Knew Words ~ E


eco-centric morality – In order to try and turn around the ecological ‘Armageddon’ and to prevent the coming social disaster, a profound transformation is required in our relationship to the Earth. This will include re-sacralizing Nature, so that we as societies come to see the Earth as alive and part of ourselves. A future Earth-centered society will need to be organized around an eco-centric morality that has an essential spiritual or sacred dimension . . .  Re-sacralizing the Earth is seen as a concern with spirituality, not in establishing some new institutional religion.  – David Orton

eco-cosmology – Among Amerindians in the Amazon, the notion of nature is contiguous with that of society.  Together they constitute an integrated order, alternatively represented as a grand society or a cosmic nature.  Humankind is thus seen as a particular form of life participating in a wider community of living beings regulated by a single and totalizing set of rules of conduct.  The concept of ‘eco-cosmology’  refers to such integral models of human-nature relatedness.  This related to:  totemism – the classifying of social units on the basis of the classification of natural species.  This thus exploits observable discontinuities in nature to confer conceptual order on society.  Animism, the symmetrical inverse of totemism – a mode of conceptually organizing the relationship between human beings and ‘the rest of nature’ on the basis of the system of social classification. – after Descola

eco-mate –  the rest of our ‘buddies’ that make up any ecosystem.

echo – 1.  ‘To hear the echo of things is to understand their meanings.’  2.  ‘Only these (the spiritually aware) know the great law of the energy circuit of the biosphere, and the mechanism of the ‘echo‘ by which all creation continually transmits the message of its creator’.  3.  Smoking tobacco:  an echo of sacred behavior

echoes of light – . ‘I came to a crystal-clear pale blue environment, still seen through the molecular structure and changing patterns, which often, with the movement of energy, looked like elaborated spider’s webs or elaborate mandalas that occupied the whole space as though seen through a hologram. There, I came into contact with higher levels of consciousness. The entities were beams of pure light, moving through a spectrum of crystal clear energy. The imprints from materialization were less defined there, and all the movements of energy left an echo of light and sparkling fairy dust in the air. The music was soft and I had the impression that I entered the celestial court. There was a feeling of being suspended in the air without gravity, floating in this ocean of energies, in the most diverse patterns, colors and light, experiencing the higher octave vibrations of being, totally immersed in the light, and integrated into this dimension. A shower of love nourished my heart and I felt like being touched with white feathers by the astral.’ – yatra

ecological anthropology – ecological anthropology is defined as the study of how culture influences the dynamic interactions between human populations and the ecosystems in their habitat through time.  The primary approaches to ecological anthropology are cultural, historical, political, and spiritual ecology, while secondary approaches encompass ecolinguistics, ethnoecology, human adaptability, human behavioral/evolutionary ecology, primate ecology, and ethnoprimatology, among others.  Here environmental anthropology is considered to be the applied dimension of ecological anthropology. – Les Sponsel

ecological embrace –  (Ecological) harmony arises spontaneously, seemingly miraculously, from each creature’s pursuit of its own self-fulfillment. –Alexander

ecological politics – Ecological politics is not a specific ‘sector’ or ‘type’ of politics but politics itself in the ‘Age of Ecology.’  It is politics after the breakdown of the nature-culture boundary.  It encompasses the impacts of ecological crisis on traditional politics as well as new sites of debate and conflict precipitated or made more urgent by ecological crisis. Traditional politics has been altered in numerous ways, from the formation of powerful environmental interest groups that cross economic lines to the addition of demands for environmental justice to the lexicon of civil rights and social justice.  Beyond this, science’s role in contributing to ecological degradation, in investigating and documenting the effects of pollution and habitat destruction, and in solving ecological problems have brought it deeply into the political realm.  The nation state system, already weakened by a century of unprecedented warfare and by the growth of a global economic system, is being further eroded by the compelling need for global protection of ecological integrity.  Capitalism is faced with challenges to the economic growth imperative in the name of ecological sustainability.  And doubt about, if not rejection of, current institutional arrangements has hastened the breakdown of Eurocentric modernism’s hierarchy of cultures.  Indigenous cultures traditionally reviled or patronized are now more likely to be looked upon as exemplars of sustainable livelihood. – Milton Takei

ecological self – The cosmologies that govern the use of medicinal plants in Amazonian shamanism create an ecologically based model of health and causation and treatment of illness.  According to this view, human well-being is defined by the state of one’s ‘ecological self’, a self that exists in degrees of equilibrium or disequillibrium in relations to the world.  This concept can be explicated via expressions of health, which include feelings of connection and interrelatedness (or ‘nourishment transfer’) with the communities that construct the natural world, including the vitalistic realms of spirit and divine forces;  and expressions of illness, which are considered as contractions away from these communities.  Violated relations with these communities are often rationalized by ideologies, or supported by lifestyles that present a reduced or isolated sense of self.  That these violations and the illnesses they engender have risen and complexified with the arrival of modernity should not be surprising.  The notion of an ‘ecological self’ not only includes the Amazonian worldview, but can be understood using Western intellectual ideas of the self existing as an irreducible system characteristic of ecosophy and deep ecology and the systems language of post-modern science which views the world as an infinitely complex system of interrelationships, or ‘web of life’ – mb

ecology – 1) Odum (1989) defines ecology as a ‘study of the earth’s life support systems’. 2) Sunderlal Bahuguna, a Gandhian activist and philosopher, whose appeal to Mrs. Gandhi results in the green-felling ban and whose 5,000 kilometre trans-Himalaya footmarch in 1981-83 was crucial in spreading the Chipko message, coined the Chipko slogan: ‘ecology is permanent economy’.

ecology of Chaos – systemic relationships characterized by fluctuations, disequillibria, instability, and budget cuts.

economic fundamentalism –  . . .  Economic fudamentalism U.S. style is clearly more of a threat to the well being of the planet and its diverse inhabitants than any form of religious fundamentalism – Dave Orton

eco-physiology – 1) Basis for many medical systems, notably TCM and ayurveda is the practice of diagnosing and treating illness as disequilibrium of nature’s elements within the microcosm of the human body.  It reveals that: 1) we are composed of nature’s elements; that these elements are continuously circulating into, through, and out of the body; that the body functions according to the same laws as the planetary biosphere / Gaian metabolism; and that nature’s intelligence strives to restore equilibrium within the body. From an eco-physiological point of view:   Global warming, a fever condition of the planet, desertification and drought, compared to human yin conditions, dehydration, and you can treat this with various demulcent, anti-inflammatory plants, just like plants are the key to reversing global warming and desertification through their oxygen-generating, carbon-dioxide-binding, water-recycling, and environmental-cooling functions.  – David Crow

eco-psychology – Eco-psychology attributes the emotional, mental, and behavioral problems of humans as a symbiotic identification with the destruction of the earth, and as a reaction to the mechanization of our culture. Eco-psychology proposes that restoring the earth as a means for healing the (human) mind. – Astrid Berg

eco-spells – ‘principles of permaculture put into practice as eco-spells, brewing earth healing potions and planting our visions’. – Starhawk

eco-system ~  The eco-system of Earth is one big compost heap where life and death manifest as growth and decay and feed each other in an infinite loop. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but changes from one form to another. Nature is forever copulating and devouring itself to reproduce itself in endless variety. The Divine Feminine. Mother Kali.  Death and Rebirth seem to be locked into an endless cycle on the Wheel of Life. ~Darpan

ecosystem functioning – the logic of Gaia

ecosystemic intelligence –  that accessed via the Gaian inter(inner)net.

ecotone – a region of transition between two biologic communities.

ecotype – A genetically differentiated subpopulation that is restricted to a specific habitat.

ecstasy–  (shamanic):  ecstasy dissolves the boundaries of the  material world and releases the ego from its box by unraveling and reconfiguring the deep layers of coding within language and culture. 2) As Gordon Wasson said, “In common parlance, ecstasy is fun. But ecstasy is not fun. Your very soul is seized and shaken until it tingles. After all, who will choose to feel undiluted awe? The unknowing vulgar abuse of the word; we must recapture its full and terrifying sense.” (?) 2) ‘True ecstasy is a union of opposites. It’s the felt experience of paradox, so it is exalting and illuminating at the same time that it’s terrifying and threatening. It dissolves all boundaries.’ – Terence McKenna

edge of paradox – ‘I began to have cosmic glimpses and experiences into other dimensions and realms.  I began to deeply feel Grace and feel the Presence.  I began to know the human body as the Temple Template of Infinity. I began to sit at the ‘edge of paradox’ in meditation, the place in consciousness that beholds Creation. –Mary Saint-Marie/Sheoekah

edge zone – The edge zone is where, in permaculture, in ecosystems, the diversity is, the excitement, the danger, the breakthrus – – like the top water of sauerkraut.

education – ‘the making of human beings;  generating spiritual wealth and well-being;  cultivating well-being, a way of life’ – Salteaux elder Alfred Manitopeyes 

efficiency – more efficiency means less effort, maximum efficiency if effortless

efflorescence –  To burst into bloom;  blossom.  ‘The remarkable efflorescence of shamanism in the interstices between indigenous and non indigenous worlds and, for instance, in urban centers throughout Peru, is ample testimony to its adaptability and capacity to operate free of traditional settings’.

Ego – the mind identified self – E. Tolle. 2)  The phenomenon of the ego, of the self, is not a thing, it is a process. It is not a substance sitting there inside you; you have to create it each moment. It is like pedaling bicycle. If you pedal it goes on and on, if you don’t pedal it stops. It may go a little because of the past momentum, but the moment you stop pedaling, in fact the bicycle starts stopping. It has no more energy, no more power to go anywhere. It is going to fall and collapse.  The ego exists because we go on pedaling desire, because we go on striving to get something, because we go on jumping ahead of ourselves. That is the very phenomenon of the ego — the jump ahead of yourself, the jump in the future, the jump in the tomorrow. The jump in the non-existential creates the ego. Because it comes out of the non-existential it is like a mirage. It consists only of desire and nothing else. It consists only of thirst and nothing else.  The ego is not in the present, it is in the future. If you are in the future, then ego seems to be very substantial. If you are in the present the ego is a mirage, it starts disappearing.  . . Desire and the ego exist in cooperation, they coordinate. The ego cannot exist without desire, the desire cannot exist without the ego. Desire is projected ego, ego is introjected desire. They are together, two aspects of one phenomenon.- Osho  3) It is of course a common misapprehension that the change of personal consciousness effected in the Eastern ways of liberation is ‘depersonalization’ in the sense of regression to a primitive or infantile type of awareness. Indeed, Freud designated the longing for return to the oceanic consciousness of the womb as the ‘nirvana-principle’, and his followers have persistently confused all ideas of transcending the ego with mere loss of ‘ego strength’.’ This attitude flows, perhaps, from the imperialism of Western Europe in the Nineteenth Century, when it became convenient to regard Indians and Chinese as backward and benighted heathens desperately in need of improvement by colonization.  It cannot be stressed too strongly that liberation does not involve the loss or destruction of such conventional concepts as the ego; it means seeing through them — in the same way that we can use the idea of the equator without confusing it with a physical mark upon the surface of the earth. Instead of falling below the ego, liberation surpasses it. – Alan Watts   4) When one sees God in everything, there is no room for ego – Ammachi 5) Think of the ego as a protective cocoon that is eventually meant to be shed. The Unified Field can be visualized as a grid of great luminosity joining all living beings within its energy field of love. The words of Longfellow would seem appropriate in describing this all-encompassing field or grid: “The thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite.” – Allan L. Roland 5) ego is simply addiction, the reaching out and grasping for things habitually . . it is trying to get away from direct experience, which just makes us more scared . . isolates and cuts us off from each another-(whereas the real healing will only happen from realizing our interconnectedness with each other) – Pema Chodron 6) Ego is quintessentially all about fear-based safety seeking and justifiably so, since all of us, on any planet, experience what Adler called “cosmic inferiority’. It seems that the ego itself is the last to know that it was not made for the eternal task of transcendence and creation in the first place. Being thus abashed, we need to stop and see our egos as possessing a different, and quite necessary, set of functions than our egos can understand at the outset. . . Ego, then, seems to be the “sine qua non” of human experience. Whether we call it personality, typology, identity, or common sense, we all have a kind of self-consciousness that separates us from all others. We all know that we are not someone else and therefore” I must be myself”! Yet, this is also where the problem lies, i.e. the thinking that we are separate from each other and from Creation itself and yet, ironically always seeking intimate relationships to compensate. In transpersonal thinking, this separation is absurd. But through an existential lens, which is where the young ego starts out, nothing could be truer. No discretionary center means no self. No self is a major threat to the personal consciousness and is always met with, at least, a defensive tack, if not a full blown attack. It is in this sense that ego may just be the same as memory! New brain research shows the brain to be a conservative organ not expending more energy than it needs to. It registers that what happened before is what is happening now even though that “now” is past. The mind is slow to update and defaults to past protocol. We are prone to Daniel Goleman’s “amygdala hijacking” and are certain of the need for ego defenses to rise to the threat. It’s all about fear of loss. . . . ego, the operating system of the personality, the executive function, the manager, the circumspect overseer whose job it is to be vigilant by addressing the external world in such a way as to become a recipient of all that Life has to offer. It is the general manager with a team full of prima donnas trying to coordinate a winning season. To this end, we need to treat it with respect and care, as well as with pity and compassion, for its job is massive. Jung says that “all the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally unsolvable……They can never be solved, but only outgrown”. Think of ego, then, as an overly responsible self-agency which must needs be on top of everything in order to, well, be on top of everything. Upon not being up for life in the physical and emotional dualism in which it lives, it falters and compensates by “acting as if” it is competent and confident, i.e. inflated. . . . the basest and best of what ego is: It is the manager of the separate self as well as the major block to ultimate connection with the Higher Self, humanity at large, and Cosmic Oneness overall. Without this manager function, one would not survive. We would remain totally dependent throughout our “mean, small, nasty, brutish and short” lives, quoting Hume. There would be no intentionality, no drive, no impetus to acquire and attain, no interest in pleasure-seeking, and no sense of any purpose. In short, an egoless person would be totally depressed, unable to move about their world with any conscious possibility and would be worse off than animals because at least animals have a vivid intentionality to survive. ”. – Don Mihaloew 7) the rooster who believed the sun rose in the east because he crowed at it. 8) the “me” that lives only in thoughts that are believed. – Mukti 8) The ego is an accumulated phenomenon, a by-product of living with others. If a child lives totally alone, he will never come to grow an ego. But that is not going to help. He will remain like an animal. That doesn’t mean that he will come to know the real self, no. The real can be known only through the false, so the ego is a must. One has to pass through it. It is a discipline. The real can be known only through the illusion. You cannot know the truth directly. First you have to know that which is not true. First you have to encounter the untrue. Through that encounter you become capable of knowing the truth. If you know the false as the false, truth will dawn upon you. . . . the ego is a plastic flower – Osho 9) Ego is the resistance to life, resistance to death, to what is. Ego perceives separation, causes an inner sense of division. – Adyashanti 11) “God has created this creature we call ‘ego,’ which is actually an energy frequency. Our planet is a grain of sand 30 million light years from the center of the Milky Way, which is one single galaxy in the midst of countless others. Still, the ego believes it is the center of everything. It thinks it is entitled to everything, at exactly the time and the way it wants it done. If things don’t happen quite in this way, the ego creates a war.
The ego is a very recent development in the history of evolution. At this moment in history the ego is in charge, and that is the origin of all the suffering we have been seeing. Evolution continues until the mind and the ego are actually at service of the Being. – Prem Baba 12) just one bundle of boundaries – Martin Boroson

ego dissolution – ego dissolution can be a great thing, acting somewhat like a hurricane that enters a city and, while paralyzing the residences with fear of its destructive force, takes down only the structurally weak buildings and infrastructure, and leaves the streets and parks blown clean, the air sparkling with freshness.  But ego dissolution also brings on the possibilities of any kind of entity being able to enter the House of You, as you have temporarily vacated the premises and left the door wide open. – mb 2) . . . Perhaps this is the bottom line to mental illness: incomprehensible events occur; your life becomes a bin for hoax-like fluctuations of what used to be reality. And not only that–as if that weren’t enough–but you … ponder forever over these fluctuations in an effort to order them into a coherancy, when in fact the only sense they make is the sense you impose on them, out of necessity to restore everything into shapes and processes you can recognize. The first thing to depart in mental illness is the familiar. And what takes its place is bad news because not only can you not understand it, you also cannot communicate it to other people. The madman experiences something, but what it is or where it comes from he does not know. ~ PHILIP K. DICK, Valis

ego-centrism – Egocentrism is living as if we are agents only for our individual selves and families and not primarily members of the more-than-human world.’ – Bill Plotkin

egotourism –

El – The Hebrew word for God is (EL), which is the root of the word Elohim. These two letters written in Hebrew as Aleph, Lamed (AL), is the same word used in Arabic as the word God (Allah), which also has it’s root in the two letters (EL) or (AL). These two letter alphabets also you will notice has been affixed to many names and words in order to give it a divine origin. When the ancients discovered that the word God is EL they began to affix these two letters to just about any name to give it a divine meaning. It is from these two letters EL that give meaning to the names of most of the angels as known to us. Michael meaning “who is like unto God”. Michael, with the last two letters of EL connects the word God to the meaning of the word. Raphael, meaning “God is my healer”. Here again Raphael derives it’s connotation to the word God from the last two letters EL connected to the word. Ariel, meaning “Lion of God”, derives it’s meaning from the last two letters of EL affixed to the name. Gabriel, meaning “God is my strength”, derives it’s meaning from the last two letters EL affixed to the name. – Ken Nunoo

electric hush –

electrons – ‘are there gazillions of electrons or just one Electron with gazillions of manifestation?  We have reached the limits of our language.’ – dan ‘Moonhawk’ alford

elements –  1) the form of elements are archetypal dimensional blueprints for the unfolding of consciousness into matter.  – Hathors 2) The process of revealing the true nature within us, and re-harmonising our existence with nature is simple and profound. First one is introduced to the four elements (earth, water, air and fire) through simple practices of conscious communion with them. Working with the four elements externally makes it possible for us to balance their reflections internally (earth relates to our physical, material existence; water to our sentimental natures; air to our minds, knowledge and wisdom; and fire to our strong emotions, courage and limitlessness). Working with the physical external elements enables us to balance mind, body and emotion. The balance of the four elements within us creates the perfect vessel for the containment of the fifth element – spirit, ether, love. –

elf biscuits –  mushrooms that induce visionary states

elision – Def.:  A cutting off, esp. of a vowel, for the sake of meter or euphony, as in poetry.  the omission of a sound or syllable when speaking (as in I’m, let’s, e ‘ en); an omission of a passage in a book, speech, or film :’ the movie’s elisions and distortions have been carefully thought out’. e.g. ~ ‘The sacrificial crisis, as Girard sees it, is the dissolution of distinctions within a society – from the erasure of the reciprocal rights/responsibilities of parents to/from their children, to the elision of all hierarchy.’

emaho ~ 1) A Sanskrit word, emaho (pronounced ay-mah-ho) is an expression of joy and wonder, and an invocation for auspiciousness.  2)  the shortest Dzognchen teaching.  ~ Lama Surya Das

Embodiment – ‘But there’s more to wholeness than synergy.  For example, a whole can manifest directly through its parts.  Every human being is a unique expression of the whole of humanity.  Every flower and forest is a direct expression of nature, of the totality of organic aliveness.  Every moment contains the whole of time — a phenomenon we know as eternity. Some call this communion.  But it is not a ‘coming together’ (which is the synergy factor).  This is different.  This is EMBODIMENT — a manifestation at the micro (specific) level of some Greater Reality that exists at the macro (general) level — the way a police officer embodies ‘The Police’, the way a mother embodies ‘Motherhood’, the way Macbeth embodies ‘Tragedy’.’ – Tom Atlee

Emergence – 1) emergence is a psychological concept: it is a measure of our surprise at the consequences of low-level natural laws, not a fundamental truth of Nature in its own right.  – David Chalmers 2) Think about it this way: to someone who had never witnessed or heard about the phenomenon of “boiling,” the idea that at a certain precise temperature water should suddenly begin to bubble and turn into a gas would also sound impossible! Or this way: to someone who had never seen or heard about “flowers,” the idea that at a certain particular moment a simple green stem would suddenly start to bulge and then explode with dazzling colors would also sound impossible! But boiling and blooming are not impossible supernatural interventions! They– and countless processes like them– happen all the time in the natural world, and are nothing more than examples of the universal phenomenon of “emergence” in complex systems (i.e., “tipping points,” “phase changes,” “critical masses,” etc.). – David Ulansey

Emergent properties – Hierarchically ordered structures and emergents (properties or capacities that emerge de novo at certain levels of hierarchy) cannot be interpreted simply in terms of, nor considered as parts of, lower order phenomena. For example, when atoms of hydrogen and oxygen combine, the result is a molecule of water with novel emergent properties, such as wetness. These emergent properties are totally unpredictable from the properties of its constituent atoms and cannot be described in terms of atoms–and, of course, the water molecule is not contained within its atoms. So too life, or the biosphere, is not simply contained in, reducible to, or explicable simply in terms of, the physiosphere: the realm of pure matter. Life has emergent properties not found in the properties of its chemical constituents. Life, in other words, has properties and capacities that seem to defy description in terms of the movements of the mere molecules. Likewise, the noosphere (the realm of sentient life) emerges from and is not simply in the biosphere. That is, the noosphere is not a component of the larger whole called biosphere but is an emergent that in some sense transcends it. Ontologically, the noosphere thus cannot be reduced to, or considered merely as, a strand of the biosphere. And humans are compound individuals comprised of all three ‘spheres’ or levels; we cannot be regarded simply as strands of the biosphere which comprises only the physical and biological levels.  This is a difficult but important argument which can only be sketched briefly here. It appears to resolve a number of puzzles that have plagued ecological thinking such as how one can accord greater value to some forms of life, including humans, than others while simultaneously honoring all life. Wilber argues at length that this perspective is not anti ecological, as it might appear at first glance. Rather, he insists that it naturally results in an enhanced concern for life and the environment which are now recognized as parts of one’s own compound individuality. – R.Walsh

empire – 1) Arnold Toynbee noted, empires arise from the work of a creative minority, they fall because a dominant minority tries to hang onto power through hell and high water.

eminence– ‘ . . . it is sometimes said that the eminence of scientists is measured by the length of time they hold up progress in their field’ – Lovelock

emotions –  1)  musical chords.  2)  It is the natural biological impulse to make a sound in response to an especially strong emotion.  3)  energy in motion – T. Willard  3)  the tuning key to the frequency generator which is the biological being.  You call to you that which you put out . . – Pleiadians 4) A tangling together of thoughts in the head and feelings in the body – Shinzen Young

emotional body – ~ Essentially, the emotional body is energetic in nature and isa layer outside your physical body. If the emotional body isclear, then we are not storing our emotions there. Instead, weare experiencing them releasing these feelings, moving forwardand staying in the present moment.However, there are many people who experience emotional painand trauma. These negative-feeling emotions are stored in their emotional bodies primarily to help them avoid experiencingthe same trauma. These emotions may also be stored in the emotional body becausethere has been no healing work in order to help the personrelease them. Many people have these hurtful feelings storedin their emotional bodies but do not have any remembrance ofthe original experienced that caused them.Over time we begin to operate based on what is in our emotionalstorage bin. If we have a healthy emotional body, then we willbe able to respond to situations based on what is happening RIGHTNOW. However, if our emotional storage contains emotions that are unhealedand negative, then our responses will be based on our responsesto past experiences. – 2) The vibrational acceleration that accompanies the changes that have been scripted is calculated to stimulate to the surface all the residual evidence of the outmoded structure. The depths of the emotional body harbors eons of repressed experience, vibrationally, that the dictates of culture and propriety forced into the inner recesses of your being. Those energies, buried within your own depths, seek to be released now. The energies flooding your planet call forth the vibrational density hidden within you all. And outbursts on an interpersonal level …and within the macrocosm of the world around you that reflects it ….are to be expected. The intensity of what you may be feeling will seem exaggerated in proportion to the events that may have triggered them. And yet, the authenticity of these expressions will compel you to transcend the reticence instilled by propriety and to cull forth from within your inner depths the emotional density you carry and the release of it that serves as the catalyst for change. – Oneness (Rasha)

emotional hygiene –  ‘Inharmonious emotions need to be felt, expressed, released, cleared, and be done with.  Long term sustaining of inharmonious emotions provides a supportive environment of poor health.  When you judge an emotion as bad and do not allow oneself to feel it this causes the area where this emotion exists to freeze up or lock up, thus life force or prana freezes up there since it is extremely interactive with the flow of emotional energy.  Whatever physical organs happen to be in the vicinity not longer receive sufficient life force.  All diseases are psychosomatic.  The physical body is the realm of effect.  Realm of cause is thoughts.’

emotionally hijack ~ the ‘news’ can do this to you

empirical –  Relying on or derived from, verifiable or provable by, means of observation or experiment.  Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine.

emunctory – a part, or organ of the body, as the skin or a kidney, that functions in carrying off waste products.  ‘The emunctory function is brought into play, and this itself constitutes one of the first therapeutic results of ayahuasca use.’

empotional processes –

enchanced – 

enchant – Middle English enchanten, from Old French enchanter, from Latin incantre, ‘to utter an incantation, cast a spell’;  from cantre, ‘to sing’

energy –  1.  a manifestation of consciousness.  Energy is form, subtle form, form and energy create one unit of reality.  –nature (M. Smallwright). 2.  energy is a way of saying something simply, which could be very complicated biochemically and physiologically. . . .  M. Tierra 3) If you identify the energy with the personality, then personality blocks inhibit the energy.  If you identify with energy as energy, you can allow the energy to return to ‘original nature’.  4) energy is eternal delight –William Blake

energy healing – those who direct their energy outward and concentrate on replenishing or manipulating the sick persons ‘energy flow’.  They do this in the presence of the patient, using the fingers or palms of the hands.  Involves info access and sharing.   The concept of an invisible life force that permeate and activates all living systems, including the earth and universe, is central to energy healing modalities  – Jane Katra

energy stamp – Release your comfort with your pain and know that when you stay in a relationship past the time when it adds to you, it only serves to intentionally dim your light and lower your vibration. This does more damage than you may ever know to all those who are in your field. The children for whom you are willing to sacrifice your own happiness receive a tainted impression of what a relationship really is. They can then be doomed to repeat your same misdirection of energy time and again until they learn to override this energy stamp.  – The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home

engender –  to give birth, beget. To bring into existence; give rise to: ‘Every cloud engenders not a storm’ (Shakespeare).  To procreate; propagate. Important derivatives are: kin, king, kind1, kind2, gentle, general, generate, genius, engine, genuine, germ, genital, pregnant, nation, native, nature.

enlightenment – Enlightenment is a state in which “Oneness of being” is realized, the interconnection of all beings and things in our world–yoga teaches that we are inseparably woven into the great web of life, matter, and cosmic space. – Sharon Gannon 2) like when a pot breaka and the inside spce is reunited with the outside space. – Ammachi 2) People having grown up under the watchful eye of superego, and this would includes all of us, typically abort the very experience for which we are destined merely by defending their selves. The ego thinks the defense of self leads to prominence and safety. Redoing Descartes, “I am safe now, therefore I must be right”! But people having grown up with sufficiency of inclusion, potency, and attachment are actually able to move beyond this basic motive of safety. They are able to look beyond their egoic constructs of uniqueness, specialness, and superiority as mere compensations, but usually only, alas, after hitting bottom somehow. The dark side of ego is so powerful that it convinces the self of its ultimate legitimacy as is, without any transformation that lifts people into states of new awakenings. It is like enlightenment is seen by the ego as a major threat, the very thing the ego-self is destined to accomplish, but not as ego. It is in this paradoxical crucible all of us as individuals find ourselves and, as puppies inside a paper bag, try exhaustively to extricate ourselves from this confusing dualism. But doing so only with the ego only tightens the bag around us and has us act even more foolishly. – Don Mihaloew 3) “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular”. – Jung 4) Enlighenment is to know that the entire universe is a projection of my own being and that I create within myself the texture and fabric of all that exists. – Deepok Chopra 5) To be without anxiety about imperfection – from Zen tradition  6)   what turns our flashes of insight into abiding light,”~ Huston Smith

enstory –   Plants are midwives of our consciousness, as we evolved later than plants.  Plants contain a story, information, biomemes.  could macro- this to apply to human race – we have a story.  We call these things flavors, odors, textures, beauty, etc.  aesthetics creates meanings of this, which organizes and thus ‘enstories’. . . This is perceived organoleptically.  The herbalist then matches the story of the plant (very complex) to reorder the story of the client. – mb 

enthusiasm – enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice. – A. Toynbee   

environment – Concept of environment is anthropocentric, involving a one-sided and total concept of control, one based on domination and regulation, rather than on a shaman’s delicate and constantly renewed negotiation, visions of equilibrium and cycles of reciprocity. these are all ecosystemic dynamics.  shamanic role in mediating between world, in working with an ecology of souls, requires techniques and describes  purposes which are resonant with the ecocentric herbalist

epistemic murk –

epistemological bedrock –  Whereas earlier scholars of religion had defined shamanism in ways that incorporated cultural understandings of shamans and their followers, behavioral scientists skeptical about the ontological basis of spirit worlds have found epistemological bedrock in the concept of altered psychological states (a bit of scientizing),  i.e. on the translation of the ‘spirit idiomata’ into Western psychological (or transpersonal) terms.

epistemic – that which studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, its extent and validity.

equanimity – While mindfulness is the ability, in real time, of keeping track of components of some aspect of experience, equinimity is non interference with the natural movements of the experience. In terms of what we cultivate involves a relaxation of the body, and a dropping of judgments in the conscious mind. Deeper equinimity is a letting go of moment by moment congealing or interference with the natural movement qualities of the senses in general and specifically the feeling sense in the body. . . Equinimity is radical permission to feel, which diminishes suffering – Shinzen Young

equilibration – n. act of keeping a balance, or state of being balanced; equipoise.

errors of codification –  ‘The principal consciousness of the self derives from this awakening at a superior integrative level, with the consequent possibility of discovering and correcting errors of codification.  In this sense the yage experience is a semantic one:  it consists of creating and discovering meanings.  This presentation of the self to the self and to the world determines what we call a state of consciousness.’  Mabit et al, 1995

etheric eyes – ‘everyone possesses these etheric eyes;  they resemble concave disks behind and around the eyeball, something like the saucer-shade behind an electric bulb.  The etheric disks endow the physical eyes with vitality and fire, but normally do not function independently.  When etheric sight is exercised, about another octave of light, more or less, becomes consciously objective:  this independent activity of the the etheric eyes when it occurs may be under some control or none.’ –Geoffrey Hodson

etheric harmony –  When you start extracting active constituents the etheric harmony of the plant is blown apart.  It is this etheric harmony that is reborn within you when you ingest the plant or its signature and you resonate towards its integrity as a matching gesture. – Keith of Shasta

ethnogenesis – saving a rainforest would from the plant-spirit perspective be an act of ethnogenesis.

ethnography –  As a conversation (Descola, 1996):  an ethnography  is a dialogic product involving colleagues, spouses, friends, and neighbors – the collective result of a long ‘conversation’.  Note here that E. Luna (S.F. Entheobotany Conf.; 10/96) explained that ayahuasca creates a dialogue between the shaman and the world of nature, manifested to him by means of anthropomorphic and animal forms.  An ethnography of the spirit world is the next step.  Now how would one structure that, operationalize it . . . ?

ethnographic projection – the future opposite of archaeological perversion. 

ethos –   The character, sentiment, or disposition of a community or people, considered as a natural endowment; the spirit which actuates manners and customs; also, the characteristic tone or genius of an institution or social organization. the distinctive spirit of a people or an era; ‘the Greek ethos’.  The disposition, character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement: ‘They cultivated a subversive alternative ethos’ (Anthony Burgess).  The personality of a culture.

eucharist – A sacrament and the central act of worship in many Christian churches, which was instituted at the Last Supper and in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of Jesus’s death; Communion.  ‘The arrival of Christianity spelled the end of the Greek and Roman mystery religions.  From that point on the visionary sacrament was replaced by a symbolic, or placebo sacrament, the bread and wine of the Eucharist.  In comparison to its predecessors, Christianity was less a faith giving and more a faith demanding religion.  The use of vision plants went underground, or into the medicinal liquors produced by monastic orders, while Christianity continued to co-opt or destroy what was left of the Nature religions in Europe.’  Protestant – bread and wine symbolize/represent the body and blood of Christ;  Catholic –  bread and wine become  the body and blood of Christ.  Shamanic – you become the body and blood of Christ.  – mb, after J. Ott 

eukaryotic city cells  – is a constant dynamic movement of the symbiotic inhabitants and metabolic processes:  DNA opening, copying, and refolding;  RNA shuttling to and from DNA in the making of new proteins, traffic of enzymes assisting chemical reactions, flow of supplies and waste, ever changing mobile architecture, and the continual molecular traffic in and out of cell walls.

euphoriogenic – ‘However they – the drugs – are neither habit forming or euphoriogenic for the vast majority of patients’.

evening empires – ‘They should begin to realize that the sun is now setting on their evening empires which are crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is breaking the Dawn of Truth that will awaken the human race from their long spiritual slumber and unite them in Collective Consciousness.’  –

events – Events are multi-dimensional pieces of living art;  the form, size shape and purpose change as you learn to walk around an event and release your fixation on a single, emotionally driven framework of time.  Events grow in meaning as your grow in consciousness. – The Pleiadians

ever-healed – in each of us, that which always knows its divinity, wholeness, and innate perfection; that which is not birthed from apparent separation.

evil –  1)  ‘if good can be defined as that which encourages the integrity of the whole, than evil becomes everything which disturbs or disrupts such completeness.   Anything that is bad for the ecology.  Good is not necessarily the opposite of evil, but one part of the field in which they both exist.’  Reasons for disruptive evil in ecologies:  loss of connection to place;  loss of balance between numbers and distribution;  lack of diversity.   2) that which gains power from those who unconsciously or deliberately use their life force improperly.  It feeds parasitically off human energy.  The shadow that followed when Light was focused on the deliverance of the world.  Prisons of the soul  – J. Bronfman  3) ‘If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.’ – Alex Solzhenitsyn 4) ‘As a parent of a university student, I was particularly shocked and disturbed by the senseless killing of so many young and innocent students and teachers at Virginia Tech last week. I strongly disagree with President Bush when he said, ‘they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.’   No, they were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. It was the killer who was out of it.  (Perhaps Bush was referring to the situation in Iraq.)  I  also object  to his references to ‘evil.’  Cho Seung-Hui was a a severely disturbed and disconnected individual who saw no other way to deal with his dark thoughts than to act them out in a brutal and horrific way.  But he was not evil. He was sick, isolated, alienated from everyone, including his family.  This tragedy must be a wake-up call for us all.  Violence is like a cancer infecting our social body.  And it does no good to call it evil or try to kill it or fight it. Like cancer, it’s a condition that requires strengthening & healing the whole body.  What makes violence possible is fear, hatred, greed and powerlessness.  What lessens it is kindness, understanding, peace and connection. – Guillermo Ortiz 5) “God allows evils to happen in order to bring a greater good therefrom” underlies the causal relationship between original sin and the Divine Redeemer’s Incarnation. – Thomas Aquinas 6) ‘Prem Baba does not deny the existence of evil in the world. On the contrary, he urges us to have the courage to look inside and see the bits of ‘evil’ that lurk within each of us – evil in the form of meanness, envy, revenge, jealousy, and bitter wrath – all ultimately rooted in fear. Evil is the absence of human empathy, the extreme lack of kindness and compassion. Just as darkness can be understood as the lack of light, so evil can be understood as the lack of love.’ – William Ury 7) evil is a different resolution of awareness, a different density of veils, a different degree of trance ~ Nassim H.  8)  From the higher dimensional aspects of consciousness, the apparent “evil” is an evolutionary stimulus, for in the world of duality in which you live when you have light there is darkness, shadow.~ Hathors  9) “In my career I’ve found few people are truly evil, most are just too far disconnected from the effects of their actions,” he wrote. “Until someone reconnects them.” ~ Marcus Hutchins

Evolute  – a curve that is the locus of the centers of curvature of another curve (its involute).

evolution – according to conventional science:  1 – changes in gene frequencies at population level, 2 – not inherently progressive, nor of a 3 – higher order of moral principles.  I.e. no teleology (purpose) involved. According to others:  1) evolved human: ‘a person who has gained his consciousness but keeps his wildness.’ – Scott of Egigak, Alaska   2) the evolutionary process as a whole involves an interplay between creativity and habit – R. Sheldrake.  3) You must reach that point from where you guide yourself in such a way that the guiding lines become part and parcel of you. That means in your central nervous system, in your conscious mind, you must be the existence of the Spirit. This is what is the evolutionary process. ~ Shri Mukti-nilaya Shri Nirmala Devi.  4)  Evolution is no linear family tree, but change in the single multi-dimensional being that has grown to cover the entire surface of the earth – Lynn Margulis   5) evolution is an unfolding and manifesting of latent potentials.  6) Ecological or systems thinking involves a shift away from tracing the evolution of individual species’ lineages against environmental ‘backdrops.’  Increasingly, we see evolution systemically and ecologically — as the simultaneous and intertwined co-evolution of all Earth species at once. This way of seeing evolution brings it into new focus, resolving environments into ecosystems — complex webs of co-evolving, interdependent species, each of which helps shape every other, and is shaped by the others.  As figure and ground merge, the old view of, for example, rabbits in habitats becomes a view of ‘rhabitats.’  . . evolution is a single process– E. Sahtouris 6) ‘To encompass diversity is to expand consciousness, itself the most critical evolutionary force within our being.  When we expand self-identity to become more inclusive, the self can be diversified and enriched by the great number of character constituents available in the natural world.  This not only cures the‘shriveled sense of self’ symptomatic of modernity, but allows us to enact the advice of ancestors, flexibility of bamboo, rooting of an oak, outlook of an owl, stealth of a jaguar, energy shifts of weather systems, upwelling and release dynamics of plate tectonics, transformative power of fire, and the dreamed creations of Gaia.’ – mb 7) to raise your energy in order to unite it with love, this is the purpose of evolution ~ Prem Baba  8) Evolution in nature is no more and no less than the ever continuing cyclic unfolding of cosmic mind. ~ (From Sunrise magazine, April/May 2004; copyright © 2004 Theosophical University Press)

evolutionary activism – Individuals and groups that embrace the evolutionary perspective will also work to encourage all other groups within society to reframe their goals and mission statements to align them with evolutionary objectives. Social, political, governmental and economic organisations will begin to re-evaluate their activities and goals to ensure they are consistent with the advancement of the evolutionary process. As more and more individuals and groups make this transition to an evolutionary perspective, a wave of evolutionary activism will emerge, directed at the unification of living processes on the planet to form a cooperative planetary society. ~ John Stewart ~ EVOLUTION’S ARROW

evolutionary heritage – bio-lineage, that which supports the geo-anatomical soul.

evolutionary initiative – ‘There may be a profound and mysterious shift occurring in the balance of life on this planet. The dominant and dominating role of the human in relation to the natural world has brought about unparalleled ecological disaster, degradation of habitats and loss of species. Could it be that the profound consciousness-raising and compassion-deepening effects of the visionary plant brews and tinctures are signaling an evolutionary initiative coming from other, non-human, intelligences on this planet? Instead of the usual attitude of arrogant and exploitative superiority, those who have experienced mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca and other entheogens are more likely to find themselves humbled and awed by the mysterious powers of nature, and strive to live in a simpler way that minimizes environmental harm and protects and celebrates the astonishing diversity and beauty of life.’ – Ralph Metzner

Evolvement – Survival through evolvement is about working smarter and not harder.Your ability to survive in an environment of constant change requires a greater capacity to adjust and redevelop more effective and efficient alternatives. –

excipient –  An inert or slightly active substance used in preparing remedies as a vehicle or medium of administration for the medicinal agents. –Chambers.

exegete – someone who enjoys learning things and then explaining them to others. – Mark Neuberg

Existence  Is the biggest game of all. Within the game the greatest victory and ultimate achievement is to feel the power of love within all creations by transcending fear without annihilating its purpose. Its a multi layered enterprise that is both highly complex and conversely quite simple.  In essence it is a fine joining of frequencies based on a conscious cooperative agreement.  Energy patterns continuously ripple and run into other layers of reality, creating an open exchange of frequencies and signals.  From a larger perspective, all realities are open ended;  therefore, whatever you do – the attitudes you develop and the actions you take – creates frequencies that broadcast your essence everywhere.  Cover-ups and pretence are forms of delusion;  you are who you are.  You can fool yourself, but you can’t fool your energy signature.   . . . with the current state of human affairs, the level of deceit and lies has grown to such audacious heights because people have misplaced their abilities to read the vibrations of reality.  In modern terms, it is called being in a state of denial. –the Pleiadians 2) What, you ask, is the beginning of it all? And it is this … Existence that multiplied itself for sheer delight of being and plunged into numberless trillions of forms so that it might find itself innumerably. – integral yoga – sri aurobindo

existentialism – . . . a book by Hans Jonas called The Phenomenon of Life. It’s a book of philosophical essays but there’s one essay called “Gnosticism and the Modern Temper” in which he shows that once you take Gnosticism and dump all the angels and all the star demons and all the colorful bricabrac of late Roman thinking what you have is a thorough going existentialism completely compatible with Jean Paul Sartre, Jean Genet, and the kind of intellectual despair that characterized the post WWII generation in Europe. Heidegger is thorough goingly Gnostic in his intentionality, it’s just that the language is modern and stripped of this magical thinking and by being stripped of this magical thinking in a way modern, the modern resumption of that state of mind is even more hopeless and disempowering. –

existential crisis – For Sartre, the key aspect of our existence is the existential crisis: the moment you realize that you are fundamentally alone in the universe. There is not God to answer your prayers or to guide you – or give your life meaning and purpose. The existential crisis is psychologically much like the grieving process: Once you are told the fact of existence, you will deny it, get angry, but will ultimately have to accept it….Once you accept it, despair and anguish set in. (Some existentialists, like Camus really seem to dwell on these negative emotions) –

exorcism – devil detox

explanation –  The Western passion for explanation is via models, frames, paradigms, plans, blueprints, preliminary representations, hypothetical or stylized representations. – V. Turner 

Extremists – ‘Extremists are ordinary people with their backs against the wall.’  – RCMP Sergeant in Saboteurs: Wiebo Ludwig’s War Against Big Oil, by Andrew Nikiforuk,