camp ~ Queer film historian Jack Babuscio defines camp as “irony, aestheticism, theatricality and humour”
canary in the goal mind – !
cancer – 1) ‘a disease of congestion in the experiential realm. When emotions are not processed, they tend to stand still, to freeze, and eventually paralyze the life energies that are trying to express themselves thru the personality’ – Dr. Ingrid Naiman. 2) freedom without responsibility – David Korten 3) the logic of empire, which rejects limits on growth. 4) ‘The cancers disappear temporarily, like the enemies that seem to be vanquished by our military bombardments, only to rise up again, secondary cancers, similar even in their new more virulent forms to the new infuriated rebel uprisings in Afghanistan and Iraq. ‘The lymphatic system defends the body from foreign invasion by disease causing agents.’ This is the language of the kind of xenophobia that is presently directing our foreign policy and leaving us virtually isolated in the world, separated from the community of nations and increasingly separated as well from the community of all beings. In a recent talk, I was asked to address the question of why there is so much fear associated with cancer. I suggested that the afflicted ones know that something within themselves has gone wrong. A healthy cell has mutated and has become other than its nature. In a political sense, what was cooperative becomes imperialistic, devours the resources, takes over the territory, pollutes until all the systems are overwhelmed and breakdown is systemic. Cancer as event and metaphor speaks to us of political and environmental devastation. It speaks to us of rampant and unrestrained growth. It speaks to us of the take-over of the body by something not so much alien as aberrant, particularly in its inability to be a functioning member of the body community. It speaks to us of damage so severe that only excision or death can save the system it has invaded. It speaks to us of the extremity of the irreversible damage to the environment that is ourselves, where we live. But the cancer cell is, itself, an entity on the front line. It is a wounded self that seemingly cannot be restored. It is the first victim of environmental disaster. The ones suffering cancer see immediately that war is going to be waged in their body against another part of themselves that was damaged and can no longer function. Further, those who have cancer and are afraid know that as a society we turn against those who cannot function in society instead of trying to restore them. Ask the veteran’s of the Vietnam and later wars we have been waging. Healing, however, imagines restoration. Healing looks to how communities protect, sustain and restore each other. Preventive medicine is compassionate and looks to restore the environment in which health rather than illness can flourish. What is good for the cell, is good for the individual and for the land and for the world and vice-versa. Ever since my experience with breast cancer in the seventies I have been living by the dictum that we heal life and then life heals us.’ – Deena Metzger 5) . . . entities that feed off the energies that you are afraid to own.
capitalism – ‘. . is today an immense cosmos into which the individual is born, and which presents itself to him, at least as an individual, as an unalterable order of things in which he must live. It forces the individual, in so far as he is involved in the system of market relationships, to conform to capitalist rules of action. – Max Weber – 1904 2) capitalism is good in that it allows humans to fulfill self-fulfillment without restrictions – this an improvement over communism – but with nature despiritualized, there is no inherent morality, no restraint. Hence capitalism is only problematic in the spiritual barrenness of global industrial cultures. Unfettered consumptions leads to imbalances. Eg gap between rich and the poor. Capitalism works in terms of linear, perpetual growth; built on the twin pillars of consumerism and war, both of which require the destruction of natural resources, thus grinding up the capital. – Alexander
carminatives – ‘ . . . from time of Galen, we use ‘carminatives’, or warming, aromatic herbs and spices, to ‘warm up’ a ‘cold stomach’. i.e. a digestive tract in which the secretions are deficient. Carminatives are pungent and bitter, so they stimlate, warm, and excite secretions, from the mouth on down the gastrointenstinal canal’ –Mathew Wood
carriers of the Dream –
cell – I call that single cell a multi-creatured cell because the ancient bacteria co-invented it and actually resided in it together. From their descendants in the offspring of these cells came all the multi-celled creatures from ants to elephants, from flatworms to redwoods and you and me. Everything that is not a bacterium is or is made of nucleated cells. Again we see divisions of labor and reorganization, the evolution of nervous systems to coordinate, et cetera, et cetera. – E. Sahtouris
cellular telepathy – The parameters of every civilization are dreamed into being from the spiritual realms by the collective imagination of all the participants. . . civilizations manifest with a wide variety of intents and purposes based on the agreements of their designers and builders. You are not born into a world without contributing to its design, and you are continuously affecting and interacting with the nonphysical structure of your current civilization thru a process of cellular telepathy. You are also telepathically interacting with other structures of reality that are interspersed thru-out time. Your current civilization, like all realities, is composed of structured energy that is located on a frequency band, like a radio station broadcasting its programs from a distinct address. Frequency signatures define and outline the purpose and maintain the continuity of all versions of reality. Many of these realities you have been trained, encouraged – and genetically disposed – to ignore. – The Plaeidians
Cellular Rebellion – that which happens when you don;t feel fully alive. Common in life force negating, thought-possessed cultures, those dispossessed of the guidance of body-based intelligence.
ceremony – ‘conscious celebration’ – Sheoekah 2) What happens during the workshop? What is it? What we call ‘workshops’ are really co-creative ceremonies in which we pool our creativity, griefs, ancestral inheritances, jokes, failures, and stories to create a collective offering to feed the Holy. They usually involve listening to stories, learning about layers of meaning for the various items we’ve gathered and brought to the event, beginning to make things for the ceremony, and compiling our individual gifts and creations into a collective offering or shrine. – Martin Pretchel 3) bridges the world and allows vitality to flow . . . – mb 4) can be understood as an ‘active principle’ in any sacramental medicine encounter.
chaos – ‘Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.’ -Henry Adams
Chaos theory ~ When a living system is too chaotic, it can’t hold its form and dissolves into its environment – or, in other words, it dies. When a living system is too stuck in established order, it can’t respond appropriately to changing circumstances and soon ceases to “fit” with its environment – and so it, too, dies. So Life – in its efforts to survive – tends to gravitate to various “middle paths” between the dysfunctional extremes of chaos and order. In relatively stable times, healthy living systems seek a functional level of order spiced with a certain amount of chaotic creativity and uncertainty. In times of change – when conditions are “far from equilibrium” – healthy living systems display a lot of openness, creativity, and responsive interaction, with just enough of the right kind of order to hold things together and channel the wildness productively. UNhealthy systems show chaos in circumstances where business-as-usual is what would be most functional – and, when creative responsiveness and evolution are needed, unhealthy systems clamp down into fear, order and enforced predictability . ~ Tom Atlee
Chaotic Nodes ~ are clusters of chaotic events. According to the Hathors, Earth has entered a Chaotic Node and, as a result, we can expect ever-increasing levels of chaos—including but not limited to earthquakes, volcanic activity, aberrant weather patterns, ecological distress, as well as economic, social and political turmoil.~ Tom Kenyon
chandrayana – In India, food regulation according to lunar cycles.
change~ we cannot change what we are do not take responsibility to own. Bashar’s Four Laws of Creation, which he claims are intended to assist humanity in recognizing its true nature and function.
- You exist.
- The One is All and the All are One.[12]
- What you put out is what you get back.
- Change is the only constant… Except for the first three laws.
~ Bashar
chanting metaphors – ‘According to Townsley (2001:270), it is crucial that in chanting things should not be called with normal daily words. As a Yaminahua shaman explains, using normal worlds would cause him to ‘crash’ into things. By contrast, with ‘twisted’ words he can ‘circle’ around things and ‘see them clearly’. Metaphorical language is needed to open up to a wider vision of reality which is instrumental for its mystical manipulation. Townsley argues that the metaphorical construction of chants is directly linked to the visions which accompany the chanting. ‘Twisted words’ are meant to create images uttered in the songs, so that they may be visualized by the singer in an inner state of consciousness. Chanting metaphors about the visualization of images is a key feature of Amazonian shamanis. Francois Demange
charisma – the qualities of uncanny authority and moral ascendancy in a leader (sociology). – Max Weber 2) A charismatic person has three attributes, says British Professor Richard Wiseman: they feel emotions themselves quite strongly; they induce them in others; and they are impervious to the influences of other charismatic people
charismatic megavertebrates – rhinoceroses, tigers, and condors.
cheerfulness ~ giving out your unrealistic optimism to inspire others
chetakas – These are servitors of Shiva, akin to elementals. Once drawn into service, they require nourishment. You have to keep this work force happy if you take them on.
chair-sentenced – In a 2005 article in Science magazine, James A. Levine, an obesity specialist at the Mayo Clinic, pinpointed why, despite similar diets, some people are fat and others aren’t. “We found that people with obesity have a natural predisposition to be attracted to the chair, and that’s true even after obese people lose weight,” he says. “What fascinates me is that humans evolved over 1.5 million years entirely on the ability to walk and move. And literally 150 years ago, 90% of human endeavor was still agricultural. In a tiny speck of time we’ve become chair-sentenced,” Levine says. – Business Week, April 30, 2010. ‘Your Office Chair is Killing You’.
chemical race – I asked pharmacognosist, Dr. Varro Tyler, if there was a ‘blueprint’ for each herb, meaning that all the constituents were present in the same proportion to each other in a given plant. He replied that this was not the case, due to several variables. The first is inherent differences in genetic compounds within the same species, which he terms the chemical races (think of the different races of the human species, and the incredible variations in metabolism and visual characteristics). These differences result in distinct alteration of chemical composition. ‘Standardized Extracts’ by Rob McCaleb
chemosynthesis – is the biological conversion of one or more carbon molecules (usually carbon dioxide or methane) and nutrients into organic matter using the oxidation of inorganic molecules (e.g. hydrogen gas, hydrogen sulfide) or methane as a source of energy, rather than sunlight, as in photosynthesis. . . It has been hypothesized that chemosynthesis may support life below the surface of Mars, Jupiter’s moon Europa, and other planets. – Wikipedia. 2) Chemosynthetic microbes provide the foundation for biological colonization of vents. Chemosynthetic microbes live on or below the seafloor, and even within the bodies of other vent animals as symbionts. Where microbial mat covers the seafloor around vents, grazers such as snails, limpets, and scaleworms eat the mat, and predators come to eat the grazers. –
‘chi’ – 1) active vacuum. 2) the power of consciousness as its expresses itself through physicality – Hathors 3) cosmic breath 4) subtlest matter influence – M. Porkert
chime – A quaint, very British substitute word for resonance. Like in: ‘chime in’.
Chiron – The wounded healer centaur: ‘Hercules chased the marauders all the way to Cape Malea, where Chiron himself was struck by one of Hercules’ poisoned arrows, after it had passed through another centaur. The wound would have been fatal, but since Chiron was an immortal, he couldn’t die of the wound, and its pain led him to a search for healing. In his search for a cure for his own wound, Chiron was the discoverer of medicine, which he taught to Asclepius.’ Shamanic sickness as medical training . . .
chirurgery – archaic word for surgery.
chitta~ “Yoga, which is the experience of communion, the experience of unity, the transcendence of the ego, or even the transcendence of duality, is only possible when chitta, which is the sensory mind, is not affected by vritti, the undulations that come to us through the senses. These vritti are like the waves of the sea. Sometimes they are a little agitated, someetimes very agitated. Knowledge and practice lead the yogi to remain unaffected by these undulations.” ~ prem baba 2) “Yogas chitta vritti nirodha.” (“Yogais the neutralization of the vortices of feeling.”) – Patanjali 3) “feeling” is a more precise translation (of chitta) because feeling can go either outward to ego consciousness, which creates lower aspects of the mind, or inward and upward to higher consciousness qualities like self-control, devotion, and calmness. ~swami kriyananda
chrestomathy – Dict.: a collection of selected literary passages, often by one author and esp. from a foreign language
chrism – A consecrated mixture of oil and balsam, used for anointing in church sacraments such as baptism and confirmation. Also called holy oil.; A sacramental anointing, especially upon confirmation into the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Gospel of Philip (which in its entirety might be read as a commentary on Gnostic ritual) relates that the Lord established five great sacraments or mysteries: ‘a baptism and a chrism, and a eucharist, and a redemption, and a bridal chamber.’ –
Christian ~ ‘He alone, therefore, in whom Christ exists and lives is a Christian, a man in whom Christ has been raised out of the wasted flesh of Adam. He will be an heir of Christ—not on account of some merit gained by some one else, nor by some favor conferred upon him by some external power, but by inward grace.
“To believe merely in a historical Christ, to be satisfied with the belief that at some time in the past Jesus has died to satisfy the anger of God, does not constitute a Christian. Such a speculative Christian every wicked devil may be, for every one would like to obtain, without any efforts of his own, something good which he does not deserve. But that which is born from the flesh cannot enter the kingdom of the God. To enter that kingdom one must be reborn in the Spirit.
“Not palaces of stone and costly houses of worship regenerate man ; but the divine spiritual sun, existing in the divine heaven, acting through the divine power of the Word of God in the temple of Christ. A true Christian desires nothing else but that which the Christ within his soul desires. All our religious systems are only the works of intellectual children. We ought to repudiate all our personal desires, disputes, science, and will, if we want to restore the harmony with the mother which gave us birth at the beginning ; for at present our souls are the playgrounds of many hundreds of malicious animals, which we have put there in the place of God, and which we worship for gods. These animals must die before the Christ principle can begin to live therein. Man must return to his natural state (his original purity), before he can become divine. . . . “A Christian is he who lives in Christ, and in whom Christ’s power is active. He must feel the divine fire of love burn in his heart. This fire is the Spirit of Christ, who continually crushes the head of the serpent, meaning the desires of the flesh. The flesh is governed by the will of the world ; but the spiritual fire in man is kindled by the Spirit. He who wants to become a Christian must not boast and say : ‘ I am a Christian !’ but he should desire to become one, and prepare all the conditions necessary that the Christ may live in him. Such a Christian will perhaps be hated and persecuted by the nominal Christians of his time ; but he must bear his cross, and thereby he will become strong. – Jacob Boehme
chronopolitics – Levi-Strauss connected shamanism to psychology, not to performance studies. Levi-Strauss felt shamanism is a precursor to psychoanalysis. Unfortunately Levi-Strauss treats the two hierarchically rather than dialogically. Note the asymmetry as revealed in the term ‘precursor’. A clear example of what Johannes Gabian calls ‘chronopolitics‘. This an evolutionist ideology. ( How about ‘developmental’ ideology, which doesn’t then judge as better or worse, but more from view of different stages of development, as a child is no worse than an adult? – mb) To extend this to performance would imply that the primordial, original nature of shamanism is located before, behind, and therefore somewhat subordinate to contemporary performance. Father and child – all cyclic – one becoming the other.
chrysalis – gold-colored pupa of a butterfly. ‘All that is gold does not glitter’ we may say when confronted with khrus- or khruso-, the combining form of the Greek word khrusos, ‘gold.’ We find this form, for example, in the Greek word khrusallis, ‘chrysalis,’ which refers specifically to a gold-colored pupa. This Greek word gave us our chrysalis, first recorded in English in the 17th century. As Modern English chrys- or chryso- the Greek form khrus- or khruso- has also been used to make words that did not exist in Greek. Among the more interesting of these are chrysocracy, ‘rule of the wealthy,’ and chrysotherapy, ‘the treatment of disease with gold compounds.’
church~ Those of us guiding humankind thru the educational processes that precede awakening . . . do occasionally channel our energies thru the structures of organized religion when the motives of those involved originate in love and their intentions are for the common good. . Despite the best intentions, attempts to organize spirituality almost always fall back upon themselves. . masking the spirit and occasionally even flipping over to become the embodiment of whatever they oppose. .A successful church is transitional, a stepping stone toward consciousness, not a rock upon which generations duplicate the mistakes of the past. . To oriented yourself around a structure of some other human beings understanding is to worship a false god. . to prefer the past-oriented knowledge of another to your own present-moment perception. . ~Ken Carey
circular devotion – in this way we are drawn to the earth, the sea, the stars . . . – Sasha Butterfly
cities – 1) engines of global consumption – carl anthony. 2) a random collection of subhuman emergencies. – Da Free John. 3) a laboratory or clinic in which human nature and social processes may be conveniently and profitably studied – Robert Park 4) the grid
cities of light ~
civilization – 1) the most advanced state of savagery. 2) Civilization is that quality possessed by people with civil governments. Civil government is Europe’s kind of government; Indians did not have Europe’s kind of government, therefore Indians were not civilized. Uncivilized people live in wild anarchy; therefore Indians did not have government at all. And THEREFORE Europeans could not have been doing anything wrong – and were in fact performing a noble mission – by bringing government and civilization to the poor savages. – Francis Jennings 3) Each civilization that has been an experiment on the earth plane has had opportunity to be birthed, to go thru maturation, and to come to conclusion, to alter themselves thru the very purpose of life itself. You are at one of those junctures where your entire civilization is at the threshold of crossing over into a new vibration. It is not for all to cross. – ? 4) The parameters of every civilization are dreamed into being from the spiritual realms by the collective imagination of all the participants. . . civilizations manifest with a wide variety of intents and purposes based on the agreements of their designers and builders. You are not born into a world without contributing to its design, and you are continuously affecting and interacting with the nonphysical structure of your current civilization thru a process of cellular telepathy. You are also telepathically interacting with other structures of reality that are interspersed thru-out time. Your current civilization, like all realities, is composed of structured energy that is located on a frequency band, like a radio station broadcasting its programs from a distinct address. Frequency signatures define and outline the purpose and maintain the continuity of all versions of reality. Many of these realities you have been trained, encouraged – and genetically disposed – to ignore. – The Plaeidians
clairsentience – the ability to feel spherically 2) Clairsentience (also know as psychometry) is the ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding that person, place or thing. A clairsentient is an individual who is empathetic and senses energies. Energies can be light or heavy, smooth or abrasive, prickly or gentle, peaceful and airy or good or bad. For example, when sensing a negative situation a clairsentient may feel sick, while a positive experience may feel like butterflies in the stomach, or a sense of feeling safe, peaceful and light. Learning to discern positive and negative energies can make all the difference when making decisions in life. Spiritual advisors and counselors use clairsentience to feel and sense the information and thought-forms in energy fields. The information about the nature of energies is revealed in colors, lightness, darkness, or emotions such as joy or sadness. Sometimes clairsentients experience a sense of movement or stillness, relaying past, present and future life events. This ability is known to be essential for healers, counselors and therapists, or anyone who works with people – especially a psychic or spiritual advisor. We are all born with this particular psychic ability. It’s learning to regulate and protect the gift of sensing moods and emotions thats the tricky part! Aside from being honest and naive, as children we are very open and tuned into the psychic world. –
clan culture – ‘I know I am ready for such a plunge, and feel that the benefits will accrue to our whole group, who are right now actively discussing where we go from here, further into the psychedelic journey, or outward to non-medicine circles, to use insights and agreements obtained thus far to build our ‘clan culture’ infrastructure. I think it’s a perfect time for both ways to be nurtured, facilitated, and to flourish. Inspiration, vision, and deep personal work feed back into the ongoing growth of a spiritual community; the frontier experience gives the con census settlement reports from outer reality, and insight into our collective condition. –Mike Maki, May, 1999
clocks – devices used to arbitrarily measure the immeasurable.
co–exit – to leave together
coal – geologically processed woodlands, a broad view (which) would include the petrochemical industry as a sub-set of modern herbalism. – David Hoffman
coextensive/coextend – to extend within the same space and time as another.
cognitive implosion – what can happen as you move into two apparently irreconcilable knowledge systems simultaneously. There, reconciliation is . . initiatory. –mb
cognize~ To cognize is an English expression that loosely means the cementing of belief. You believe there is gravity because you have seen it since you were born. It’s invisible, but you believe in it so strongly that you don’t even think about it. It simply “is”. You have cognized gravity. It is not something that you would believe in like you believed in the Tooth Fairy, for instance, as a child. No, it is cognized and it becomes part of you until your last breath. You believe in gravity. We’re going to ask you to cognize the belief that the energy you are moving into is vastly different from the energy you have come from. This is first and it is primary. You have got to cement this into your belief system so strongly that everything you do from now on recognizes the new energy as the new normal. It’s never going to return to the way it was and it’s part of a new plan. It’s almost like you died and came back with gravity that was less and you could do more things. It’s forever and so you must cognize this. ~Kryon
collective consciousness – ‘. .one evening (in Varanasi) I suddenly tapped into their powerful collective consciousness, virtually like ants who all know and understand each others function and purpose and required space to do it from, even though on the surface it just looks like mad chaos. For example in their driving there are no rules, but I am amazed how few accidents I’ve seen. In the West where private personal space is so sacrosanct we lack in this collective consciousness. If we stopped following the rules as the Indians do, life would come to a halt in the midst of violent conflict. Here they seem to know exactly what they can get away with and they accommodate each other with a certain aggressive, but usually respectful interaction. – Steffan Vanel
collective unconscious ~ aka concensus agreement, or manifestation space. It holds the ‘primary belief’, that tells us over and over that our projected dream we call reality is . . real, and maintains the ‘continuity illusion’. When you become aware of this specific resonance point, you can then play with it, find slippage between the parameters of space-time constructs (not depends upon space-time so much to allow something to occur), to loosen it a bit, adjust it, align it, to manifest more of you true self. your more authentic signature vibration, the fundamental frequency of your being. . . to allow things to work for you rather then thinking you have to make them work. for reality to become a little more transparent to yours a projection. all this can increase magically, synchronicity, in your reality ~ Bashar
colloid – a. a substance that consists of particles dispersed throughout another substance which are too small for resolution with an ordinary light microscope but are incapable of passing through a semi permeable membrane b : a mixture consisting of a colloid together with the medium in which it is dispersed <smoke is a colloid> – Mirriam-Webster.
colonialism – a rude interruption (for those colonized).
Colony collapse disorder – “STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — A mysterious illness is killing tens of thousands of honeybee colonies across the country, threatening honey production, the livelihood of beekeepers and possibly crops that need bees for pollination. Researchers are scrambling to find the cause of the ailment, called colony collapse disorder, a quickly growing group of researchers and industry officials trying to solve the mystery. Among the clues being assembled by researchers: — Although the bodies of dead bees often are littered around a hive, sometimes carried out of the hive by worker bees, no bee remains are typically found around colonies struck by the mystery ailment. Scientists assume these bees have flown away from the hive before dying.— From the outside, a stricken colony may appear normal, with bees leaving and entering. But when beekeepers look inside the hive box, they find few mature bees taking care of the younger, developing bees.— Normally, a weakened bee colony would be immediately overrun by bees from other colonies or by pests going after the hive’s honey. That’s not the case with the stricken colonies, which might not be touched for at least two weeks, said Diana Cox-Foster, a Penn State entomology professor investigating the problem. ‘That is a real abnormality,’ Hackenberg said. Cox-Foster said an analysis of dissected bees turned up an alarmingly high number of foreign fungi, bacteria and other organisms and weakened immune systems. Researchers are also looking into the effect pesticides might be having on bees.” –,3566,251365,00.html
comestibles – edible things. As in: ‘More specifically, he (Ross 1978) argues that, in the Amazon, large terrestrial animals – those most susceptible to over predation and difficult to harvest – will be tabooed by the less mobile people who live in large settlements and depend upon fishing and the hunting of smaller animals for the satisfaction of protein needs; conversely, a non-riverine community of mobile people will adopt an unrestricted hunting strategy, show great versatility in its conceptualization of the comestability of animals, and typically engage in activities of sorcery, warfare, and inter village feasts as so many means to maintain access to extensive forest hunting grounds.’
communal peoples – another term for primitive peoples, for indigenous peoples, long residence peoples. Note what happens when you scientize the concept: communism.
community – 1) ‘Developing communities can be about weaving together people that really care about deep core values and are willing to change their lives to bring that into manifestation for themselves.’ – Eaglesong. 2) Another important element of the daimist spirituality created by Padrinho Sebastião is the community. The community is the reference point for the spiritual work of all members. All wonderful acquisitions we get from our spiritual learnings must go back to the community.’ 3) Rampant materialism, along with its ugly stepsisters isolation and compulsion, has been the undoing of community in this country. Community cannot compete with shopping malls or 200 satellite television channels, with Gameboys or the 70-hour workweek. Community requires people gathering with others and talking, singing, questioning and arguing, a rialto where ideas and creativity are the currency – tai moses
community currency – A local currency which represents hours of work. The value of the hours are the same for everyone, worth the same for everyone. Community currency keeps its value stable. Eg – ithaca hours, burlington bread, river hours (Hood River)
community of spirit –
compassion – ‘is not being afraid of the pain of the world. If we are not afraid to see the suffering, then we can be moved to go where we need to go, be what we need to be, say what needs to be said.’ – joanna macy 2) ‘The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all living beings, which are all part of one another and all involved in one another. – Thomas Merton 3) up to the time of The American Revolution . . . The vast majority of goods were consumed close to the places of their production (usually within 20 miles). The producer was no more than a degree of separation from both his customers and his suppliers. He sold to or purchased from most of them directly and knew them by name. What we know about humans is that compassion comes naturally to most people in a proximate setting like that, and that it rapidly diminishes as the organization becomes institutionalized and the management is separated from its customers, suppliers, and employees. – Ross Bishop 4) In the East, disentangling oneself from the world and realizing the One is equated with wisdom. Subsequently descending and returning to embrace the Many is equated with compassion, and the integration of ascent and descent is ‘the union of wisdom and compassion’. – R. Walsh 5) ‘When love overflows and is expressed through every word & deed, we call it Compassion. That is the goal of religion. . . .The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion – it is God’s favorite place.’ – Ammachi 6) proof that we don’t evolve alone. 7) compassion is the practice of taking in the suffering, whether myself or the client, all the way into the marrow of my bones. The word Karuna in Pali means ‘the quivering of the heart’, so there is that place where you really let yourself feel something to the extent that the heart quivers. – Mary Grace Orr 8) Compassion involves the willingness to feel pain . . which brings with it the fear of feeling that pain . . it is our feeling into our shortcomings that can give us a deep entry into compassion, to catch ourselves in our craving, meanness, aggression, and link these into the countless others who are also going thru it, and say ‘may we ALL be free from suffering’. Thus turning our pain into good medicine, poison into medicine.. .Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when you start to make yourself wrong. At that point you could just contemplate the fact that there is a larger alternative to either of those, a more tender, shaky kind of place where you could live. . .- Pema Chodron 9) Early in the 2006 visit, one of the entities (of John of God) asked me with such compassionate eyes and expression, “Why do you wish to see and hear?” It brought me full circle to that early reflection about allowing full intimacy with the world. I knew it wasn’t asked as a challenge so much as a suggestion that I develop more inner clarity. My first thought was of the wish to hear the beauty of a child’s laughter, the sweet music of a stream flowing over rocks, the sigh of the breeze in the trees, music; to see the beauty of the rainbow, the smile, the dew drop. But immediately I knew that wasn’t enough. Along with all those sounds and sights are the harsh and difficult ones; the terrible screams of beings in agony, the roar of a tidal wave or erupting volcano, the cries of grief, the violence of a bomb dropped, limbs torn off and flying through the air. At first I said, “I’m willing to see and hear it all,” then realized an amendment was needed. I want to see and hear it all. Only through intimacy with what some call the 10,000 joys and sorrows does the heart truly open. It’s only here that we begin to know true compassion. Can I then say that I want to hear and see to better know compassion? I spent several days with that question. The end isn’t compassion, but unconditional love. It’s only love that allows us to be fully present to others, and ourselves, only love that can bring forth change. Compassion is the path. And intimacy and presence are the companions to compassion. – Barbara Brodsky 9) Compassion is an ability to look at problems from both sides with equal interest, detachment, and the intense desire to help both sides. Compassion is not emotional love but an inclusive interest in understanding both sides of any problem or event. Compassion not only understands but also enlightens and leads to the highest interests of the people concerned. – Torkom Saraydarian 10) Great compassion is the root of all forms of worship.~ the Dalai Lama 11) Compassion has no self-interest. It is when you honestly want to see the other person happy; you want to see them shine and you respect what they are going through. So how to move from pity to compassion? By freeing yourself of projection.” ~ Sri Prem Baba
compendium of consciousness – …the volumes of memory that travel with you, long after the pages have withered. – Oneness
competition – ‘One may rightfully ask, if love is what we need, then is competition useful anymore? After all, competition has often misguided us into obsessing about destroying others instead of improving ourselves. But competition is just a system we’ve created. We create systems to tie ourselves to action and bring our values into our life. For instance, we may like to think that brushing our teeth represents practical value for us, but we don’t get that value unless we create a system that gets us to brush regularly (i.e. every morning and night). The number of times we brush is a useful metric to check that we are being consistent with our intention to brush daily, but it does not represent the uncountable value of dental hygiene. Similarly, the system of competition is of value not because it gives us a metric of wins and losses, but because it shows us where our edges are. It’s one thing to merely say that we love what we do, but competition is the context in which we get to test our own authenticity. Are we distracted by the fear of external opponents, or can we trust in something more fundamental — our limitless love of what we do. Seen in this light, competition is an invaluable feedback mechanism that helps us become truer to ourselves, and instead of being shunned, it should be embraced with total confidence in our deepest values. – Somik Raha
complexity theory – 1) . . . in which there is basically no duality between man and nature. . . We are part of nature ourselves. We’re in the middle of it. . . . So once you drop the duality . . . then the questions change. You can’t then talk about optimization, because it is meaningless. It would be like parents trying to optimize their behavior in terms of ‘us versus the kids,’ which is a strange point of view if you see yourself as a family. . . . So the question is how to maneuver in a world like that. And the answer is that you want to keep as many options open as possible. You go for viability, something that’s workable, rather than what’s ‘optimal’. . . because optimization isn’t well defined anymore. What you’re trying to do is maximize robustness, or survivability, in the face of an ill-defined future. And that, in turn, puts a premium on becoming aware of nonlinear relationships and causal pathways as best we can. You observe the world very, very carefully, and you don’t expect circumstances to last.’ – Brian Arthur 2) . . . For sustainable development it is indispensable because the normal approach (reductionist science and factional politics) fails so miserably with such an issue – Neil Harrison
compost bliss –
conceptual distancing ~ the practice of avoiding participatory relations with people, with life in general, by relating to them thru mind created abstractions. These concepts are pre-formed in their understandings and therefore disconnect one from the immediacy of the experience, and the understandings that come from direct connections. Conceptual distancing is safe for the ego, and often creates and sustains judgements about others and the world ~ mb
conceptual framework – social constructed filter or lenses thru which one perceives oneself and others.
concentration – the force of awareness
conformity – ‘Millions are waking up, but there are still billions of walking dead, those who continue to anesthetize themselves with addictions, including the greatest addiction of all – conformity.’ Leon Shenandoah
conscious ego ~ “As the conscious ego, you must learn to direct your willpower and say enough to these patterns: ‘Enough already!’ Even if you are going through a withdrawal crisis, you should say NO to this drug, regardless of which one you are using: the addiction to maintaining vanity, defending a point of view, making yourself the victim… Each one of us knows which drug we are addicted to. We all know what drains our energy.” – Sri Prem Baba
conscious dance culture – ‘thrives on the purity of spirit and sweat!’ – DJ Dragonfly
conscious underground – ‘Human is becoming a household name for many involved in the US music scene. A multi-instrumentalist and talented songwriter, Human has performed with many notables in the conscious underground and has toured throughout most of the US and Hawaii promoting social justice and sharing information in the folk tradition.’ – Human promo lit.
consciousness – 1) the relationship of self to source (William Mitchell, N.D.). 2) a tool thru which power symbols are recognized and managed. – Helmut Waustischer. 3) according to materialist (conventional) science: an illusion born of chemical reactions. Hence the sterility of the modern mythos. 4) the working state of the soul – Nature (via M. Smallwright). 5) ‘Consciousness, therefore, is not merely thought, much less intellect or reason. It is the feeling of being alive and being related to all life. Consciousness as pure feeling exists already in the plant and is hidden in the rock, even within the atom itself. – Lad and Frawley 6) the power of evolution 7) pure feeling 8) ‘. . . . Some, like quantum physicist David Bohm, suggest that individual consciousness may be more accurately described as our window on collective consciousness, or our particular manifestation of it. – Tom Atlee 8) When Jung states that “knowledge is the specific nature of the psyche”, he is not talking about intellectual or even cognitive information gathering. He is referring to the organic connection of the cosmos and all that is in it, including human beings. He is alluding to a Oneness model of ontology where everything and every person is composed of the same basic substance, that substance being consciousness, the prima materia of awakening, enlightenment, and individuation. – D. Mihaloew 9) Consciousness is moving into a relationship with thought wherein thought isn;t taken all that seriously. Consciousness, in its transpersonal sense, is moving out of its identitification with form. It has played this dream of form for awhile now and is waking up out of that dream. Whereas before consciousness was identified with thought, it is now freeing itself from the disquise of form ~ that is the unconditioned consciusness that arises. Thoughts then pass thru more quickly when you are not identifying with them, and you find yourself more and more in the space of simple, alert, presence, in which you can perceive without labeling, without the compulsive need of interpreting (which comes from the conditioned mind). Hence a deeper knowing arises from this state of, what is to the mind is ‘unknowing’.- E. Tolle
constitutive power – ‘The boundaries of the discussion, in that we have only suggested the potential importance of a larger notion of order, have been limited to how a different cultural concept of order is a constitutive power in human life and affects concepts of knowledge and meaning. While a consideration of the role of order (and therefore meaning) as a constitutive power in culture and mental life is an obvious necessity, it is less common to look broadly at the implications of the concept of order for the organism at other levels, that is, for the person/group as a whole, including the physiological dimension.’ – M. Lyon 1990; ‘Order and Healing . .’, pg. 255.
consubstantial – Of the same kind or nature; having the same substance or essence. ‘Within the vast continuum of postulated consubstantiality (concerning the spiritual essence of nature’s beings) there are internal borders marked by differences in modes of communication.’ – Descola, P.; ‘In the Society of Nature’ pg. 98.
consumption – 100 years ago the name consumption was the name of a dreaded disease. Now it describes the economy.
consumeritis – . Since the cosmological context within which all human activity takes place has lost any ground for transcendent values–spiritual, moral, aesthetic–the values of the marketplace and mass media freely colonize the human imagination and drain it of all depth. In the contemporary world, a disenchanted world view essentially empowers the utilitarian mindset to colonize all human subjectivity. The drive for ever greater financial profit, political power, and technological prowess supersedes all other aspirations. The utilitarian impulses of instrumental reason inevitably take over as ends rather than means. In turn, anxiety in the face of a meaningless cosmos and the loss of a coherent world view creates a spiritual hunger, an alienation and disorientation, which leads to an addictive hunger for ever more material goods, a pathological consumerism that cannibalizes the planet in a kind of self-destructive frenzy. Highly pragmatic consequences ensue from the schizoid modern world view. – Richard Tarnas 2) Consumerism is just another aspect of greed. Other aspects of greed are eating and talking unnecessarily. There is a long list of numbing mechanisms which are activated when you are not coping with reality. – Prem Baba 3) “We are a tribal organism (10-100 people usually) yet we are in a society that rewards individuality, personal achievement, and perfectionism. This produces feelings of isolation, and the need to belong. Consumerism creates a pecking order (personal achievement) that fulfills this need.” – Terry Willard
contemplation – (positive) hones our signal, so that our allies can find us – C. Casey. (negative) Compassion for earthly beings became abstracted into contemplation of an off-planet God during the reformation (and cleared the path for the destruction wrought of colonization in its many forms – mb)- Matthew Fox
continuum of consciousness –
control – Many of you do not understand that it is the exact pressure that would control (in its suppressive definition) you that transforms you. The exact thing that would destroy you, if you use your will within it, would strengthen you. The kinder you are to your body and the more you use your mind to energize your body, to clean your body, to get clear about what you want and the vibration that you will participate in, then you get energy that would (will?) flatten you and you will turn it around and it will strengthen you because you will be able to transmute it. – Plaeidians
Conversation – is not just about conveying information or sharing emotions, not just a way of putting ideas into peoples’ heads. Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet, they don’t just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains of thought. Conversation doesn’t just reshuffle the cards: it creates new cards.’ — philosopher, historian and author Theodore Zeldin
conversion magic – acculturation via hypnotic or magnetic effects. Much like the effects consumerism has on many non-industrial peoples.
convulsionaries – ‘Another related result (of 18th cent. interest in shamanism) was the European reflection about enthusiasm, madness, spirit possession, convulsionaries, and the arts of performance . . .’
Copenhagen interpretation – formulated in Copenhagen by Dr. Niels Bohr and his co-workers c. 1926-28. The Copenhagen Interpretation is sometimes called ‘model agnosticism’ and holds that any grid we use to organize our experience of the world is a model of the world and should not be confused with the world itself. Alfred Korzybski, the semanticist, tried to popularize this outside physics with the slogan, ‘The map is not the territory.’ Alan Watts, a talented exegete of Oriental philosophy, restated it more vividly as ‘The menu is not the meal.’ – Robert Anton Wilson
Cordoba Caliphate – considered the most educated and liberal place in Europe during the 10th century,
coresence – relating to the ‘core essence’ of something.
corybant – any of the spirits or secondary divinities attending the earth Goddess Cybele with wild music and dancing. To be corybantic is to be frenzied, agitated, unrestrained.
Cosmic consciousness – We need to think about the possibility that many other human cultures were right in perceiving a cosmic consciousness that creates itself as it goes and that is intelligent at every step of the way. . . that consciousness is the source of evolution, rather than a late product of an evolution. E. Sahourtis
Cosmic cruiser – the universal saddhu, California style . . – Shimshai
cosmic hubris – To assume that purpose, meaning, and conscious intelligence are solely attributes of the human being, and that the great cosmos itself is a soulless void, reflects an invisible act of ‘cosmic hubris’ on the part of the modern self. In essence, our task may be to move from an I-It relationship with the universe to an I-Thou relationship. – R. Tarnas
Cosmic race – In Mexico in 1928 at the insistence of the philosopher José Vasconcelos, then Minister de Education, it was named Día de la Raza (Day of the Race), denomination of the Iberian-American Union in 1913 to declare a new identity formed by the encounter of the Spaniards with the native peoples of the Americas. In 1902, the Mexican poet Amado Nervo had written a poem in honor of Benito Juárez (a Zapoteca Indian), which he read in the House of Representatives, titled Raza de Bronce (Race of Bronze) praising the indigenous race, title which later in 1919 the Bolivian author Alcides Arquedas would give his book. Bronze (noble metal amalgamated of various metals) came to be metaphor for mestizaje (the mixing of the races.) According to the thinking of Vasconcelos, a Cosmic Race, the race of the future, is the noble race that is formed in the Americas since October 12, 1492, the race of mestizaje, an amalgam of the indigenous races of the Americas, the Europeans, the Africans, the Asians, the world – in a word, the human race made of a mixture of all the races which Vasconcelos called the Cosmic Race. – Rafael Gonzales
Cosmogenesis – “None of the scientists of the seventeenth, eighteenth, or nineteenth centuries knew the larger implications of what they were doing or the discoveries they were making. Yet each of the major figures was contributing something essential to a pattern of interpretation that would only become clear in the mid-twentieth century. Only now can we see with clarity that we live not so much in a cosmos as in a cosmogenesis, a cosmogenesis best presented in narrative; scientific in its data, mythic in its form.” – B. Swimme and T. Berry
cosmogony – Dogon mythology describes the creation of the universe in terms of contrasting motions. In his initial act of creation, Amma threw out the seed of the world, which radiated out in four directions forming the surface of the earth. Myth also illustrates the basic structure of the cosmos as a tripartite division of space: a heavenly realm and a lower realm linked by an axis mundi through the human sphere. In myth, creative acts, such as Amma mating with the earth, or the descent of the ‘ark’ of the culture-bringing Nummo, take place along this vertical axis which links the two supernatural realms of heaven and the womb of the earth. Therefore, mythic narration describes two creative processes: movement up and down a vertical axis, and the radiation in four directions from a center. These processes related to the two ways of looking at cosmogony (origin of the universe): a vertical, three-part division of space and a horizontal, four-part division of space. – Barbara DeMott
cosmologies of resonance – 1) as above, so below 2) when ‘worlds harmoniously arise from, or descend into, one another like notes in a univeral octave’ – P.L.Travers, 1950
cosmological project – ‘Globalization is not a natural, evolutionary, or inevitable phenomenon, as is often argued. Globalization is a political process which has been forced on the weak by the powerful. Globalization is not merely an economic project of economic integration. It is a cosmological project through which the world order and our place in it are being rewritten. What is sacred and what is dispensable is being rewritten. What has value and what is valueless is being rewritten. What should be protected and what can be sacrificed is being rewritten. Shiva, V. – Diversity and Democracy
cosmonomic – ‘Their ethno-etiology thus relates human illness to environmental abuse; disease is thus cosmonomic mismanagement.’
cosmopolitan – ‘In the jungles and tundra, shamanism is dying. An intensely local kind of knowledge is being abandoned in favor of various kinds of knowledge which are cosmopolitan and distant-led. Vitebsky, Piers – Counterworks
cosmopolite – a sophisticated person who has traveled in many countries. Note the importance of being polite.
cosmos – “In a number of North American Indian languages the term world (= Cosmos) is also used in the sense of year. The Yokuts says ‘the world has passed,’ meaning ‘a year has gone by.’ For the Yuki, the year is expressed by the words for earth or world. […] The cosmos is conceived [of] as a living unity that is born, develops, and dies on the last day of the year, to be reborn on New Year’s Day. […] At every New Year, time begins ab initio.” – M Eliade in ‘Sacred and the Profane‘
cosmosis –
cotemporous – the witch hunting hysteria ‘aimed at annihilating women in Europe as knowers and experts was cotemporous with two centuries of scientific revolution. V. Shiva – Staying Alive, pg. 18.
coterminus – having the same bounds or limits. Culture is not coterminus with language (?). Durkheim: ‘in primitive societies religious and social life werecoterminous‘.
cotton – densified smoke
compound individuality – Hierarchically ordered structures and emergents (properties or capacities that emerge de novo at certain levels of hierarchy) cannot be interpreted simply in terms of, nor considered as parts of, lower order phenomena. For example, when atoms of hydrogen and oxygen combine, the result is a molecule of water with novel emergent properties, such as wetness. These emergent properties are totally unpredictable from the properties of its constituent atoms and cannot be described in terms of atoms–and, of course, the water molecule is not contained within its atoms. So too life, or the biosphere, is not simply contained in, reducible to, or explicable simply in terms of, the physiosphere: the realm of pure matter. Life has emergent properties not found in the properties of its chemical constituents. Life, in other words, has properties and capacities that seem to defy description in terms of the movements of the mere molecules. Likewise, the noosphere (the realm of sentient life) emerges from and is not simply in the biosphere. That is, the noosphere is not a component of the larger whole called biosphere but is an emergent that in some sense transcends it. Ontologically, the noosphere thus cannot be reduced to, or considered merely as, a strand of the biosphere. And humans are compound individuals comprised of all three ‘spheres’ or levels; we cannot be regarded simply as strands of the biosphere which comprises only the physical and biological levels. This is a difficult but important argument which can only be sketched briefly here. It appears to resolve a number of puzzles that have plagued ecological thinking such as how one can accord greater value to some forms of life, including humans, than others while simultaneously honoring all life. Wilber argues at length that this perspective is not antiecological, as it might appear at first glance. Rather, he insists that it naturally results in an enhanced concern for life and the environment which are now recognized as parts of one’s own compound individuality. – R.Walsh
Council of All Beings – One of the forms of interaction that have evolved within deep ecology to challenge human-centeredness, and to try to reach out to this identification and solidarity with all life that Naess speaks of, is the Council of All Beings. The people gathering in the Council try to be a voice for other life forms, such as plants and animals, and for the wind, rivers, mountains, etc. Sometimes participants make a mask to speak through to represent the non-human entity they represent. Each being speaks before the other members of the Council, of how humankind has negatively impacted upon them. Drums, flutes or other musical instruments can be used to call the Council together, or is used after each Council member speaks. A Council of all Beings is actually a very moving experience for most participants, to enable them to step outside of our taken-for-granted human-centered roles. David Orton
Council ways – . . in contrast to pyramidal societies.
course-correction vision – 1) A therapeutic vision that drug addicts and alcoholics often report when relating their experience with plant-based entheogens such as peyote or ayahuasca: under the influence of these botanical sacraments, a person may report becoming clearly aware of hitherto hidden patterns of thought and behavior that are leading them in a self-destructive direction – and therefore feel empowered to make health preserving new choices. – Ralph Metzner 2) ‘If you don;t change your direction, you’re likely to end up where you are going’ – Native American saying
creativity – as: our capacity not to resist the dimensional downloading process. The more open one is to this impulse, the more s/he can conduct life/information force, the more this dualistic reality is touched by ‘working the poles’ to stimulate the alchemy by which this reality template crystallizes its growth. Mb – ! 2) ‘Creativity is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God.’ – Bob Moawad 3) Times you fall out, . it’s all right, part of the process. . come back to the heart centered space. . think of things that light you up .. some are more thought oriented, than feeling oriented and it can be difficult. . for these people just think of being creative, without having an outcome. .like the joy of painting in the moment, not to create a masterpiece. . write for the joy of creative process in this moment, not because you want to create a (beginner mind) best seller. . act of creation. . like when we were a child we explored because everything was new. . by using the creative energy, you are putting yourself in the present moment. . when you are in present moment you are heart centered, and visa versa. . or if you are feeling person and are experiencing anxiety you may cut off your feeling because it doesn’t feel good to feel . the limiting programs are rising, and you want to stuff them now. . set up a practice for yourself, a creative practice, that you can do on a daily basis.. hopefully multiple times thru the day. . keep coming back to the space . .then in that heart centered flow space if these feelings come you can just allow yourself to feel . .don’t judge what’s coming up just acknowledge how it is feeling in the body. . to know these subtle frequencies you have got to observe. . anything you want to be good at, you have to observe. . ~ Plaeidians
Creation – attention + intention = manifestation. When this is coupled with the understanding of the underlying Oneness of All, its the start of the way out of a life identified with the self projected into illusion. 2) we were created so that in our relative freedom, we might return the love that created us and sustains us to eternity. Creation is therefore the vehicle thru which, by love, the means of conjoining, the many is made as one. Human marriage, and even sexual union, are correspondences of this conjunction or union with the Divine – W. Van Dusen 2) The spiritual life of a human being means, in simple terms, life in the spiritual recognition of, and obedience to, Creation, its laws and commandments. This alone is the guideline that the Pleiadians adhere to regarding a philosophy of life and a lifestyle tuned in to Creation. This must be the final goal for humans on Earth as well. Creation means the same as love, life, spirit, truth, wisdom, logic, and intelligence, built upon the Creative laws and commandments, which are valid and absolutely unchangeable for all time and eternity. Only a life form which recognizes, lives, and obeys the true knowledge of Creation, the spirit which results from it, and related laws and commandments of Creation, can live the true way and in accordance with Creation itself. This means that the life form is living with true knowledge of the truth and with the truth of Creation and spirit, in fulfillment of the Creative, natural laws and commandments which are valid universally, without any weird and false faith in illogical and anti-intelligent forms of belief. – Pleiadians 3) a glorious, glowing lotus
Creation-body – The microcosm of Gaia (and beyond), as it exists within our physical human frame. Aka our essential bio-lineage (planetary genetics), our focal point in an organic universe of nested patterns of resonance, our embodied evolutionary heritage.
creation-cycle ~ When we want to avoid a negative experience, its gets us into a loop, into a creation-cycle with it. To break that cycle, take the attitude that I am fine, thankful the way I am, but am curious about how it would be to have such and such positive experience ~ ‘P’leiadians
creation‘s embrace – I first felt Creation’s embrace as a boy of fifteen, walking up into a mountain valley behind the farm. For a few minutes I was completely filled with the love of this sacred land, a quality of love I had never experienced before. A seed was planted in me that nurtured my spirit through the next two decades until it was time to look deeply into who I was, and begin the healing. – Steven Thompson, Waitaha
creativity – 1) Creativity is all about realizing what is already there, cutting through the limitations of mind and matter. It is indeed a Mystical Science that gives us the ability to expand beyond the limits of our conscious self and gaze into the Unknown. To create is our natural state of Being. To fully live in The Flow that we encounter when we trust our instincts and the fact that we are an extension of Creation itself. Aligned with this Divine Frequency there are no limits whatsoever to our Cosmic Experience. – Yogini 2) waking the unconscious mind. 3) ‘The way to nurture creative people is not through television; we want to sustain the womb of soul and the spiritual aesthetic sensitivity that the child is born with. It stays with them longer if they haven’t been prematurely pushed out into the madness, as Rudolph Steiner taught, as Waldorf education teaches. You do need culture and art and all the things that feed your deep spirit, but you will have to make decisions about quality. Get the trash out of your life if you want a healthy creative spirit.’ – Richard Tarnas
crepuscular – of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct. 2. Zoology: appearing or active at night, as in certain bats or insects. ‘The (ayahuasca) vision does not therefore present the characteristics of a crepuscular state of consciousness.’
criminal – A person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation — Clarence Darrow
crisis – 1) crises afford life unusual evolutionary opportunities to create novel solutions – E. Sahourtis. 2) Crisis means ‘opportunity’ in Chinese.
crisis narratives – that which keeps 3rd world development experts employed. The more crisis narratives, the more resources are allocated to experts to solve them. They have an investment in these crises (sort of).
criteria of validity – I believe that defending positions is very limiting, and tends to entrench one in one’s errors. Rather, one should attempt to validate or invalidate all claims, including one’s own. If one’s position is right, then one will be able to invalidate all claims against it, which will resemble ‘defending’ the position. Severely testing all claims is a form of conceptual evolution, leaving only the fittest, most defendable positions. But defending one’s own position because it’s one’s own is an ego-defense game. Of course, there is the huge question of the criteria of validity. – ?
cross– possessioning – ‘Dealing with the many fears that come of confronting the psychic unknown, of undoing held patterns of self-identity and supposed truths necessary for ego dissolution and restructuring, and of dealing with realms long taboo in mainstream Western culture, are often part of the entry into the knowledges which construct much of the deep herbalist perspective. Foremost among these is a central element of the proposed ‘language of organismic growth (LOG)’: you know something by becoming what it is that is you want to know. Restated: you become that which is the healer (a plant, an animal, an element, an ecosystem) and are healed, empowered, renewed, etc. by that experienced identification. As I am dealing with herbalism, we shall restrict the discussion to plants and cross-possessioning between plants and humans.’ – mb 2) ‘Another way of stating how all creation evolves thru the human vehicle. When humans realize the sacred in that which they observe>commune (tree, mountain, star, etc) then those ‘things’ novel ualities in themselves in potentially transformative ways; this thru resonance (cross-possessioning) with the emerging human self-reflective awareness – mb
crowdsourcing ~ . . . is a portmanteau of “crowd” and “outsourcing,” first coined by Jeff Howe in a June 2006 Wired magazine article “The Rise of Crowdsourcing”.[2][3] Howe explains that because technological advances have allowed for cheap consumer electronics, the gap between professionals and amateurs has been diminished. Companies are then able to take advantage of the talent of the public, and Howe states that “It’s not outsourcing; it’s crowdsourcing.” A less commercial approach was introduced by Henk van Ess in September 2010: “Crowdsourcing is channelling the experts’ desire to solve a problem and then freely sharing the answer with everyone”. ~ Wikipedia
crystal gong – One of my Nez Perce ancestors says that as the ages change, at the center of the universe a great crystal is stuck like a gong, and that vibration is a new sound that will ring down to fill every one of us and change us forever. I think it has just been struck: I see movement at many different underground levels, just beginning to bubble to the surface. I believe in the critical mass theory of powerful movement and change – that a relatively small percentage of the mass can shift the totality. It’s like a wave rolling, like an enormous, powerful force, very gentle and simple, and yet as it comes rolling in it really begins to push and tumble things around, like a domino effect. My teachers say that if we stand in the light, the light is shed on ten thousand. One thing I’m trying to do, again and again, is to make sure that I’m standing in the light, and to urge my students in this direction as well! – brooke medicine eagle –
crucible – “a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact to produce something new.” – O.E.D. ORIGIN late Middle English: from medieval Latin crucibulum ‘night lamp, crucible’ (perhaps originally a lamp hanging in front of a crucifix), from Latin crux, cruc- ‘cross’.
cultural media – Cultural performance are composed out of what he (Milton Singer) calls ‘cultural media‘ – modes of communication – combined in many ways to express the content of a particular culture.
culture – 1) ‘momentary coherency’s of point events in time and space, intentional worlds that flare intensely and slowly fade’ – G. Maskeneric. 2) ‘an aesthetic space utilized by pronouns to choreograph themselves thru a score of strategic social maneuvers.’!! – V. Turner 3) those patterns of learned behavior which certain ‘parts’ of the social organism (individual persons or groups of persons) characteristically display.’ – Wallace, 1956. 4) learned, nonrandom, systematic behavior and knowledge that can be transmitted from generation to generation. 5) ‘Culture or civilization is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society – E. Tylor 8) Mathew Arnold said that ‘to be cultured is to be acquainted with the highest possibilities of the human spirit throughout time.’
culture of Nature – Nature births human cultures into existence as further extensions of ecosystemic life, as more conscious expressions of Gaian intelligence. In this way marriage customs, agricultural and hunting practices, spirit communications, rites of passage, mythic identities, and so on, originally replicate the relations by which lightening, clouds, wind, forests, deserts, oceans, and rivers, create, maintain, dissolve, and recreate the world around them. These relations run thru every dimension of the earth’s body, thru the elements, the rocks, plants, animals, and humans. – mb
culture of poverty – a self-perpetuating complex of escapism, impulse gratification, despair, and resignation; an adaptation and reaction of the poor to the marginal position in a class-stratified, highly individuated, capitalistic society. –
current events ~The world as you know it is in a continuing state of flux as the circumstances that consume the headlines of your news media continue to cry out for resolution. These are times that invite you to consider the reality of energy playing out as experience, and to resist the inclination to interpret these circumstances in a literal way. The events that swirl around you are simply symbolism. These events have been culled forth from the depths of the ethers in which these possibilities were conceived as pure potentiality, at a time that predates the entire concept of “history.” Now, when the moment is ripe for a particular manifestation to be called forth, so that it might be perceived as experience, you are quick to point fingers at the imagery before you and to blame certain individuals for causing the difficulty. It is easy for forget, in the heat of the moment, that the catalyst for the situations you face as a world population are not the few individuals who have chosen to represent the masses in these times. These very few beings are far from being responsible for the essence of the circumstances with which you as a world population now contend. They have simply volunteered to serve symbolically, in this way, giving physical definition to a standpoint that has been created vibrationally …by the collective of the population at large. The way to transform these conditions is not simply to think in terms of ousting those in power and replacing them with other figureheads. For the responsibility for the state of your world was not caused by them. It was caused by you. All of you. The circumstances at hand are simply a reflection. They are reflective of the collective mindset …the sum total of the thought patterns, the biases, and the unresolved emotional baggage that each of you brings to the moment at hand. These circumstances could be shifted in a heartbeat if all were to focus their energies not on casting blame upon others but on scrutinizing one’s own agenda and the state of beingness each of you brings to the moment at hand. It is you who is creating the world as you know it by the contribution each of you makes to the medium of physicality, simply by being present in these times.’ – Oneness
cusp of an era – time in-between, the time of transition
cycles of meaning – ‘In non-industrial societies the underlying mythology, ritual preparation, and attention to due process enables initiates to engage safely with archetypal material. This occurs under the guidance of shamans or medicine people who have the requisite knowledge of entire cycles of meaning and of the symbolic transformations involved.’ Prattis
cyclic time – “In a number of North American Indian languages the term world (= Cosmos) is also used in the sense of year. The Yokuts says ‘the world has passed,’ meaning ‘a year has gone by.’ For the Yuki, the year is expressed by the words for earth or world. […] The cosmos is conceived [of] as a living unity that is born, develops, and dies on the last day of the year, to be reborn on New Year’s Day. […] At every New Year, time begins ab initio.” – M. Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane, p. 7
cymatics – In 1967, Swiss scientist Hans Jenny published the first of his painstaking studies of the vibrational affects on physical mediums such as water, plaster, oil and sand- Cymatics. By transmitting sound in the shape of a monitored frequency through these elements he was able to capture on film the exact geometric pattern that sound makes as its vibrations move through these substances. Changing the vibration altered the shape of the geometry captured in the receiving substance- a low frequency produced a simple circle encompassed by a ring, whereas a higher frequency increased the number of concentric rings around a central circle. As the frequencies rose so too did the complexity of shapes, to the point where tetrahedrons, mandalas and Pythagorean forms could be discernible. Jenny not only managed to solidify sound, he also enabled humanity to observe frozen music. (from ‘Sounds and Crop Circles’ – Freddy Silva)