the Incan Sun of cosmology. – http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/profecias/esp_profecias_inca.htm
karuna-virus ~ The fragrance of a flower travels only in the direction of the wind. However, the fragrance of goodness travels equally in all directions. We may not be able to help everyone in this world. But if we are able to express our compassion to a few people around us, they will pass it on, and very soon it will spread like links of a chain. This karuna-virus [virus of compassion], which can conquer the coronavirus, is what should spread across the world today.” ~ Amma
Kauyumari – In the Huichol creation story it was Deer Spirit, Kauyumari, that was sent to find the celestial tunnel of light that would lead the other gods and goddesses from the chaotic sky world into this world. But when they came through the tunnel they had forgotten who they were and where they came from. Slowly, though, by listening to their dreams, they began to remember. Together they journeyed a dangerous path to the center of this new world to perform the rituals that would give birth to Taupa, the Sun, their central deity, that he might bring Kupuri, light, to this dark place. After performing their rituals the Sun emerged and turned the sky bright blue and made the plains and mesas and valleys appear for the first time. It was so beautiful that everyone was filled with tears of joy. But soon the sun left again because he was so greatly missed by those who remained in the sky realm that they too performed the appropriate rituals to bring him back. The gods and goddesses were saddened by his departure but soon learned if they perform the proper rituals and live their lives in a sacred way, like those in the sky realm, the Sun will return for a while each day, sharing his time between worlds. Although it was Kauyumari, the Deer Spirit, who discovered the tunnel between worlds, he was the last to enter through because, being a trickster spirit, he felt more at home in the chaotic sky realm. When the gods and goddesses turned from the center of the world to disperse in the four directions, they noticed the tracks of Kauyumari were fuzzy green disks on the desert floor. They learned to ingest these disks and found themselves filled with Kupuri from the Sun, God’s light. They called these disks peyote. The Deer Spirit left them as tracks so those who come through the tunnel later will also be able to find their way, be filled with divine insight, and remember who they are and where they come from. – Todd Eklof
keening – ‘She found herself, through opening up to the pain, ‘sounding,’ in what she would later come to understand was ‘keening.’ Keening, a groaning sound that carried the sorrow, mourning, and grief, was something women would do, Miriam explained, at the death of the members of families and communities. She realized, ‘that it is at this level that goddess, feminist wisdom must come forth. The energy must come forth from the deep grief of saying, no, we cannot do this!’ Then she began to imagine what would happen if the women of Ireland, and the farmers with their deep, feminine, intuitive knowing, began to put on black shrouds, and showed up when the earth movers came in or incinerators were being built which would devastate the lakes. – John Seed
kids – candles to be lit, not vessels to be filled . . .
kleptocracies –
kleptoplasty – A green sea slug, Elysia chlorotica, has been found to use the chlorophyll it has eaten to perform photosynthesis for itself. This process is known as kleptoplasty, and no other animal has been found to have this ability.
Kleshas – ‘Pain’. There are five dealt with in Nath literature: Ignorance, Ego (an imaginary opinion of ourselves), Repulsion (to overcome it. This means learning that nothing is horrible in itself), Attachment (the false idea that we possess anything), and Clinging to Life. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/tantra/glossary.htm
knowledge – 1) that which is ‘owned’ by the body as experience- I. Prattis. 2) knowledge is a matter of self delimination – we know by separation. keeping that simultaneous with cultivating sense of union. that is a liminal state which allows one to bridge. to consciously live in a spirit manifested world. – Michael Andrews 3) ‘My view is that knowledge is a rearrangement of experience, in which we put together those experiences that seem to us to belong together, and put them apart from those that do not’ – Jacob Bronowski 4) The problem of human knowledge of the world –must first be viewed as centering in the human mind, not in the world as such. Therefore it is theoretically possible that the human mind has more cards than it has been playing. The pivot of the modern predicament is epistemological, and it is here that we should look for an opening. – R. Tarnas 5) Knowledge still belongs to the realm of intellect but, through experience, it is transformed into wisdom. –Prem Baba
knowledge ecology – (KE) is an interdisciplinary field of management theory and practice, focused on the relational and social aspects of knowledge creation and utilization. Its primary study and domain of action is the design and support of self-organizing knowledge ecosystems, in which information, ideas, and inspiration cross-fertilize and feed on each other. It proposes that: Knowledge and learning are social activities, by which we evolve ourselves as individuals and communities. Knowledge ecosystems, just like biological ones are self-sustaining, self-regulating, self-organizing. Knowledge ecosystems have boundaries/membranes through which they can interact with other ecosystems. As the environment changes, organisms must adapt or acclimatize to continue to survive or thrive.
Kosh-Air – Talmudic national airlines
kundalini – 1) a high level of organismic self-regulation resulting from the suspension of the ego and the activation of mental structures (Naranjo (In) Yearbook of cross-cultural medicine and psychotherapy, ‘95). 2) ‘The Kundalini, the residual Divine Power, resides in the triangular bone in the base of the spine. It is the germinating Power of the seed of your being. This seed sprouts through Sahaja Yoga. I am like the Gardener who pours some water on the seeds, which He had planted in His garden. At first, only a few flowers come up, but at the Time of the Blossoming the phenomenon of en masse Self-Realization is manifested. This Divine Love that I pour is your own right for this is the culminating point of the human evolution which has been promised in the scriptures.’ – Shri Mata Shri Nirmala Devi 3) evolutionary energy
kupuri – ‘ The Huicholes draw their deities and their belief system from centuries of total immersion in the natural world around them. They believe a universal life force called “kupuri” flows through all nature’s creations–the rocks, the trees, the wind, the animals, man. Their god-spirits are part of their extended family. The Huicholes celebrate a great intimacy with their gods and spend most of their lives honoring them and petitioning them with offerings of art, weaving and song. Father-Sun, Grandfather-Fire, Young-Mother-Eagle, Great-Grandmother-Growth, Great-Grandfather-Deer-Tail, these are among the nature-spirits that form the pantheon of their eco-religious philosophy. According to tradition, the gods brought votive offerings with them when they emerged from the underworld in the west and set out toward the east. The gods need these art objects for the maintenance of the world, and it is up to the Huicholes to constantly replenish the tokens.’
kyrie elison – 1) Greek words, meaning “Lord, have mercy upon us,” used in the Mass, the breviary offices, the litany of the saints, etc. 2) The name given to the response to the Commandments, in the service of the Church of England and of the Protestant Episcopal Church.